Компьютеры: прочее

Различные книги в жанре Компьютеры: прочее

Психология трейдера: что такое азарт?

Алексей Злобин

Так как психологический фактор является достаточно значимым по своему влиянию на успешную деятельность на бирже, то и было принято решение написать это издание. Речь сегодня пойдет об азарте игры. О том, что такое переживание посещает трейдера, и о том, что это – зло. И ещё мы хотели бы найти действенные способы борьбы с этим злом. Давайте попробуем расставить акценты.

Признание трейдера-скальпера

Алексей Злобин

В век высоких технологий у трейдеров валютных, фондовых и других бирж появилась возможность работать дома, сидя за ноутбуком или персональным компьютером. Почти ушла в прошлое работа в здании, где в одном помещении куча трейдеров-скальперов орет и звонит каждую секунду, заключает сделки в суматохе и рвет волосы от потерянных денег. Работать дома, посреди сада или даже на берегу моря куда приятнее. Обстановка должна быть спокойная и умиротворенная. Но так ли это?

Основы проектирования приложений интернета вещей. Конспект курса лекций

Алексей Корнилов

Третий закон Кларка гласит, что «любая достаточно развитая технология неотличима от магии». В этом смысле интернет вещей и технологии «цифровых двойников» напоминают магию Вуду: чтобы управлять объектом, надо создать его модель («двойника»), и пусть все, что происходит с двойником, происходит и в реальности… Современные платформы позволяют создавать приложения интернета вещей просто и быстро, как это делается – предмет данного курса лекций.

Искусственный интеллект: начала многомерного строчного множества. Сингулярность неизбежна

Сергей Владимирович Соболенко

На страницах книги вы узнаете о революционной технологии многомерного строчного множества (Multidimensional String Multiplicity), открытой в 2017 году, – методе глубокого классифицирования и описания смыслов естественного языка, заключающегося в cохранении наследственной информации классов объектов; а также о практическом опыте применения данной технологии и его перспективах. Книга ориентирована на широкий круг читателей и будет интересна как любителям популярной науки, так и профессионалам.

Поэзия 21 века


«Поэзия – это живопись, которую слышат». Леонардо да Винчи «Поэтический образ – это всегда трансляция смысла». Федерико Гарсиа Лорка

Group Policy, Profiles, and IntelliMirror for Windows 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. Mark Minasi Windows Administrator Library

Jeremy Moskowitz

The Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) is a dramatic step forward in the way Group Policy is administered. This book provides all the instruction and insight you need to take full control of your Active Directory with GPMC and other Group Policy tools. You'll also learn techniques for implementing IntelliMirror, making it possible for users to work securely from any location; and you'll find intensive troubleshooting advice, insider tips on keeping your network secure, and hundreds of clear examples that will help you accomplish all your administration goals. You will learn to: Create and manage all Group Policy functions within Active Directory Understand Group Policy differences in Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 systems Troubleshoot Group Policy using Support tools, Resource Kit utilities, log files, registry hacks, and third-party tools Create and deploy custom settings for managing client systems Manage, secure, and audit client and server systems Script complex operations, including linking, back-up, restore, permissions changes, and migrating Set up Local, Roaming, and Mandatory profiles Set up and manage IntelliMirror components with Group Policy Use Group Policy Software Installation to perform hands-off installations Use Remote Installation Services to automate the installation of new Windows systems Ensure the safety of your users' data with Redirected Folders and Shadow Copies About the Series The Mark Minasi Windows Administrator Library is designed to equip system administrators with in-depth technical solutions to the many challenges associated with administering Windows in an enterprise setting. The series editor is leading Windows NT/2003 expert Mark Minasi, who selects the topics and authors and develops and reviews each book to ensure that every entry in the series meets your needs and helps you achieve your goals.

The SSCP Prep Guide. Mastering the Seven Key Areas of System Security

Debra Isaac S.

SSCP (System Security Certified Practitioner) is the companion test to CISSP, appealing to the practitioners who implement the security policies that the CISSP-certified professionals create Organized exactly like the bestselling The CISSP Prep Guide (0-471-41356-9) by Ronald L. Krutz and Russell Dean Vines, who serve as consulting editors for this book This study guide greatly enhances the reader's understanding of how to implement security policies, standards, and procedures in order to breeze through the SSCP security certification test CD-ROM contains a complete interactive self-test using all the questions and answers from the book, powered by the Boson test engine

Phishing. Cutting the Identity Theft Line

Rachael Lininger

"Phishing" is the hot new identity theft scam. An unsuspecting victim receives an e-mail that seems to come from a bank or other financial institution, and it contains a link to a Web site where s/he is asked to provide account details. The site looks legitimate, and 3 to 5 percent of people who receive the e-mail go on to surrender their information-to crooks. One e-mail monitoring organization reported 2.3 billion phishing messages in February 2004 alone. If that weren't enough, the crooks have expanded their operations to include malicious code that steals identity information without the computer user's knowledge. Thousands of computers are compromised each day, and phishing code is increasingly becoming part of the standard exploits. Written by a phishing security expert at a top financial institution, this unique book helps IT professionals respond to phishing incidents. After describing in detail what goes into phishing expeditions, the author provides step-by-step directions for discouraging attacks and responding to those that have already happened. In Phishing, Rachael Lininger: Offers case studies that reveal the technical ins and outs of impressive phishing attacks. Presents a step-by-step model for phishing prevention. Explains how intrusion detection systems can help prevent phishers from attaining their goal-identity theft. Delivers in-depth incident response techniques that can quickly shutdown phishing sites.

The Art of Intrusion. The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders and Deceivers

Kevin D. Mitnick

Hacker extraordinaire Kevin Mitnick delivers the explosive encore to his bestselling The Art of Deception Kevin Mitnick, the world's most celebrated hacker, now devotes his life to helping businesses and governments combat data thieves, cybervandals, and other malicious computer intruders. In his bestselling The Art of Deception, Mitnick presented fictionalized case studies that illustrated how savvy computer crackers use «social engineering» to compromise even the most technically secure computer systems. Now, in his new book, Mitnick goes one step further, offering hair-raising stories of real-life computer break-ins-and showing how the victims could have prevented them. Mitnick's reputation within the hacker community gave him unique credibility with the perpetrators of these crimes, who freely shared their stories with him-and whose exploits Mitnick now reveals in detail for the first time, including: A group of friends who won nearly a million dollars in Las Vegas by reverse-engineering slot machines Two teenagers who were persuaded by terrorists to hack into the Lockheed Martin computer systems Two convicts who joined forces to become hackers inside a Texas prison A «Robin Hood» hacker who penetrated the computer systems of many prominent companies-andthen told them how he gained access With riveting «you are there» descriptions of real computer break-ins, indispensable tips on countermeasures security professionals need to implement now, and Mitnick's own acerbic commentary on the crimes he describes, this book is sure to reach a wide audience-and attract the attention of both law enforcement agencies and the media.

Unauthorised Access. Physical Penetration Testing For IT Security Teams

Wil Allsopp

The first guide to planning and performing a physical penetration test on your computer's security Most IT security teams concentrate on keeping networks and systems safe from attacks from the outside-but what if your attacker was on the inside? While nearly all IT teams perform a variety of network and application penetration testing procedures, an audit and test of the physical location has not been as prevalent. IT teams are now increasingly requesting physical penetration tests, but there is little available in terms of training. The goal of the test is to demonstrate any deficiencies in operating procedures concerning physical security. Featuring a Foreword written by world-renowned hacker Kevin D. Mitnick and lead author of The Art of Intrusion and The Art of Deception, this book is the first guide to planning and performing a physical penetration test. Inside, IT security expert Wil Allsopp guides you through the entire process from gathering intelligence, getting inside, dealing with threats, staying hidden (often in plain sight), and getting access to networks and data. Teaches IT security teams how to break into their own facility in order to defend against such attacks, which is often overlooked by IT security teams but is of critical importance Deals with intelligence gathering, such as getting access building blueprints and satellite imagery, hacking security cameras, planting bugs, and eavesdropping on security channels Includes safeguards for consultants paid to probe facilities unbeknown to staff Covers preparing the report and presenting it to management In order to defend data, you need to think like a thief-let Unauthorised Access show you how to get inside.