The mobile industry for wireless cellular services has grown at a rapid pace over the past decade. Similarly, Internet service technology has also made dramatic growth through the World Wide Web with a wire line infrastructure. Realization for complete wired/wireless mobile Internet technologies will become the future objectives for convergence of these technologies through multiple enhancements of both cellular mobile systems and Internet interoperability. Flawless integration between these two wired/wireless networks will enable subscribers to not only roam worldwide, but also to solve the ever increasing demand for data/Internet services. In order to keep up with this noteworthy growth in the demand for wireless broadband, new technologies and structural architectures are needed to greatly improve system performance and network scalability while significantly reducing the cost of equipment and deployment. Dr. Rhee covers the technological development of wired/wireless internet communications in compliance with each iterative generation up to 4G systems, with emphasis on wireless security aspects. By progressing in a systematic matter, presenting the theory and practice of wired/wireless mobile technologies along with various security problems, readers will gain an intimate sense of how mobile internet systems operate and how to address complex security issues. Features: Written by a top expert in information security Gives a clear understanding of wired/wireless mobile internet technologies Presents complete coverage of various cryptographic protocols and specifications needed for 3GPP: AES, KASUMI, Public-key and Elliptic curve cryptography Forecast new features and promising 4G packet-switched wireless internet technologies for voice and data communications Provides MIMO/OFDMA-based for 4G systems such as Long Term Evolution (LTE), Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB), Mobile WiMax or Wireless Broadband (WiBro) Deals with Intrusion Detection System against worm/virus cyber attacks The book ideal for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in courses such as Wireless Access Networking, Mobile Internet Radio Communications. Practicing engineers in industry and research scientists can use the book as a reference to get reacquainted with mobile radio fundamentals or to gain deeper understanding of complex security issues.
Fraud poses a significant threat to the Internet. 1.5% of all online advertisements attempt to spread malware. This lowers the willingness to view or handle advertisements, which will severely affect the structure of the web and its viability. It may also destabilize online commerce. In addition, the Internet is increasingly becoming a weapon for political targets by malicious organizations and governments. This book will examine these and related topics, such as smart phone based web security. This book describes the basic threats to the Internet (loss of trust, loss of advertising revenue, loss of security) and how they are related. It also discusses the primary countermeasures and how to implement them.
This book will be the first covering the subject of IP address management (IPAM). The practice of IPAM includes the application of network management disciplines to IP address space and associated network services, namely DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name System). The consequence of inaccurately configuring DHCP is that end users may not be able to obtain IP addresses to access the network. Without proper DNS configuration, usability of the network will greatly suffer as the name-to-address lookup process may fail. Imagine having to navigate to a website or send an email or an instant message by IP address instead of by name! It's equally important that these DHCP and DNS configurations be based on a common IP address plan, which maps out the IP address hierarchy, subnets, address pools, and domains. IPAM applies management disciplines to these core services, including configuration, change control, auditing, reporting and so on, and they are necessary given the absolute requirement for properly managing IP space and DHCP and DNS servers. The linkages among an IP address plan, DHCP server configuration and DNS server configuration are inseparable; a change of an IP address will affect DNS information and perhaps DHCP as well. These functions provide the foundation for today's converged services IP networks, so they need to be managed using a rigorous approach. Today, there is no single book that covers the management of these linkages and services they provide; IP Address Management Principles and Practice will fill that gap. While several books are available for leading vendors' DHCP and DNS services implementations, few exist for IP address planning, and none exist that unifies these three topics. To obtain a free copy of the IPAM Configuration Guide please send an email to: [email protected]
Complete coverage of the current major public key cryptosystems their underlying mathematics and the most common techniques used in attacking them Public Key Cryptography: Applications and Attacks introduces and explains the fundamentals of public key cryptography and explores its application in all major public key cryptosystems in current use, including ElGamal, RSA, Elliptic Curve, and digital signature schemes. It provides the underlying mathematics needed to build and study these schemes as needed, and examines attacks on said schemes via the mathematical problems on which they are based – such as the discrete logarithm problem and the difficulty of factoring integers. The book contains approximately ten examples with detailed solutions, while each chapter includes forty to fifty problems with full solutions for odd-numbered problems provided in the Appendix. Public Key Cryptography: • Explains fundamentals of public key cryptography • Offers numerous examples and exercises • Provides excellent study tools for those preparing to take the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) exam • Provides solutions to the end-of-chapter problems Public Key Cryptography provides a solid background for anyone who is employed by or seeking employment with a government organization, cloud service provider, or any large enterprise that uses public key systems to secure data.
Описываются основные инструменты, способствующие ведению бизнеса в Интернете, а затем их возможные комбинации с плюсами и минусами каждого варианта.
В организации и работе интернет-магазина следует придерживаться некоторого порядка действий, чтобы достичь оптимального результата. Давайте поговорим об алгоритме предпринимаемых мер подробнее.
Холодные звонки, производимые с целью завязать постоянные отношения с новыми или улучшить контакт с уже существующими клиентами, имеют свой смысл. Всегда есть вероятность счастливой случайности, которая увеличивается, если правильно делать холодные звонки, того, что один единственный звонок полностью оправдает затраченное время, деньги и нервы. Итак, список нюансов, на которые стоит обратить внимание при «холодных» продажах.
«…При таком многообещающем начале у биткойна просто не могло не быть будущего, хоть как-то не связанного с криминалом. Творчески развив предложенную Беллом идею заказных убийств, некто, скрывающийся под самурайским именем Кувабатакэ Сандзюро, в ноябре 2013 года открыл в сети TOR сайт, на котором презентовал рынок заказных политических убийств».«…Шрем в известном смысле с восторгом принял участие в действиях, которые способствовали процветанию злодейского предприятия по перевозке наркотиков».
Речь пойдет сразу и об онлайн продажах, интернет-магазинах, цифровых товарах, и еще эти методы подойдут для оффлайн продаж. Вам просто останется подобрать подходящий способ получения доверия от потенциального покупателя, внедрив конкретную гарантию по своему товару.
Выход на пенсию становится причиной существенного снижения доходов. Почти каждый пенсионер задумывается о подработке, но выбор подходящих вакансий не велик, а предлагаемые условия слишком тяжелые. Автор более трех лет зарабатывает на написании текстов в Интернете и делится в этой книге своим опытом. Книга «ПЕНСИОНЕР? ПИШИ! ЗАРАБАТЫВАЙ!» раскроет все секреты труда рерайтера и на практических примерах расскажет, как научиться гарантировано зарабатывать от 3 000 до 15 000 рублей в месяц.