Книги о войне

Различные книги в жанре Книги о войне

Run Silent, Run Deep

Edward L. Beach

This is a story of the silent service—the submarine crews which destroyed the Japanese merchant marine. A narrative taut with drama, told with the intimacy of a confession, it deals with two strong-headed men: their loves, their jealousies, and their destinies in the lonely and desperate struggle between the hunter and the hunted. Few war novels will rival Run Silent, Run Deep in the naked realism of its action. None will surpass its rising excitement and brilliant descriptions of men in combat.Unlike many war novels, here is a story that deals with war from the perspective of command. Edward Beach re-creates with fidelity the anguish, agony, and triumphs of command decisions. In Commander Richardson, he has created a character who embodies all that is fine, all that is human, in an excellent naval officer. In a sense, Run Silent, Run Deep is a monument, not to the misfits and the mistakes, but to those men who rose to greatness under the sometimes unbearable tensions of action.

Arizona Moon

J.M. Graham

Arizona Moon describes a fictional no-name operation in Vietnam’s infamous Arizona Territory and Golf’s 1st platoon of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines operating west of the Tu Bon River in Quang Nam Province. The story centers on a squad leader, Corporal Raymond Strader, and a Apache Indian, L/Cpl Noche Gonshayee. Strader has only three days until his thirteen month tour of duty ends, and Gonshayee, whose tribal name is “Moon”, considers all anglos potential enemies. When Strader is sent from the field to begin processing out of the An Hoa combat base, Moon is accused of murdering two members of his squad on a night listening post, and Strader is pulled back into the field to escort the Indian, restrained and with a serious head injury, back to the base. The helicopter transporting them is shot down and the two Marines find themselves evading the NVA in the Ong Tu Mountains. An NVA unit, moving munitions toward Da Nang in anticipation of the TET Offensive – with orders to avoid contact with American troops – finds themselves butting heads with the platoon of Golf Company as they scramble across the face of the Ong Tu. Among the NVA are two students from a university in Hanoi, volunteers eager to carry supplies and weapons south. One is a student of literature and an avid reader of American pulp fiction, especially that of America’s wild west, and is enamored of the American Indian, sympathizing with their historical plight. The murders attributed to Moon were actually the work of the NVA, and in that contact, a spirit pouch is stolen from the Indian to become the prized possession of the student as his unit tries to run beyond the reach of the Marines. After surviving the helicopter crash, Strader and Moon find themselves in the path of the fleeing Vietnamese and, secreted on the mountainside, Moon sees his coveted spirit pouch pass by hanging from one the enemy weapon’s bearers. After separating himself from Strader, Moon goes after the NVA in hopes of retrieving the pouch he equates with his honor. Strader discovers he has been duped and pursues the Indian into the mountains. The platoon brings artillery, Phantom jets, and helicopters into play in an attempt to destroy the NVA unit, but only slow it enough for Moon to catch them and confront the student with his spirit pouch. Moon recovers his pouch, Strader finds Moon, and together they try fighting their way back to their platoon with the NVA hunting them. With no ammunition and the enemy closing in, the two Marines envision little chance of survival, but a squad from 1st platoon finds them, and together they lead the Vietnamese to where the platoon waits in ambush. Throughout Arizona Moon the characters exemplify the camaraderie, esprit de corps, and brotherhood of the United States Marine Corps.

Ать-два, левой…

Анна Маг

Героиня повести, Валя, совсем юная девушка встретила свою любовь, и как ей казалось это навсегда. Но наступила война, изменившая жизни и характеры. Столкнувшись с предательством и не сумев простить, Валентина калечит не только свою судьбу…

Побег из детства

Изяслав Котляров

Дети войны… В этом теперь привычном словосочетании невольно звучит, будто война для них, подростков, была матерью. Смерти, болезни, голод, обрекающая на жестокость нужда… и бесшабашность, желание быть взрослее, подражание отцам-фронтовикам. Взрывы снарядов и мин на кострах, от которых – смерть да искалеченные судьбы, забирали отчаянных, кого не смогли уберечь предостережения родных. Детская память, возможно, – самое искреннее свидетельство реалий войны и послевоенного времени…


Бахтиёр Абдугафур

Скромная Джамиля Кадырова, жившая в маленьком кишлаке, даже представить не могла, как повернётся ее судьба. Она хотела стать санитаркой, но стала снайпером. Бои за Украину, Сталинград, Кенигсберг… Фашисты приходили в ужас, услышав ее боевой псевдоним «Узбечка», а абвер занёс снайпера Кадырову в особый список. Но, увы, враги встречаются не только по ту сторону фронта…

Великая Отечественная война глазами очевидцев

Сергей Васильевич Ковальчук

Здесь вы прочитаете о том, что в 1941 году многие солдаты никогда не видели автоматического оружия и считали, что оно стреляет само. О том, какая на самом деле нищета царила в СССР, что новобранцам, следующим в тыл для подготовки к фронту, даже не выдавали одежды и обуви. Они шли в том, что взяли из дома, а когда их обувь приходила в негодность, некоторые вынуждены были надевать лапти, которые им давало сердобольное население сел, мимо которых они проходили. Вы узнаете о настоящем вредительстве в тылу, когда солдат, подлежащих отправке на фронт, кормили баландой и доводили до больничных коек из-за голода. Вы узнаете, как на самом деле относилось к нашим воинам население Польши, Австрии и Германии. О подростках из «гитлерюгенда», власовцах, бандеровцах. О том, как рылись окопы, сколько пили перед боем, как боролись со вшами. Вы узнаете о том, о чем не знали.

Mother of All Pigs

Malu Halasa

The Sabas family lives in a small Jordanian town that for centuries has been descended upon by all manner of invader, the latest a scourge of disconcerting Evangelical tourists. The border town relies on a blackmarket trade of clothes, trinkets , and appliances – the quality of which depends entirely on who’s fighting – but the conflict in nearby Syria has the place even more on edge than usual. <br><br> Meanwhile, the Sabas home is ruled by women – Mother Fadhma, Laila, Samira, and now, Muna, a niece visiting from America for the first time – and it is brimming with regrets and desires. Clandestine pasts in love, politics, even espionage, threaten the delicate balance of order in the household, as generations clash. The family’s ostensible patriarch – Laila’s husband Hussein – enjoys no such secrets, not in his family or in town, where Hussein is known as the Levant’s only pig butcher, dealing in chops, sausages, and hams, much to the chagrin of his observant neighbors. <br><br> When a long-lost soldier from Hussein's military past arrives, the Sabas clan must decide whether to protect or expose him, bringing long-simmering rivalries and injustices to the surface. Enchanting and fearless, Halasa's prose intertwines the lives of three generations of women as they navigate the often stifling, sometimes absurd realities of everyday life in the Middle East.

Brother's Keeper

Joaquin De Torres

Jason Li is seconds away from pulling the trigger to end his life. <br><br>Difficult to believe considering three years ago he was on the fast track to becoming a Navy fighter pilot, following in the footsteps of his older brother and modern combat ace, Lt. Jordan Li. But now Jordan is dead; killed in what the Navy claims was a &quot;freak accident&quot; over the Pacific Ocean. <br><br>Jason never got over the death of his brother-his mentor, his hero. Now discharged from the Navy for chronic mental breakdown, Jason has no career, no family and no reason to live. It&#39;s time to finish it. He begins to squeeze the trigger when suddenly-<br>The doorbell rings.<br><br>Standing there is a stranger who informs him that everything the Navy told him was a lie&mdash;a stratagem for one of the most daring Black Ops missions ever attempted. His brother was the centerpiece of that operation which has now reached critical mass. <br><br>The Navy has reason to believe that Jordan may not be dead after all. They need Jason-enraged, victimized and unstable-to find his brother deep within China.<br><br>If he accepts, the Pentagon gives him his life back, and the chance to fly the most advanced fighter plane ever designed. <br><br>But if he refuses, hundreds of thousands of people will die.

Маленький Леший

Андрей Николаевич Авдей

Эта книга о том, как на защиту родной земли плечом к плечу с человеком поднялись и хозяева невидимого мира: домовые и Леший, Доброхожий и Варгин, пчелиный царь Крапчик и даже жуткий дух болотных трясин Багник. Они становились членами танковых экипажей, спасали от уничтожения и гибели, шли в атаки и отметили Победу, церемонно выпив трофейного шнапса, доставленного прямо из Берлина.