Кинематограф, театр

Различные книги в жанре Кинематограф, театр

«Как посмотреть» — новый подкаст студии Либо/Либо и российского театрального фестиваля и премии «Золотая маска»

Студия «Либо/Либо»

Мы запускаем подкаст для тех, кто хочет полюбить театр. Как поставить пьесу, если в ней нет слов? Почему герои Шекспира на сцене выглядят и говорят, как наши современники? Должны ли актеры играть правдоподобно и считается ли спектакль спектаклем, если актеров в нем вообще нет? Каждую неделю Саша Зеркалева и Лиза Каменская пытаются разобраться, как все устроено современном театре. В этом им помогают актеры, режиссеры, художники, драматурги, продюсеры и театральные критики. Сделано при поддержке российской национальной театральной премии и фестиваля «Золотая маска»

Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative

Michael Peter Bolus

Since the inception of cinema in the late nineteenth century, filmmakers have employed a wide array of precursory aesthetic strategies in the conception and creation of their disparate works. The existence of these traditional antecedents have afforded filmmakers a diverse range of technical and artistic applications towards the construction of their cinematic narratives. Furthermore, the socio-political and cultural contexts in which films are conceived often inform the manner in which particular aesthetic sensibilities are selected and deployed. Unfortunately, many creative artists – and audiences – remain unfamiliar with Aesthetics as a practical discipline and how it might apply to their own creative and/or interpretive pursuits. ‘Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative’ provides a concise historical survey of Aesthetics as a philosophical discipline and applies several of its underlying principles to the examination of filmic storytelling. The book’s four chapters codify working definitions of the relevant terms and concepts, employing specific case studies to illustrate how certain aesthetic stratagems govern a film’s structural design and execution. By drawing connections between the technical/creative decisions filmmakers must make and more time-honoured traditions regarding the nature of art, the structures of storytelling and the import of visual imagery, ‘Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative’ helps recontextualize film within a wider sphere of artistic/intellectual endeavour. The book is a useful and much-needed addition to the pre-existing canon for students of visual storytelling and for general readers.

Social Media

Lightning Guides

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, and the Modern Revolution, explores the myriad ways in which social media has influenced, created, and exposed some of the 21st century's most pivotal moments. From the early days of social networking to the Arab Spring and its winter, the idea of the technoself and the ways that technology has helped both individuals and groups shape their own identities to the issues of privacy and permanency in a digital world, Social Media evaluates everything from Twitter fails to the Occupy movement, and how the evolution of social media has impacted the evolution of society.

Старый и новый «Союзмультфильм"

Творческий коллектив программы «Хочу всё знать»

"Союзмультфильм" был основан 10 июня 1936 года. Это единственная студия в стране, где на протяжении многих лет производили анимационные фильмы в самых разных жанрах и художественных техниках. За 80 лет были созданы более 1500 фильмов, многие из которых вошли в «Золотой фонд» мировой анимационной классики.


Deon Meyer

Vir die eerste keer is vier van Deon Meyer se Afrikaanse filmdraaiboeke nou saam gebundel: Jakhalsdans: Die jong weduwee en onderwyseres Mara Malan wil keer dat die skooltjie op Loxton sy deure sluit. ’n Musiekkonsert kan uitkoms bring, maar Ruan Landman, die beroemde sanger wat hier woon en die ideale hoofkunstenaar sou wees, het ontaard in ’n stuurs kluisenaar. Die laaste tango: Ná hy die boosaardige reeksmoordenaar Basson aanrand, word werkverslaafde speurder Herkules de Wet na ’n klein dorpie gestuur om te gaan afkoel. Hier ontmoet hy vir Ella Winter, ’n mooi, passievolle vrou wat sterwend is aan kanker. Op die nag van hul laaste dans saam, maak Basson sy opwagting op die dorp. Die ballade van Robbie de Wee: Voorheen suksesvolle musiekvervaardiger Len van Jaarsveld het in volslae ellende verval. Sy ontdekking van die briljante rockster Robbie de Wee bied aan hom ’n tweede, lááste kans, maar net toe Len behoorlik op sy voete begin kom, dreig die dood van ’n jong meisie om alles weer in duie te laat stort. Jagveld: Die gewetenlose Bosman se bevele word áltyd deur sy manne uitgevoer, meedoënloos. Maar nou het Emma gesien wat hulle gedoen het . . . En word sy hier in die Groot-Karoo soos ’n dier gejag. Tog skuil daar ’n donkerte agter haar oë wat hulle nie verwag het nie . .

Mind Candy

Lawrence Watt-Evans

Over the years, in a variety of venues, Lawrence Watt-Evans has turned his sharp, analytical, and slightly crazed mind to everything from weaponized poetry to why the Enterprise doesn't have seatbelts, and everyone from Jane Austen to Buffy Summers. Collected for the first time are twenty-three of these essays, discussing icons of comic books, television, novels, movies, and much more!

The Complete Men School

Herlander Elias

In The Complete Men School, Herlander Elias tells us the story of two journalists (Rafael Sterling and Roberta Wagner) who do together the best news report of their lives by disclosing a subculture of benefactors known as “The Complete Men School”.<br /><br />The plot progressively leads the reader into philosophical dialogues between a Master and his Apprentices who attend one of the secret ‘Schools’. Rafael, the young protagonist, is longing for the elaboration of a motivational research and that is the moment in which he comes across with a ‘one in a lifetime adventure’ reaching for unknown areas. He discovers a fascinating legion of aesthetes for whom humanity is deprived of privileges only reserved for a few elites, turning them into puppets in the hands of rulers, manipulative media and big companies. The 'dialogue' presents itself the chosen weapon of ‘freedom ’ to change the world.<br /><br />Over more than ten chapters, the reader also steps into this ‘School’ getting to know who the “Complete Men” are, how they act and what is their agenda. In this fiction work, the reader will attempt to decipher riddles and solve problems the same way the Apprentices who aspire to become the ‘Complete’ ones do: how they can learn to grow up in life as human beings and to choose the way of fullness.<br /><br />Crossing-over philosophy and detective story, this novel is filled with unanswered questions that guides the reader to meet the line of thought developed by the ‘Complete’ ones. Their elegant looks, their skepticism, their post-romantic boldness, yet always trying to act in a low profile way is the outline of the 'Complete' ones behavior. This wise attitude allowed them to change for good the communities that suffered their intervention. But if you want to know more about what a 'Complete Man' is, your best shot is reading this book.

Homo Cypiens

Herlander Elias

This is a book about the future and the present as well. Today there is a new configuration. We are a cybernetic man, a homo cypiens, a smarter, more agile forward thinker and a digital media user foremost. In this book we examine digital culture, our post-everything era, the impact of mobile media and how relevant it is this new post-computer generation. Also we think of the cloud, the Internet and all digital media as being main players in establishing something that could be called «the macromedium», i.e., the medium of all media.

Cloud Punk

Herlander Elias

The cloud changes the game when it brings the logic of the network for commercial domination and it spreads the motto of the computer as terminal for streaming. Thinking beyond this is to realize that what «died» here was the computer. Without our daily digital media the cloud makes no sense. We may be in a hybrid point in some cases, but the cloud is more than a trend, is a macro-event of significance and a macro-fact. However, we can still rely on the idea of Sterling and Gibson, who in the 1980s knew the computer would become more than a object of glamour and sophistication. The computer was from the start meant to be pure network, thus the cloud, and here comes a new wave of new things and the way people changed for using the digital media over the last 20 years. In the time of the cloud, the new heroes are the cloud punks.

Rewriting Russia

Barbara J. Henry