Исторические любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Исторические любовные романы

His Prairie Sweetheart

Erica Vetsch

A Home for Her HeartAfter being jilted at the altar, Southern belle Savannah Cox seeks a fresh start out West and accepts a teaching position in Minnesota. But between her students’ lack of English, the rough surroundings, and Sheriff Elias Parker’s doubts and distrust, Savannah’s unprepared for both the job and the climate.However she’s determined to prove she can handle anything her new town throws her way.Elias gives it a week—or less—before the pretty schoolteacher packs her dainty dresses and hightails it back home. But no matter how many mishaps he has to rescue her from, Savannah doesn’t give up. Yet the real test is to come—a brutal blizzard that could finally drive her away, taking his heart with her…

Pony Express Hero

Rhonda Gibson

Bound by a ChildPony Express rider Jacob Young is a man of action, which is why when he sees a little girl caught in the middle of a stampede, he races to her rescue. And he soon discovers the child is the half-sister he hadn’t known he had. The more time Jacob spends with adorable Daisy and her beautiful guardian, ranch owner Lilly Johnson, the more he realizes they’re filling all the lonely corners of his heart.Wary Lilly can’t deny the cherished feelings that overcome her when Jacob vows to protect her and Daisy from any harm. And she can’t help but hope that maybe they can put their past hurts aside and forge a future together as a full-fledged family.Saddles and Spurs: Daring Pony Express riders risk all for duty—and for love

Regency Beauty

Sarah Mallory

Beneath the Major’s ScarsWhen a tainted beauty…After being shamelessly seduced by a married man, Zelah Pentewan’s reputation is in tatters. Determined to rise above the gossip-mongers, Zelah knows she must rely on no one but herself.Meets a formidable beast!But her independence takes a knock when a terrifying stranger must come to her aid. Major Dominic Coale’s formidable manner is notorious, but Zelah shows no signs of fear. She doesn’t cower at his touch as she begins to get a glimpse of the man behind the scars….Behind the Rake’s Wicked Wager'So what do you say to the wager, Miss Prentess? A diamond worth thousands against a night with me?'No London beauty has managed to tame the incorrigible Jasper Coale, though many have lost their reputations trying. In sedate Bath on a family errand, the viscount expects to find little in terms of entertainment – certainly no female company to tempt him…Miss Susannah Prentess’s discreet card parties in Royal Crescent offer a welcome distraction. And the glint in Susannah’s hazel eyes tells Jasper he’s met his match, at last. But is she game enough to accept the most outrageous wager of all?

Secrets Of The Heart

Candace Camp

On the eve of her wedding to Michael Trent, the Earl of Westhampton, Rachel Aincourt tried to elope with another man–only to be unceremoniously returned to her fiancé by her strong-willed father. Burdened by guilt and shame, Rachel felt she'd gotten what she deserved: a loveless marriage to a cold, enigmatic husband. She was wrong.Behind Michael's proper demeanor lay a man who thrived on danger and intrigue–and now he'd been drawn into one of Bow Street's toughest cases. When the crime turned into a murder that involved Rachel, Michael found a new way to employ his mastery of disguise: seducing the wife he secretly loved. But would he finally be able to win her heart…or would he destroy his last chance for happiness?

Сладкая месть

Аманда Квик

План Саймона Траэрна, графа Блэйда, идеален: представиться пылким и поэтичным романтиком, безумно влюбить в себя старую деву двадцати четырех лет от роду Эмили Фарингдон, жениться на ней и хладнокровно использовать ее приданое и чувства, чтобы отомстить ее семье, разорившей когда-то его отца и лишившей его самого фамильного имения. Однако безжалостный мститель плохо знает Эмили – умную, практичную и далеко не наивную особу, успешно управляющую всеми семейными финансовыми делами. Граф, несомненно, тронул ее сердце, но любовь к нему совсем не мешает Эмили вести собственную игру, в которой Саймону предназначено стать не охотником, а добычей…

Ночная колдунья

Наталья Орбенина

Незавидна судьба сироты! После смерти своего лучшего друга фабрикант Прозоров взял к себе в дом его дочь Маргариту и вырастил ее вместе со своей родной Варварой. Воспитание девочек ничем не отличалось, но в глубине души Варя всегда презирала подругу детства. А потом они повзрослели, и между ними встал мужчина – управляющий Прозорова Дмитрий тайно встречался с Марго, а жениться решил на Варваре… Марго не осталась в долгу – она вышла замуж за… своего опекуна! Правда, через некоторое время Прозоров умер при странных обстоятельствах, а молодую жену обвинили в убийстве. Вести дело поручили следователю Сердюкову, прекрасному аналитику и сердцеведу. Он был крайне удивлен, когда узнал, что некоторое время назад Марго навещал деревенский колдун…

Enticing Benedict Cole

Eliza Redgold

AN ARTIST, A LADY, A SECRET PASSION…When Benedict Cole shuns her request for painting lessons, Lady ‘Cameo’ Catherine Mary St Clair takes matters into her own hands. She arrives at Benedict’s studio – only to be mistaken for a model! It’s an opportunity she just can’t turn down…Benedict knows better than to let intimacy interfere with his work, yet he can’t quell his fascination for the mysterious Cameo. And after one daring night together everything changes. Will Cameo still be his muse when Benedict discovers who she really is?

The Soldier's Rebel Lover

Marguerite Kaye

A Hero… A Rebel… A Desire Worth Fighting For!When Major Finlay Urquhart was last on the battlefield he shared a sizzling moment with daring Isabella Romero. Two years later Finlay has one final duty to perform for his country – one that reunites him with this rebellious señorita!Except Isabella has her own mission – which means that no matter how much she craves Finlay’s touch she can never tell him the truth. But she’s underestimated Finlay’s determination to protect her, and soon she finds herself letting her guard down… one scorching kiss at a time!Comrades in Arms: war heroes, heartbreakers… husbands?

The Professional

Addison Fox

Her sexy neighbor turns savior in this next Dangerous in Dallas romance!Despite her job as a wedding planner, Violet Richardson doesn't believe a happy-ever-after is in her future. And when she's kidnapped by a killer, she's surprised that rescue comes in the form of her tempting yet irritating neighbor Max Baldwin.Trying to forget his dark past, Max never meant to take on his attractive neighbor's troubles. But now the bickering pair must outrun a thug who's determined to get his hands on mysterious jewels he thinks are in Violet's possession. And as they race for their lives through Dallas's summer heat, Max and Violet may finally open their eyes to the burning passion they share.

His Most Suitable Bride

Renee Ryan

THE MARRIAGE LISTNo one in Denver knows how close Callie Mitchell once came to ruin. Dowdy dresses and severe hairstyles hide evidence of the pretty, trusting girl she used to be. Now her matchmaking employer wants Callie to help find a wife for the one man who sees through her careful facade. For his business's sake, Reese Bennett Jr. plans on making a sensible marriage. Preferably one without the unpredictable emotions that spring to life around Callie. Yet no matter how many candidates she presents to Reese, none compare with the vibrant, intelligent woman who is right under his nose-and quickly invading his heart. Charity House: Offering an oasis of hope, faith and love on the rugged Colorado frontier