Anna Maria, Ia to her family and friends, is twenty-five and still lives with the brother who raised her after their parents' tragic death. Daniel is married now, and Ia wants nothing more than to be on her own and out from under his thumb. Resigned to being single, she is surprised when her brother's business associate from across the pond comes to visit.
Douglas is quite taken with the lovely Ia and falls head over heels in love with her at first sight. But can he convince her to give him a chance? And what will she do when she learns that he intends to run his household the same way her brother does, with him as the head?
Publisher Notes: This sweet, 1957 romance contains a strong theme of power exchange. Anna Maria, Ia to her family and friends, is twenty-five and still lives with the brother who raised her after their parents' tragic death. Daniel is married now, and Ia wants nothing more than to be on her own and out from under his thumb. Resigned to being single, she is surprised when her brother's business associate from across the pond comes to visit.
Douglas is quite taken with the lovely Ia and falls head over heels in love with her at first sight. But can he convince her to give him a chance? And what will she do when she learns that he intends to run his household the same way her brother does, with him as the head?
Publisher Notes: This sweet, 1957 romance contains a strong theme of power exchange.
На страницах этой книги читатель познакомится с легендой о судьбоносной встрече всемирно известного французского писателя Виктора Гюго с необычной женщиной, которая осталась тайной для всех. Однажды в Париже писатель повстречал венгерку (цыганку из Трансильвании). Её звали Габи. Она предрекла ему будущее, в котором Гюго суждено было познать и свет, и тьму. А затем вошла в его жизнь полноправной хозяйкой. Девушка внесла в его душу не только мир и покой, но и хаос, как бывает при страстной любви. Гюго предал ради неё Адель, свою жену, и детей, что принесло ему в дальнейшем одни разрушения и потери. Габи, родившая ему сына, вынесла тяжёлые испытания, заплатив за любовь очень высокую цену. Для самого Виктора Гюго эта тайная связь с цыганкой обернулась жестокой внутренней борьбой… Получая удары судьбы, он понимал, за что расплачивается.
His final and greatest work, Dostoyevsky spent nearly two years writing The Brothers Karamazov, which was published serially in The Russian Messenger from January 1879 to November 1880. Set against a modernizing 19th-century Russia, the characters experience moral struggles of faith, judgment, and reason amid a patricidal murder which forms the center of the plot. The novel is full of ethical debates of God, free will, and morality. Dostoyevsky composed much of the novel in Staraya Russa, a spa town celebrated for its mineral springs and which inspired the main setting. Since its publication, it has been acclaimed as one of the supreme achievements in world literature.
Lena Lewis is the most sought after young lady in several counties. Her beauty and her father's fortune make her a very appealing marriage prospect, but she hasn't been able to attract the one man she really wants, Ian McKenzie. While she doesn't love Ian, she definitely wants him, and she's determined to have him as her husband. Ian McKenzie has secretly lusted after Lena since they were teenagers, but he doesn't want a spoiled and bratty woman as his wife. He vows to forget about her and pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. But after years apart, he still hasn't overcome his obsession with her. When her foolish behavior lands her in a heap of trouble, he proposes marriage to salvage her reputation, but his help comes at a price. As her husband, he will not tolerate her bratty behavior, and she soon learns he means business when he punishes her appropriately. It doesn't take long for Lena to realize that she wants more from her marriage. By dominating her body, Ian has captured her heart. But with him so focused on his work, can a marriage based on lust ever turn into something more? Publisher's Note: This steamy historical romance contains a theme of power exchange.
She wants to be claimed. Leslie has loved Gabe for most of her life. But while she wants him as her husband, he sees her more as a childish little sister than as a woman. If only she could make him understand that she has grown up. She wants nothing more than for him to claim her as his own. When she finds out he is poised to marry someone else, she decides it is time to take drastic action. Gabe is ashamed that he has secretly lusted after Leslie for years. He's convinced that they can never be anything other than friends, and he feels guilty for fantasizing about a girl who has been almost like a sister to him. Besides, the tomboyish little hellion could never be the kind of wife he wants. He needs a submissive woman, and he's convinced that Leslie would never surrender control to him. But when Leslie shows up at his home in the middle of the night, she presents too much of a temptation for him to resist. Can he ever grow to love her the way she needs him to, or will they forever be at odds? Publisher's Note: This steamy historical love story contains elements of power exchange.
When she decided to auction her virginity to the highest bidder, she never dreamed it would be purchased by two handsome cowboys. After losing her family and her home to a devastating fire, Faith MacGregor is forced to go to work in a brothel in order to save her younger sister. She thinks that she's prepared to become a soiled dove. But when two handsome brothers win the right to claim her virginity and her body for an entire week, she learns things about herself that she never imagined were possible. Eric McKenzie isn't looking for love, and he doesn't expect to ever find a wife. He's always shared women with his brother, and he's content using the services of experienced whores. After all, no decent woman would consent to being dominated or shared by two sexual sadists. But when he lays eyes on Faith while she's being auctioned to the highest bidder, he knows that he's found the one woman he wants to keep for his own. He's determined to win her, no matter the cost. The two brothers use pain and pleasure to teach Faith all about dominance and submission. But with her innocence and courage, she teaches them about love. Eric soon realizes that if he wants to capture her heart, he'll have to make the hardest choice he's ever faced. Publisher's Note: This steamy, historical ménage contains a theme of power exchange.
Древняя Русь. XIII век. Люди идут по дорогам, ищут свой путь, и среди них автор «Слова о погибели Русской земли», не менее таинственного, чем «Слово о полку Игореве», памятника.Что они найдут в конце пути? Любовь и жертвоприношение в древности переплетаются с событиями современной жизни… Эта история связана с романом " Веснянка". А начинается все так .За рекой медленно и тихо закатывалось солнце. Красный шар появился над лесом.И туман стелился над водой. Взгляд мой остановился на нем, и я завороженно и бездумно следил за тем, как солнце исчезало. И вдруг над лесом возник крик. Он сначала был негромким , но каким-то отчетливым, потом оборвался.Взметнулся снова. «Мои студенты сказали бы, что это Див» Трава пошла волнами. Замерла. И тогда он встрепенулся, взлетел вверх и закричал. Дикий, неистовый крик судьбы, от него похолодели травы. Ольга Озерцова – кандидат филологических наук, автор публикаций по древнерусской литературе, также романа "Веснянка" и других исторических произведений.
Знаменитый роман турецкого писателя Решада Нури Гюнтекина (1889-1956). Написанный в 1922 году и неоднократно экранизированный, роман принес Гюнтекину мировую славу и по праву считается одной из лучших книг о любви. Он повествует о необыкновенной судьбе красавицы Фэридэ. © Рипол Классик & © Storyside
Bridie is the daughter of a farrier on an estate near Aberdeen, in Scotland. Her father wants her to marry his apprentice; Lord John Dunwoodie wants her to become his mistress. All Bridie wants is to read books and study. To escape marriage to a loutish farrier or ruin in the arms of a dilettante aristocrat, Bridie accepts a proposal from a man she has never met. A man who, above all, says he wants an educated wife. But Angus MacAllister is steward or ‘tacksman’ of a remote Highland township, and Bridie is used to the comforts of a great estate. Life in a blackhouse comes as a shock. Can Bridie learn to be a good wife, and can she ever grow to love the man she married out of desperation? *Publisher Warning: This book contains scenes of disciplinary spanking of adult women, intended purely as fantasies for adults only.