Исторические любовные романы

Различные книги в жанре Исторические любовные романы

Beauty in Disguise

Mary Moore

HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHTAfter her scandalous first Season, Lady Kathryn needs a new beginning. Concealing her stunning hair and sapphire eyes beneath a dowdy façade, she’s grateful to earn her keep as companion Kate Montgomery. Until she comes face to face with her past in Lord Dalton, the only man she has ever loved.The debutante Dalton fell in love with years ago was beautiful beyond compare. The gentle, mysterious young woman he encounters at a country house has qualities he now values more highly—until he learns of her deception. Kate has broken his heart not once, but twice. Can faith help him see that love, like true beauty, always comes to light?

Bound To The Wolf Prince

Marguerite Kaye

Scottish Highlands, 1703 As the new Alpha of the Faol, a legendary clan possessing the power of the wolf, Eoin Tolmach knows he should put the needs of his people before his own. Yet the former warrior cannot resist the challenge of rescuing kidnapped heiress Freya Ogilvie himself…or his unexpected attraction to her.Eoin admires her courage and sensual beauty, but she doesn't trust her own passionate instincts. Now Eoin faces his greatest test: convincing Freya to indulge their mutual desire…

Птичка для принца

Юлия Ляпина

Иржина получила немало ударов от судьбы, но самый большой ждал ее впереди. Любовь юной и наивной девушки жестоко растоптали. Она захлопнула шкатулку своих чувств и с той поры известна в театральном мире, как «певчая птичка» запершая свое сердце в клетку. А годы идут и однажды известная певица получает необычное, почти скандальное предложение. Что принесет оно в размеренное существование примы?

Невеста для графа

Кэролайн Линден

Хью Деверо унаследовал от отца титул герцога Гастингса, а вместе с ним – и гигантские долги. Семье грозит разорение… Однако случается невозможное: богатый мещанин предлагает оплатить все фамильные долги, если Хью станет мужем его дочери. Единственное условие, прилагающееся к огромному приданому: девушка не должна узнать, что вступает в брак по расчету. Наивная и добрая Элиза Кросс искренне уверена: Хью женился на ней по любви. Нет в мире новобрачной счастливее, нет молодой жены, любящей супруга нежнее. Но однажды мир ее рушится – молодая графиня случайно узнает, что стала лишь частью циничной сделки…

Птичка для принца

Юлия Ляпина

Иржина получила немало ударов от судьбы, но самый большой ждал ее впереди. Любовь юной и наивной девушки жестоко растоптали. Она захлопнула шкатулку своих чувств и с той поры известна в театральном мире, как «певчая птичка» запершая свое сердце в клетку. А годы идут и однажды известная певица получает необычное, почти скандальное предложение. Что принесет оно в размеренное существование примы?

The Tempting Of The Governess

Julia Justiss

His new Governess…Is getting under his skin!Part of The Cinderella Spinsters. Infuriating, impertinent…just some of the words Colonel Hugh Glendenning could use to describe Miss Olivia Overton! She's insisting he spend time with his orphaned wards – which has forced him to admit he’s been keeping the world at arms' length since losing his wife and baby son. That’s not all that’s disturbing him. It’s the new temptation Olivia’s sparking in Hugh to live again – with her!

The Earl's Runaway Governess

Catherine Tinley

Who knew living with an Earl……would lead to such temptation?Marianne Grant’s new identity as a governess is meant to keep her safe. But then she meets her new employer, Ash, Earl of Kingswood, and she immediately knows his handsome good looks are a danger of their own! Brusque on first meeting, Ash quickly shows his compassionate side. Yet Marianne doesn’t dare reveal the truth! Unless Ash really could be the safe haven she’s been looking for…

An Unlikely Mother

Danica Favorite

Bound by a ChildHoping to overcome her reputation as Leadville, Colorado’s biggest gossip, wealthy socialite Flora Montgomery offers to help a miner care for an abandoned child. But her growing affection for the sweet boy’s handsome rescuer could be a problem. Especially since her parents insist she must marry for money.Undercover mine owner George Baxter is digging himself into a dilemma. The once-spoiled Flora has become a delightful, generous woman, and she’ll be devastated by his deception. Yet if he can’t discover who’s sabotaging the mine, George will lose any chance of making a home for Flora and Pierre. Can the little boy who holds both of their hearts help them lay claim to a new dream of family?

The Nanny’s Temporary Triplets

Noelle Marchand

A Family-to-BeFleeing to Little Horn, Texas, after discovering her fiancé was a con man, Caroline Murray agrees to act as the temporary nanny for her brother’s handsome neighbor. Though caring for David McKay’s daughter and the orphaned infant triplets he’s fostering is just a charitable gesture, she’s falling for the children and their father. But if there’s one lesson Caroline won’t forget, it’s that her feelings can’t be trusted.With children to care for and a ranch to run, David definitely needs help—though he doesn’t want a new wife. But his affection for Caroline runs deeper than mere appreciation of her skills as a nanny. She was only supposed to be a temporary solution, but will Caroline find a permanent place in David’s heart?

Family Of Convenience

Victoria W. Austin

Mail-Order MotherRecently widowed and pregnant, Millie Steele needs a husband to help provide for her unborn child, and becoming a mail-order bride is her only option. Thankfully, her new husband, Kansas farmer Adam Beale, only wants a mother for his two young children—not romance. Everything is going according to plan…until Millie begins to fall for Adam.Adam had reservations about wedding another city dweller—his late wife never took to life on the prairie. But now he can’t imagine his family being complete without Millie and her unborn baby. Though they agreed to a strictly platonic partnership, can real love be blooming in Adam and Millie’s marriage of convenience?