«Никогда не разговаривайте с неизвестными» – так предупреждал Булгаков. Сан Саныч Смолянинов, авиационный инженер на пенсии, не внял совету классика… И угодил прямиком в конец XIX века. Вроде бы в такой рокировке много приятного – молодость, богатство, неограниченные возможности карьерного роста… Но появились и новые обязанности, которые он вынужден сам на себя возложить. Так ли просто быть великим князем, вторым сыном Александра Третьего, от рождения кавалером многих высших орденов Российской империи, будущим наследником престола, любимым братом Николая Второго, зная, что совсем скоро одна за другой произойдут три революции, а за ними гражданская война? Первая книга нового цикла от автора бестселлера «Инженер».
История России могла пойти по тысяче путей, помимо того, который мы знаем. Сборник рассказов ведущих писателей-фантастов «Поворот рек истории» предлагает взглянуть на альтернативные варианты истории нашей страны, те, которые по каким-то причинам не состоялись. Там есть Россия, которая никогда не знала ордынского ига. Россия, которая открыла Америку, Россия, в которой победили декабристы, Россия, в которой Советский Союз все-таки взял верх в борьбе за мир во всем мире, Россия, в которой вообще не возник СССР, а Империя продолжила счастливое существование. И, кстати, для создания всего этого многообразия альтернативных реальностей не понадобилось ни одного «попаданца»!
Битвы со степняками на границах Дикого Поля и поход на Литву, схватки с английскими пиратами и штурм Смоленска – судьба продолжает испытывать на прочность нашего современника, заброшенного в Московское Царство. Пожалованный за верную службу боярским званием, он берет уроки фехтования, чтобы стать «обоеруким» – так величают лучших бойцов, способных сражаться сразу двумя клинками. Обученные им боевые холопы – лучшие в поместном войске, его пороховые ракеты наводят ужас на Орду. А БОЯРСКАЯ ЧЕСТЬ обязывает «попаданца» принимать любой вызов и первым бросаться в самое пекло, будь то самоубийственная атака против целого войска, рискованная вылазка за «языком» во вражеский тыл или смертельно опасная «разведка боем»…
Продолжение романа «Охотник на вундерваффе». Наш современник Андрей Черников уже успел приобрести опыт перемещения во времени, отвоевав четыре года на Великой Отечественной войне. Однако теперь ему предстоит новое и куда более сложное задание. Необходимо найти и уничтожить трех «темпонавтов», которые отправились из 24-го века в 1953 год и устроили там Третью мировую войну с полномасштабным использованием ядерного оружия. Человечество смогло пережить апокалипсис и даже не одичало, но при этом образовалась новая, альтернативная реальность, где армии Советского Союза захватили всю Европу, включая Англию. Под видом сотрудника спецслужб ОВД (Организации стран Варшавского Договора) Черников облетит полмира, побывав на полях битв отгремевшей войны, и станет свидетелем новой победы социалистического блока.
It’s 1976 and the United States is home to The Giganticos, a football super squad led by the one and only Pearl of Brazil, and more or less the only reason AASSA (American All-Star Soccer Association) exists.
Enter Danny Hooper, a third-division English footballer from East Southwhich Albion, whose thuggish reputation limits him to playing the role of enforcer on the pitch, despite his admiration for the artistry of world-class football from Latin America and the Continent. After Danny takes his frustrations out on an unfortunate opponent’s tibia, he finds himself sold to the Rose City Revolution of Portland. But there is more to the trade than a shocked Danny could ever imagine: turns out, he’s going to America not just to introduce soccer to its skeptical masses, but to help foil a communist plot.
What is the plot exactly? What could Danny possibly do to stop it? The future of America’s soccer league, not to mention the life of the world’s greatest soccer player, hangs in the balance; but it is author Dennie Wendt's pure love of the game, and his poetic sideline accounting of the Revolution's season, match by match, that will leave you cheering at the end.
On the Planet of Oria, and its nearby neighbors, a near utopian society has been developed by the leaders and most intelligent beings on the planets. The great Rankin has developed a perpetual energy source by harnessing the power of the binary black hole / star through the construction of The Cube. <br><br>An evil force on Oria has recently developed a desire to gain control of the planet through dubious and dangerous acquisition of nuclear weapons recently found on our planet Earth. <br><br>The Committee of Ten, comprised of the greatest leaders of Oria, has found out about the evil plan that could wipe out billions of innocent people. Lyton Rennedee must be stopped. Consensus is met to call upon their best and most worthy Major in their Military. Hoken Rommeler is truly up to the test. <br><br>Hoken will be sent to Earth and test his skills learned in self discipline as well as practice the drills needed to perform up to the highest standards to fulfill his mission on Earth.<br><br>Once on Earth, Hoken must assume a human's body and kill the evil Renneddee. No matter what obstacles are presented to Major Rommeler, he must do what is necessary to maintain his course of completing his task. Nothing is more important than fulfilling the mission and maintaining the secret of his alien identity.
On the Planet of Oria, and its nearby neighbors, a near utopian society has been developed by the leaders and most intelligent beings on the planets. The great Rankin has developed a perpetual energy source by harnessing the power of the binary black hole / star through the construction of The Cube. <br><br>An evil force on Oria has recently developed a desire to gain control of the planet through dubious and dangerous acquisition of nuclear weapons recently found on our planet Earth. <br><br>The Committee of Ten, comprised of the greatest leaders of Oria, has found out about the evil plan that could wipe out billions of innocent people. Lyton Rennedee must be stopped. Consensus is met to call upon their best and most worthy Major in their Military. Hoken Rommeler is truly up to the test.<br><br>Hoken will be sent to Earth and test his skills learned in self discipline as well as practice the drills needed to perform up to the highest standards to fulfill his mission on Earth.
On the Planet of Oria, and its nearby neighbors, a near utopian society has been developed by the leaders and most intelligent beings on the planets. The great Rankin has developed a perpetual energy source by harnessing the power of the binary black hole / star through the construction of The Cube. <br><br>An evil force on Oria has recently developed a desire to gain control of the planet through dubious and dangerous acquisition of nuclear weapons recently found on our planet Earth. <br><br>The Committee of Ten, comprised of the greatest leaders of Oria, has found out about the evil plan that could wipe out billions of innocent people. Lyton Rennedee must be stopped. Consensus is met to call upon their best and most worthy Major in their Military. Hoken Rommeler is truly up to the test.
The Ruby chronicles the life of a hillbilly family in the Ozark wilderness of Missouri during the Great Depression, and their attempt to cope with mounting problems brought on by the mysterious arrival of a time-traveler from two-thousand years in the future who has become stranded. <br><br>The time-portation device has worn out and Dorian finds himself in an unfamiliar and primitive life. While searching for a replacement of the failed component—a ruby—he is taken in by the impoverished farm family and falls in love with one of the daughters. <br><br>Eventually he discovers a means to restore the ruby's power, and activates his device even at the cost of losing the woman he loves and the risk of being displaced to yet another unpredictable location.
What could possibly be funny about two Tibetan boys climbing a mountain behind their village and finding a very strange object? Would any sane person laugh when the object turned out to be a time capsule created by an advanced civilisation over 300,000 years ago? And what about when the time capsule produces a hologram showing an enlightened society built on the principle of empowerment, a society which managed to destroy itself? <br><br>How can anybody find it amusing when a heroin smuggling gang dispatches a deadly assassin to chase one of the boys and his rich Chinese girlfriend half way across Asia?<br><br>Can you imagine what your life would be like if you were not being exploited every day? <br><br>To find the answers to these intriguing questions, read Pyramid Asia immediately!