The Doors You Make Are Your Own is the first book of the Joshua City Trilogy. Book two is scheduled for Spring 2016 and book three Fall 2017.Dynamic web site promotes community between publication dates by providing exclusive new stories, illustrations, book trailers, and a fan forum. Book Elliott is a Holocaust Studies Scholar Okla at University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, working on a three-year Illinois Distinguished Fellowship.Elliott has taught at the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Ohio Wesleyan University, and Ohio State University.Elliott speaks five languages and Clement two.
Проблему выбора между бессмертием, богатством, могуществом или любимой женщиной и счастьем молодой вождь – он же чудом выживший во время кораблекрушения сын одной из славных аристократических фамилий Испании, с детства воспитанный племенем индейцев, решает кардинально. Его выбор – золотой берег юности.
Дайте-ка припомнить, с чего все началось… В тот день я проспала на работу. Не то. Забыла забрать вещи шефа из химчистки. Тоже нет. Ах, точно! Какой-то сумасшедший выхватил у меня из рук пакет из супермаркета. Я только что купила себе поесть, а этот ненормальный вырвал ношу из рук и понесся в сторону парка. Догнать его было делом чести. Продуктов не жаль, но вот так нападать на девушку не позволено никому! Если бы я только знала, чем обернется для меня этот забег. Я и сама не поняла, как это случилось. Просто настигла воришку, схватила за ворот, а уже в следующий миг стояла совершенно в незнакомом месте. Его испуганные глаза, крик, кувырок в пространстве – и я снова в центре Москвы. Так я и узнала, что могу путешествовать между мирами. И познакомилась с Ником, парнем не отсюда. Как бы поступили вы, узнай, что можете отправиться в любую точку любой из возможных вселенных? Вот и я не удержалась. Тяга к приключениям, чтоб ее! Мне понадобилось слишком много времени, чтобы понять, что я потеряла все, что было мне дорого. Даже дорогу домой.
About the series:<br>For over two thousand years the legend of Santa Claus has endured. His is a mission of peace as outlined in the Magi Charter, given to the first Santa by the Child. From humble beginnings following that First Christmas the Santa lineage has been passed down through the ages. This epic adventure tells the story of those Santas from the founding of the North Pole and the origin of the ancient elves, to our modern times where the world's problems effect even those in the secluded complex of the North, and concluding in the distant future which finds Santa and the elves committed to their mission on a galactic scale where Christmas traditions are barely recognizable. Even in that era those committed to the Charter must find a way to deliver that which is needed most to those most deserving.<br><br>The Elf Coup:<br>It was foreseen that this would be a difficult year for the North Pole. Multiple crises threaten the complex as well as individual elves. Santa Claus is missing somewhere in the human world as are the elves sent to find him. The creature Krampus wreaks havoc on the North Pole bringing elf work to a halt. Mistletoe Green seizes the opportunity to carry out his own diabolical plans for power. The retired elves have their own secrets that will unlock more mysteries of the North Pole, vital for certain young elves which everything depends on. Noel alone must face Mistletoe, but first he will need to master the elfin runes and that means surviving the training of an ancient elf's teachings…
Plants have played key roles in science fiction novels, graphic novels and film. John Wyndham’s triffids, Algernon Blackwood’s willows and Han Kang’s sprouting woman are just a few examples. Plants surround us, sustain us, pique our imaginations and inhabit our metaphors – but in many ways they remain opaque. The scope of their alienation is as broad as their biodiversity. And yet, literary reflections of plant-life are driven, as are many threads of science fictional inquiry, by the concerns of today. Plants in Science Fiction is the first-ever collected volume on plants in science fiction, and its original essays argue that plant-life in SF is transforming our attitudes toward morality, politics, economics and cultural life at large – questioning and shifting our understandings of institutions, nations, borders and boundaries; erecting and dismantling new visions of utopian and dystopian futures.
Debut title from Hue-Man Group imprint – with deep connections into to the African American literary world. In other words, 2 publishers – Akashic, Hue-Man, to spearhead promotion. Randall Robinson has a strong profile based on his groundbreaking nonfiction books (The Reckoning, The Debt, etc.Z) Submit to B&N Discover Program
In this perceptive novel of interracial marriage, the author of Japan Unmasked again exposes the harsh realities and strange contradictions of life in post-WWII Japan.Alice Burns, the canny and compassionate daughter of Glasgow workingman, knew almost nothing about her employer's homeland when she started to work in London office of the Tozai company, a great international trading firm. But when she married Saburo Tanaka, a member of Tozai's managerial staff, she began to share and then to understand her husband's hard–driven existence as a «salary–man,»bound in lifelong, vassal–like servitude to his company.When Alice accompanied Saburo back to Japan she was doomed to the loneliness of the dutiful Japanese wife, who waits at home as her husband devotes himself to company business, company entertaining and company social life. Through her eyes, the author reveals a world of lavish expense–account spending and squalid, cramped living conditions, of cumbersome social obligations and smouldering rivalries, in which individual initiative is smothered and private life hardly exists.
"What Waley did create is literary art of extraordinary beauty that brings to life in English the world Murasaki Shikibu imagined. The beauty of his art has not dimmed, but like the original text itself retains the power to move and enlighten."—Dennis Washburn, from his foreword Centuries before Shakespeare, Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji was already acknowledged as a classic of Japanese literature. Over the past century, this book has gained worldwide acceptance as not only the world's first novel but as one of the greatest works of literature of all time.The hero of the tale, Prince Genji, is a shining example of the Heian-era ideal man—accomplished in poetry, dance, music, painting, and, not least of all to the novel's many plots, romance. [i]The Tale of Genji and the characters and world it depicts have influenced Japanese culture to its very core. This celebrated translation by Arthur Waley gives Western readers a very genuine feel for the tone of this beloved classic.This edition contains the complete Waley translation of all six books of [i]The Tale of Genji and also contains a new foreword by Dennis Washburn with key insights into both the book and the importance of this translation for modern readers.
Geisha in Rivalry , first published as Udekurabe in 1918, has a secure place among Kafu Nagai's masterpieces. Set against the backdrop of Tokyo's Shimbashi geisha district, a company of vivid characters play out their drama of illicit love, shady intrigue, and unrelenting rivalry. In the forefront are the geisha: some powerful and spiteful like the imperious Rikiji, some crude and obvious like the gaudy Kikuchiyo, some naive and pathetic like the heroine Komayo, and all engaged in finding a place for themselves in a world that offers no easy route of escape from their profession. Here, too, are the patrons of the geisha: the playboys, the actors, the successful businessmen, and the «upstart gentlemen» of late Meiji society. And here, again, are those who make the machinery of this world function: the geisha house proprietors, the teahouse mistresses, the actors' retainers, the servants. And, finally, here are the parasites of the demimonde, who live off its other denizens through guile and deceit. Through this often sordid but fascinating pageant move the figures of the geisha Komayo, her lovers, and the women who conspire to steal them from her.
Retief ways might be the disgrace of Earth's diplomatic corps—but he always manages to get the job done, much to his boss's dismay!