Историческая литература

Различные книги в жанре Историческая литература

The Ancient Greeks For Dummies

Stephen Batchelor

The civilisation of the Ancient Greeks has been immensely influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science and arts of Western culture. As well as instigating itself as the birthplace of the Olympics, Ancient Greece is famous for its literature, philosophy, mythology and the beautiful architecture- to which thousands of tourists flock every year. This entertaining guide introduces readers to the amazing world of the Ancient Greeks. It offers a complete rundown of Greek history alongside fascinating insights into daily life in Ancient Greece and a captivating overview of Greek mythology. Readers will discover how this ancient culture came to be the cornerstone of Western civilisation and the enormous influence it has had on our language, politics, education, philosophy, science, arts and sport. The history of Ancient Greece remains a wide topic of interest, particularly renowned for its influential and diverse culture This basic guide will allow greater access to this vibrant area of study, and provide a distinct and light-hearted approach to this vast area history Covers dozens of topics, including; the early civilisations, war & fighting, home & family, day-to-day life and much, much more! About the author Steve Batchelor is a lecturer in Classics at Richmond College and has been teaching ancient history for 10 years. He has written reviews for various publications, including History Today, and he has also been involved in running guided historical tours of Greece.

AP U.S. History For Dummies

Greg Velm

Getting ready to tackle the AP U.S. History exam? AP U.S. History For Dummies is a practical, step-by-step guide that will help you perfect the skills and review the knowledge you need to achieve your best possible score! Discover how to identify what the questions are really asking and find out how to combine your history knowledge with context clues to craft thoughtful essays. Try your hand at two true-to-life AP exams, complete with detailed answer explanations and scoring guides. You’ll find out how to put together a game plan, develop a study strategy, decode the Political – Economic – Social (PES) answer secret, and understand exactly what’s going to be on the stress. This easy-to-understand guide reviews all periods of U.S. history, from the country’s earliest inhabitants to the present day. Ease your mind on stress day and feel completely prepared by completing the two practice exams with answers and explanations. Find out how to: Prepare a study plan for the time leading up to the exam Decode your score and learn how to get the best score Put your knowledge to work Approach the different types of questions: multiple choice, document-based, and essay questions Navigate all exam topics, from the Native Americans to the present day Analyze and connect political, economic, and social themes Recognize trick words Complete with lists of ten monster event topics AP wants you to know, ten unstoppable cultural trends, and ten key court decisions, AP U.S. History For Dummies will help you ace this test!

Венецианский контракт

Марина Фиорато

Сюжет этой книги основан на реальных событиях, произошедших в Венеции в 1576 году, спустя пять лет после сокрушительного поражения Османской империи в морском сражении при Лепанто. Под покровом ночи корабль со смертоносным грузом на борту незаметно подкрадывается к Венеции. С корабля сходит человек, в котором еле теплится жизнь, и направляется к площади Сан-Марко. Он несет жителям Венеции «дар» Константинополя. Через несколько дней уже весь город охвачен чумой – и турецкий султан наслаждается своей местью. На том же судне плыла беглянка – красавица Фейра, врач гарема, сбежавшая от султана, который пожелал сделать ее наложницей. Только благодаря своей находчивости и медицинским познаниям ей удается выжить в Венеции, в которой бушует чума. В отчаянии дож Венеции поручает своему лучшему архитектору Андреа Палладио построить величайшую церковь, равной которой мир еще не видывал, – приношение Господу Богу, настолько прекрасное, чтобы оно помогло спасти город. Жизнь Палладио тоже в опасности, и потребуется всё умение Аннибала Касона, лучшего чумного врача города, чтобы уберечь его от заразы. Но Аннибал не предвидел одного – встречи с Фейрой, оказавшейся под защитой Палладио, встречи с женщиной – не только равной ему по интеллекту, но и способной научить его любить.

The Death of Spin

George Pitcher

Charts the rise and fall of the spin culture of the last two decades… Every decade has its own identity, key values and needs. The 1990s were the age of spin, when the materialism of the 1980s, the desire for instant communication and soundbite democracy came together in the spin culture. This spread throughout society from business and politics even to charities and the church. Somewhere in these polished communications the message was lost. In this fascinating and highly readable work George Pitcher tells the story of the rise and fall of the spin culture, predicting its final death in the early years of the twenty first century. He examines methods of communication as a reflection of and within the context of the values of society and the process of democracy, before drawing on his considerable experience both as the giver and receiver of spin, to examine how we can move beyond the age of spin. * A zeitgeist work that captures the quest for meaning in the current age and a desire to progress beyond the heady days of spin culture. * Charts the history and rationale of spin throughout society from the early days of Margaret Thatcher to the death of spin in the hands of the masters of the spin culture. * Interspersed with the author's own diary entries as a journalist covering major events of the past twenty years * Discusses methods of communication, how they reflect the values of the age and the relationship between business and politics * Discusses the way ahead: how politicians, businesses and institutions can communicate with the general population in the post spin age. * Author offers a unique perspective with insights both as the giver and receiver of spin.

Comrades and Strangers. Behind the Closed Doors of North Korea

Michael Harrold

In 1987 Michael Harrold went to North Korea to work as English language adviser on translations of the speeches of the late President Kim Il Sung (the Great Leader) and his son and heir Kim Jong Il (then Dear Leader and now head of state). For seven years he lived in Pyongyang enjoying privileged access to the ruling classes and enjoying the confidence of the country’s young elite. In this fascinating insight into the culture of North Korea he describes the hospitality of his hosts, how they were shaken by the Velvet Revolution of 1989 and many of the fascinating characters he met from South Korean and American GI defectors to his Korean minder and socialite friends. After seven years and having been caught passing South Korean music tapes to friends and going out without his minder to places forbidden to foreigners, he was asked to leave the country.

Global History. A Short Overview

Noel Cowen

This short book offers a clear and engaging introduction to the history of humankind, from the earliest movements of people to the contemporary epoch of globalization. Cowen traces this complex history in a manner which offers both a compelling narrative and an analytical and comparative treatment. Drawing on a new perspective on global history, he traces the intersection of change in economics, politics and human beliefs, examining the formation, enlargement and limits of human societies. Global History shows how much of human history encompasses three intersecting forces – trading networks, expanding political empires and crusading creeds. Abandoning the limits of a Eurocentric view of the world, the book offers a number of fresh insights. Its periodization embraces movement across continents and across the millennia. The indigenous American civilizations are included, for instance. The book also ranges over the early civilizations of China and Europe as well as the Russian and Islamic worlds. Modern American and Japanese civilizations are, in addition, a focus for attention. The author examines national and regional histories in relation to wider themes, sequences and global tendencies. In conclusion, he seeks to address the question of the extent to which a global society is beginning to crystallize.

European History for Dummies

Sean Lang

A fun, informative guide to Europe’s past and present. The history of Europe is rich, complex, vibrant, and at times violent; it has influenced many countries throughout the world and has itself been influenced by many countries. In the light-hearted European History For Dummies, historian Sean Lang explores the countries, conflicts, people, institutions, disasters, and triumphs that have helped shape modern-day Europe, packing in tons of facts alongside the fun. Chapters range from «Celts without Kilts» and «What a Way to Run a Republic!» to «I Capture Quite a Few Castles,» «Reformation Ruckus,» and «The War to End All Wars.» Sean Lang, the author of British History For Dummies (0-7645-7021-8), is also a history lecturer, examiner, and writer.

The Ancient Egyptians For Dummies

Charlotte Booth

Unravel the history behind of one of the most fascinating ancient civilisations with this engaging, entertaining and educational guide to the ancient Egyptians. With a complete rundown of ancient Egyptian history and culture alongside insights in to the everyday lives of the Egyptians, you’ll discover how they kept themselves entertained, the gory details of mummification, the amazing creation of the pyramids, the deciphering of hieroglyphs and much more.

The Making of Modern Israel. 1948-1967

Leslie Stein

On May 14, 1948 the State of Israel was declared, announced by David Ben-Gurion at a small gathering that assembled in the main hall of the Tel Aviv Art Museum. Within a time frame of only nineteen years, culminating in the Six-Day War, Israel fought three separate wars. But within its first four years, thanks to mass immigration, its population doubled. Furthermore, Israel had been confronted with acute economic difficulties, intra Jewish ethnic tensions, a problematic Arab minority and a secular-religious divide. Apart from defence issues, Israel faced a generally hostile or, at best, indifferent international community rendering it hard pressed in securing great power patronage or even official sympathy and understanding. Based on a wide range of sources, both in Hebrew and English, this book contains a judicious synthesis of the received literature to yield the general reader and student alike a reliable, balanced, and novel account of Israel?s fateful and turbulent infancy.

Три дна без Христа. Пятница

Андрей Юрьевич Иванов

Совсем недавно ударом копья было закончено земное пребывание Бога среди нас. Но никто на земле, даже самые близкие ему люди, пока ничего не поняли. За пятницей настанет суббота, потом будет воскресенье, а с ним наступит великое облегчение, но это будет нескоро. А сейчас идет дождь, Он умер; потому что Он – преступник, а вокруг злые люди усердно ищут всех, кто был с Ним, кто слушал Его; потому что нет выхода… Всё кончено. На самом деле всё только началось. Сегодня только пятница. Первый день без Него… Первая часть большого размышления…