Историческая литература

Различные книги в жанре Историческая литература

The Saxon

Margaret Moore

Endredi Endredi haunted his every waking thought… a sun-burnished Valkyrie with a beauty as wild as the open sea.But Adelar's deepest passion was also his darkest secret. For the woman who held his heart belonged to his lord… . Adelar Always would Endredi remember the boy who had awakened her to love.Yet she cursed the fates who brought her face-to-face with Adelar the man, for she was now nothing more than a bartered bride in a Saxon stronghold rife with danger and deceit.

The Proposition

Kate Bridges

Sergeant-Major Travis Reid Was Coldhearted TroubleBut for the sake of the child she'd lost, Jessica Haven was ready to travel with a man who hated the sight of her. Still, the trail-toughened Mountie was her last, best hope for justice–and maybe her one true chance for love!She Was The Mayor's Spoiled Daughter Travis Reid had been ready to dismiss Jessica Haven as the flighty society miss he remembered, concerned only with her own comfort. But the determined young woman surprised him with her unexpected verve and sensuality. And their trek across the wilderness was fast becoming a journey of the heart!

The Nanny

Judith Stacy

Holy Terrors, The Lot Of 'Em!That's what everyone considered Josh Ingalls's unruly passel of kids–secretly, anyway. No sense offending the most eligible widower in town! But Annie Martin didn't care what a «catch» her employer was. She only wanted him to admit he loved his children. And possibly share a kiss or two–okay, maybe three…!This latest nanny was barely more than a girl herself, Josh Ingalls noted, but if a tree-climbing dynamo in trousers was what it took to manage his energetic tribe, he'd happily keep the amazing, amusing, arousing Annie Martin around forever!

The Matchmaker

Lisa Plumley

Someone Was Matching Up Men And Women All Over Town–And, Tarnation! It Had To Stop!Marcus Copeland had been elected to «investigate» the most likely suspect. But he didn't have time to romance any secrets out of the unconventional Molly Crabtree. He had a lumber mill to run. And besides, this buxom, beautiful baker was proving to be one tough cookie!Coming from a family of freethinkers, Molly Crabtree knew she'd be a success if only someone would take her seriously. But who'd ever have thought it would be the arrogant Marcus Copeland? And was his proposition strictly business–or secret pleasure?Only the matchmaker knew for sure…!

The Courtship

Lynna Banning

Temporarily displaced Southern belle Jane Charlotte Davis was desperate to make enough money to return home. So when town banker Rydell Wilder, a Northerner through and through, offered her a loan to start her own business, she jumped at the chance. Even though the man was too handsome–and too interested in her–for her peace of mind.…Once, Rydell Wilder had been the new, poor boy in town. Now he had the wealth and the means to get whatever he wanted. And what he wanted more than anything was Jane. But did he have a prayer of turning their business deal into a marriage contract?

Texas Lawman

Carolyn Davidson

ONE NIGHT TOGETHER IN A TEXAS JAILIt was quite an introduction, but before sunrise, Sheriff Brace Caulfield knew Sarah Murphy was a woman to match him in every way. The amazing woman was so determined to rescue her nephew from abuse that she'd put herself smack in the middle of danger. All that would protect her now was an instant wedding–to Brace!A lucky star must have been shining in the wide Western sky the night Sarah Murphy tracked her no-account brother-in-law to Benning, Texas. There she met lawman Brace Caulfield, an imposing, arousing bear of a man who swore she'd be safe and happy-ever-after if she'd just say the words «I do»!

Texas Gold

Carolyn Davidson

Faith Hudson Was Falling In Love With Her Husband!Her marriage was a disaster. Her husband was better off in Boston without her. It had been clear to her then, and it was even clearer now that she'd traveled west and made her home on a Texas ranch. She had no plans of ever returning.But Max Hudson wanted her back. It had taken him three years to find her, and he wasn't going home without her. It was a matter of principle.…Until he realized he was more in love with the woman Faith had become than he ever could have imagined. And that love just might be what Faith had needed all along.

Soaring Home

Christine Johnson

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesSmall-town girl Darcy Shea aspires to be the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.All she needs is a plane, flight lessons—and the luck to avoid marriage. A husband would never allow her to fly, let alone truly soar. When test pilot Jack Hunter crash-lands practically in her backyard, her prayers seem answered. . . almost.The dashing aviator won't let her near his plane—or reveal the real reason he's keeping her grounded. But Darcy won't give up until both their dreams come true. And even after conquering the wild blue yonder, she may find that love is truly the greatest adventure of all.

Деревянное яблоко свободы

Владимир Войнович

Книжная серия «Пламенные революционеры» была задумана и запущена Политиздатом в 1968 году. Одним из приглашенных к участию в серии авторов стал и Владимир Войнович. Из всех предложенных издательством кандидатур по теме писатель выбрал личность эсерки, террористки, члена Исполнительного комитета партии «Народной воли» – Веры Фигнер. Террор в истории человечества применялся одними людьми против других всегда, начиная с Каина. Но народовольцы стали родоначальниками террора организованного. Эти люди, по словам Ленина, «страшно далекие от народа», были первыми, кто поставили политические убийства на поток. Члены партии сделали их главным орудием своей борьбы и готовы были расплачиваться за свои убеждения и деяния не только жизнями классовых и идейных врагов, но и своими собственными жизнями. Автора захватила возможность окунуться в исторический материал и взглянуть на переломный период в истории России через призму взглядов, поступков и судьбы в целом одного из решительных его героев. В этом романе Войнович предстает пред нами как историк, философ, знаток тонкой душевной организации своих героев. В жестких рамках политической цензуры, исторических фактов, документов и воспоминаний современников и участников событий, Владимир Николаевич, ищет и предъявляет читателю судьбу ЧЕЛОВЕКА! Он не героизирует и не обличает, он дает возможность потомкам самим оценить дела и поступки героев былых времен, позабытых давно имен. Роман «Деревянное яблоко свободы» в советское время выходил многомиллионными тиражами под названием – «Степень доверия». Теперь и у вас, уважаемые любители аудиокниг, есть возможность познакомиться с его современной аудиоверсией. Также не пропустите аудиокниги по произведениям Владимира Войновича: про «Жизнь и необычайные приключения солдата Ивана Чонкина»: «Лицо неприкосновенное»; «Лицо привлеченное»; «Перемещенное лицо»; по роману «Малиновый пеликан»; роману; по повести «Шапка», по культовому роману «Москва 2042» и аудиокниги по сборнику сказок-притч «Сказки дедушки Володи». Издается в последней авторской редакции. © В. Войнович (наследники) ©&℗ ИП Воробьев ©&℗ ИД СОЮЗ

Silver Hearts

Jackie Manning

Luke Savage Was Not A Marryin' Man. The funny thing was – Noelle Bellencourt just happened to come from a long line of folks with tricks up their sleeves. Certainly there was more to this Eastern miss than met the eye, for he suspected she had the power to transform his wandering ways!Noelle Bellencourt had come West to find family and fulfillment – and instead found herself stranded in the desert, arguing at riflepoint with Luke Savage. But could this mysterious stranger truly be the one to make all her troubles disappear?