Историческая литература

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Territorial Bride

Linda Castle

TERRITORIAL BRIDE BROOKS JAMES THOUGHT HE'D LEFT HIS DANDY DAYS BEHIND HIM…But when Missy O'Bannion, the wildfire cowgirl who'd lassoed his heart, set her sights on becoming a lady with a capital L , he traded the wide-open spaces of the West for the gilded streets of Little Old New York… !Missy O'Bannion knew only two things: that she wanted to be a genuine «lady» and that one look from Brooks made her feel like anything but! Was this true love? He claimed he wanted her forever, but she still had doubts that even true love could survive that long!

Tempting Kate

Deborah Simmons

A MEETING AT GUNPOINTA fitting start for such a dangerous attraction, thought Grayson Westcott, the Marquis of Wroth. And though he'd always prided himself on his infamous self-control, Kate Courtland's hoydenish charms had shattered his defenses and set fire to his soul!Kate Courtland's life of privilege amongst polite society was a distant memory, and the hardships of her daily struggle had become all too real. Until the night she wounded the Marquis of Wroth, and unleashed a smoldering passion that would change their lives forever!

Storming Paradise

Mary McBride

Stolen Heiress

Joanna Makepeace

Revenge and…marriage?Clare Hoyland had witnessed the most vicious behavior between her family and those dreadful Devanes. But when her brother killed all but one member of the Devane family, Clare knew she was next to suffer. For as she set out on a journey, the sole survivor, Robert Devane, carried her off into the dark wilderness. Her handsome captor meant to avenge his family's slaughter by marrying her! Though his wife and prisoner, Clare couldn't help falling in love with her own husband. Would they never give up this bitter family feud and admit those tender feelings that had stirred from the moment they touched?

Silent Knight

Tori Phillips

SIR GUY HAD THE FACE OF AN ARCHANGEL~Yet his vow of silence and monkish cowl hid thoughts that would make the devil blush! For the innocent beauty of Celeste de Montcalm was a temptation that he could scarcely resist.But was his urge to protect her from the evil lord to whom she was promised an honorable one, or just an excuse to claim the lady as his own?

Shawnee Bride

Elizabeth Lane

English Heart, Shawnee Soul Wolf Heart had long since accepted his path in life.Born of one world, raised in another, he'd known the pain and loneliness of being different for as long as he could remember. Until he discovered Clarissa Rogers fighting for survival in a savage land and claimed her for his bride.Torn from a life of comfort, Clarissa had braved the brutal gauntlet and won the right to live among her captors as an equal. But the future was up to her. Would she choose to return to a world of privilege or embrace the freedom of her new life – and accept the love of the warrior who had claimed her heart… ?

Saxon Lady

Margo Maguire

Drawn to her avowed enemyBaron Mathieu Fitz Autier expected some resistance when he staked his claim to the Saxon land he'd won in battle. But he never imagined that the former lady of the manor would have the courage to fight back–with an arrow aimed at his head!Lady Aelia saw her world slipping away as the Normans took control of her beloved home. Worse, she was drawn to Fitz Autier–her avowed enemy. She would not give in to the passion she sensed in this fierce warrior: not when he was honor-bound to deliver her to a Norman king. The journey ahead was sure to test them both beyond reckoning.

Runaway Miss

Mary Nichols

Just who is Miss Fanny Draper? Alexander, Viscount Malvers, is sure the beautiful girl on the public coach is not who she says she is. Her shabby clothing and claim of being a companion cannot hide the fact that she is Quality. He's intrigued. This captivating miss is definitely running away, but from what-or whom?Alex is adept at getting under her guard, but Lady Emma Lindsay must keep up the pretence. As her feelings grow, so does her dilemma. Maybe a lady can follow her heart, but a poor companion certainly can't-and Miss Fanny Draper she must remain!

Redeeming Gabriel

Elizabeth White

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesSpying for the Union army has taken a heavy toll on Gabriel Laniere.Though his cause is noble, the constant deception required has eaten away at his soul. never can Gabriel risk getting close to anyone–not even God. Yet Camilla Beaumont, daughter of the Confederacy, just might be the exception. Courageously, unbeknownst to family friends, Camilla works for the Underground Railroad.This dangerous secret rivals Gabriel's own. Perhaps Camilla could underst the sacrifices he has made in the name of duty. the unlikely partnership they forge could be the key Gabriel seeks to a soul-shaking truth larger than any conflict–love.

Navajo Sunrise

Elizabeth Lane

Miranda Howell grieved for the Navajo and yearned to educate their children for the future they'd face, not the past they mourned. But her every effort was thwarted by a proud warrior who desired only to keep his people strong–and help Miranda free the passion in her soul.…Ahkeah knew his duty to his People, his daughter, his wife's memory. Yet he was unsure of how to treat an enemy who wore skirts and smelled of lilacs. Miranda Howell had come to the desert full of curiosity and compassion…and a tenderness that was slowly turning the wall that surrounded his heart to dust.