Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная эзотерическая и религиозная литература

Megan On Üç Yaşında

Owen Jones

“Megan On Üç Yaşında” adlı bu kitap, yirmi üç kitaptan oluşan Megan serisinin ikinci sayısı. Bu hafta psişik kız Megan'ın doğum günü, bu yüzden ailesi onun artık genç kız oluşunu kutlamak için büyük bir parti planlamakta. Bu partiye tüm ailesi ve arkadaşları davetli ve kahramanı DJ Jack Hammer patisinde davetlileri müziğiyle coşturacak. Partisinde acaba hayalet Sibirya kaplanı Grrr'ı kimse fark eder mi diye merak ediyor, ancak bu esnada yakışıklı bir çocuğa rastlayabileceği ihtimalinden tamamen habersiz. Megan Serisi, psişik güçlere ilgi duyan herkesin okuyabileceği bir kitap serisi.

Umur Ketiga Belas Megan

Owen Jones

Ulang Tahun Ketiga Belas Megan adalah volume kedua dari dua puluh tiga Seri Megan. Orang tua Megan mengadakan pesta besar untuk merayakan ulang tahun Megan, seorang anak indigo yang telah tumbuh menjadi seorang remaja. Keluarga dan teman-temannya diundang ke acara besar itu. Ada pula Jack Hammer, seorang DJ lokal idolanya yang memainkan musik. Dia bertanya-tanya apakah akan ada yang bisa melihat temannya, roh harimau Siberia yang besar sekali bernama Grrr. Akan tetapi, dia pun tak menyangka akan bertemu dengan orang asing yang tampan. Seri Megan diperuntukkan bagi orang-orang di segala usia yang tertarik dengan hal-hal spiritual. Ulang Tahun Ketiga Belas Megan adalah volume kedua dari dua puluh tiga Seri Megan. Orang tua Megan mengadakan pesta besar untuk merayakan ulang tahun Megan, seorag anak indigo yang telah tumbuh menjadi seorang remaja. Keluarga dan teman-temannya diundang ke acara besar itu. Ada pula Jack Hammer, seorang DJ lokal idolanya yang memainkan musik. Dia bertanya-tanya apakah akan ada yang bisa melihat temannya, roh harimau Siberia yang besar sekali bernama Grrr. Akan tetapi, dia pun tak menyangka akan bertemu dengan orang asing yang tampan. Seri Megan diperuntukkan bagi orang-orang di segala usia yang tertarik dengan hal-hal spiritual.

Практика Дхаммы

Пхра Аджан Тхэт Десаранси

Предлагаемая читателю книга посвящена обсуждению двух основных видов медитативных практик буддизма Тхеравады – безмятежности (samatha) и прозрения (vipassanā). Автор книги – Почтенный мастер медитации Пхра Аджан Тхэт Десаранси из монастыря Хин Марк Пенг на северо-востоке Таиланда. Автор представляет духовный путь как путь воина, который ведет битву с загрязнениями своего ума. Развивая данную аналогию, он сопоставляет основные компоненты буддийского духовного пути с теми или иными аспектами ведения сражений. Важная особенность излагаемого здесь подхода к медитативной практике – ясное различение таких аспектов развития безмятежности (samatha), как погружение (jhāna) и медитативное сосредоточение (samādhi). Важнейшим отличием медитативного сосредоточения от погружения является его неразрывная связь с непрестанным памятованием трех признаков – изменчивости, неудовлетворительности и отсутствия самости. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

950 Orações Para Derrotar O Espírito De Bênçãos Demoradas E Retidas

Dr. Olusola Coker

O espírito de bênçãos atrasadas e retidas é terrível. Todos que sofrem sua ação não são capazes de alcançar nada na vida. São sempre os últimos da fila para qualquer coisa, os últimos a se casarem, os últimos a serem promovidos, os últimos a conseguirem entrar na escola ou universidade, os últimos a terem filhos. Bem que poderiam ser chamados de irmão/irmã fracassados. São sempre os últimos a obterem sucesso na vida. Esse livro contém 950 orações poderosas que irão acabar as bênçãos atrasadas e retidas em sua vida. O espírito de bênçãos demoradas e retidas é terrível. Todos afligidos por ele não conseguirão ter sucesso na vida. São sempre os últimos da fila para obterem algo, os últimos a se casarem, os últimos a serem promovidos, os últimos a entrarem na escola ou universidade, os últimos a aterem filhos. Deveriam ser chamados de irmã ou irmão “último”. São sempre os últimos a obterem sucesso na vida. Esse livro contém 950 orações poderosas que irão por um fim nas bênçãos atrasadas e retidas em sua vida. Se sua resposta for “sim” a qualquer uma ou todas as perguntas abaixo, então esse livro é para você! Você está aguardando uma promoção que nunca chega? Já tem idade suficiente para casar, mas o parceiro certo nunca aparece? Está querendo ser admitido na escola ou universidade, mas seus testes são sempre rejeitados, apesar de já ser sua quinta tentativa? Já tem mais de 20 anos que você tenta alcançar o sonho da casa própria, mas não consegue, embora faça todo o esforço? Está esperando por um milagre ou sucesso em qualquer área de sua vida, mas os mesmos nunca se manifestam? CHEGA DE ATRASO E RETENÇÃO DE BÊNÇÃOS EM SUA VIDA! Antes de orar, siga as instruções abaixo. Leia a passarem bíblica em Gênesis 28:1-5, confesse seus pecados, tanto os conhecidos quando os desconhecidos.

Чары Медузы Через Призму Искусства, Мифа И Легенды

Андреа Пьянкастелли

Два анализа: один – художественный, другой – исторический, – поведут нас разными маршрутами; каждый маршрут увлекателен, каждый наделен символическими и психологическими смыслами, но оба они в конечном счете сходятся в одном: ужасная горгона скрывает в себе первобытную тайну. Посмотрим, какую. Таинственная фигура с волосами в виде змей и взглядом, заставляющим окаменеть, продолжает очаровывать своей двусмысленностью и загадкой: очерк по мифологии исследует символичность горгоны Медузы, концентрируясь в художественно-историческом анализе, в основном, на античном мире. Неожиданный флэшбэк ведет читателя в предшествующие времена, а в них раскрываются альтернативные толкования. […] ”Не смотри на то, что видишь, кроме своего отражения в зеркале”. Это говорит Персею Афина. В переносном смысле, не смотри на всю полноту вещей, не думай о ней, – в том числе, не думай и о себе, – в их совокупности, потому что ты можешь умереть от того, что увидишь, особенно от того, что видишь внутри себя; и пока ты не погружаешься в свое отражение, ты способен себя защитить. Это приятное путешествие в глубь эпох и одновременно научный очерк, подкрепленный историческими, художественными и литературными источниками; следующий через символы, мифы, истории и далекие воспоминания, связанные с таким мифологическим персонажем, как Медуза; охватывающий период от доисторической эпохи до наших дней.

The Eternal Plan

Colin Jones

The Eternal Plan – Revealed' is a collection of articles that were dictated to the man called The Happy Medium, Colin Jones, by his Spirit Guides. He recorded them by means of automatic writing. The man, the entity, as I have learned to describe him, that I knew as my father for all my life, is known to me as Colin Jones. He gave me a few carrier bags in 1999 and asked me to read the contents and write a book on it, if I could. At that time, time did not seem pressing and I put the bags in my safe at home. He passed away a few years later on his 72 birthday, the 21st February. I, and all our family were devastated, but I did nothing about ‘his papers’. I had no idea what to do. I moved abroad and wrote a novel. That took five years, although it is still unpublished. In 2011, I started a new venture publishing ebooks that I had written myself. The courage to write these ebooks had come from writing the first book. I looked for ways to circumvent traditional publishing and came across Amazon’s Kindle. I learned how to publish my ebooks through them and realised how to publish Dad’s book. It took me a long time, but I think that I was guided by spirit. My Dad, Colin Jones, would never have said that these writings are his own. Rather he would say that he was inspired, in the true sense of the word. People told him what to write. All of our family witnessed this over five or six decades. Sometimes, Dad would be sitting with us watching TV, but Dad’s eyes would be shut and he would be writing the pieces that you see in this ebook. He did automatic drawings too. My brothers and I are very privileged to have been born with such a person, but as with most instances with parents, we realised it too late. I hope that you enjoy this book. I will expand it in later editions. One last point, my father’s mother, Lavinia Jones, founded a spiritualist church in Barry, South Wales, which is still going to this day.

Megan's Thirteenth

Owen Jones

Megan's Thirteenth” is the second volume of twenty-three in the Megan Series. It is psychic Megan's birthday and to celebrate her becoming a teenager, her parents are throwing a big party for her. Family and friends are invited to the big occasion, where her hero local disc jockey, Jack Hammer, is to play the music. She wonders whether anyone will spot her huge ghost Siberian tiger, Grrr, but she does not count on meeting a handsome stranger. The Megan Series is for people of all ages who are interested in psychic matters.

950 Prayers That Overcome The Spirit Of Delayed And Detained Blessings

Dr. Olusola Coker

Spirit of delayed and detained blessings is a terrible spirit. Anyone afflicted will not be able to achieve anything in life. They are always on the last line to achieving anything, the last to get married, and the last to be promoted, the last to gain admission to universities or college, the last to have Children. They can better be called brother last or sister last. They are always last in achieving a breakthrough in life. This Book contains 950 powerful prayers that will put an end to delayed and detained blessings in your life. Are you expecting promotion in your office, but is not yet forthcoming? Are you mature enough to get married, but the right partner is not yet forthcoming? Are you seeking admission to university or college, but your application is being rejected, despite the fact that this is your 5th attempt? Is it taking you 20 years to complete or buy your dream house, despite the fact that you are putting more efforts? Are you expecting a miracle or breakthrough in any area of your life but is not manifesting? Are you expecting a contract but approval was turn down several times and you notice that your colleagues that are not good enough on the job are being awarded the contracts meant for you? Is your business crawling: over 20 years you establish it, still not an improvement? Are you operating an Agency business, eg estate agency, clearing and forwarding agent etc but instead of clients approaching for business, they are passing what belongs to you to your colleagues? I want you to know that the spirit of delayed and detained blessing does not remove the blessing but merely frustrate you by shifting it forward. Does it make sense if a breakthrough that purposes to manifest in your life at the age of 25 years is now manifesting at the age of 70 years? No, it does not make sense, that is the reason you have to deal with the spirit of delayed and detained blessings as soon as possible. WHAT IS THE SPIRIT OF DELAYED AND DETAINED BLESSINGS BY THE WAY? It means tiredness to achieve a goal. Unnecessary procrastination. What you need to do now you keep on postponing it. It means obstacles. It means inability to accomplish something good in life. It could also mean your current location and environment is slowing you down in achieving your aim in life. It is a force that is preventing you from moving forward. It also means your family, friends, and relations that is a stumbling block to your breakthrough. This can be regarded as evil Yoke It could mean your spouse attitude; behavior is stopping you from realizing your potentials especially if you are not married in the Lord. It is anything, anybody that stops you from realizing your blessings. It also means your attitude, actions and behavior are stopping you from moving forward. It means lack of determination to succeed. It means lack of commitment to realize your dreams It means laziness in everything. It means unwillingness. It means lack of discipline. You will never be the person you can be if pressure, tension, and discipline are taken out of your life. Lack of enthusiasm. The Spirit of delayed and detained blessings cannot just disappear, you have to pray aggressively to remove them it is the only prayer that can remove the evil spirit because it has no respect for anyone no matter who you are. Please find below reasons you need to remove the spirit of delayed and detained blessings from your life. You can never rise to greater heights if you are afflicted with the spirit of delayed and detained blessings It slows down your productivity. It leads to frustrations and regret. It brings shame and sorrow. It is a destiny destroyer and killer. Your Destiny Helper can never appear to you. It makes one be in a spot year in year out. No progress, you are employed as a driver and retired as a driver. It brings limitations and stagnation It brings untimely death. You can never be effective if the spirit of delayed and detained blessings is in you. Pray at least 30 prayer points a Day before you sleep or early in the morning as soon as you wake up for the next 32 Days to actualize your God given Blessings. NO MORE DELAY AND DETAIN BLESSINGS IN YOUR LIFE. Before you pray please follow the instructions below. Read the Bible Passage below Genesis 28:1-5 Confess all your sins, both known and unknown

Let Your Light Shine Before Men

Job Mothiba

Not everyone knows God is real until you tell them about your testimony. It’s when people hear your real story that they get to know you, like you and trust you. And want to do business with you, realising that everything that looks nice comes with a price. The one who is willing to pay whatever price it takes to do the will of God is worth more to God than the one who always looking for a cheaper I believe that everyone is gifted, but some of us never open our package. When we believe with all of our hearts that we will do what we were made to do. For what we really want to do is what we are really meant to do. When we do what we are meant to do, doors open for us, we feel useful, and the work we do feels like play to us. At times we might think we are not good enough, but you will surprise yourself if you keep trying. You are capable of achieving more than you realize. The world need you to shine your light extra bright. Remember those forgotten by the world. The widows, the broken and the lost souls. Be the voice for those unheard. Do what is right for them even if it is not expected, noticed or required. You are an answer to their problem, a key to someone's new door, a signpost on someone's journey. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

Uništite Nemoći I Bolesti

Olusegun Festus Remilekun

Nemoć je stanje ili bolest koja proizvodi slabost i može dovesti do smrti. Obolenje, bolest, nemoć i bol sada su rasprostranjeni na zemlji. Uglavnom su nemoći i bolesti demonske po prirodi. Ova knjiga je mini molitvenik za duhovno ratovanje posebno usmeren na uništavanje nemoći i bolesti bubrega, jetre, raka, dijabetesa, povišenog krvnog pritiska i svih neobičnih bolesti u vašem telu i krvnom sistemu. Svaku temu u ovoj brošuri koja se tiče vas treba moliti sedmodnevnim postom za najmanje 1 sat hvale i bogosluženja svakog dana. Brošura se može koristiti bilo kada tokom dana, ali ja vam toplo savetujem da se molite noću između 12 i 3 sata ujutro, jer vi sudelujete u ratnim molitvama. Moć Jehove Rafe ozdraviće vas i osloboditi ropstva nemoći i bolesti kroz ovu knjigu. Nabavite svoj primerak odmah! Šalom!