Зарубежная публицистика

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная публицистика

Ukraine's Maidan, Russia's War

Mychailo Wynnyckyj

In early 2014, sparked by an assault by their government on peaceful students, Ukrainians rose up against a deeply corrupt, Moscow-backed regime. Initially demonstrating under the banner of EU integration, the Maidan protesters proclaimed their right to a dignified existence; they learned to organize, to act collectively, to become a civil society. Most prominently, they established a new Ukrainian identity: territorial, inclusive, and present-focused with powerful mobilizing symbols.
Driven by an urban “bourgeoisie” that rejected the hierarchies of industrial society in favor of a post-modern heterarchy, a previously passive post-Soviet country experienced a profound social revolution that generated new senses: “Dignity” and “fairness” became rallying cries for millions. Europe as the symbolic target of political aspiration gradually faded, but the impact (including on Europe) of Ukraine’s revolution remained. When Russia invaded—illegally annexing Crimea and then feeding continuous military conflict in the Donbas—, Ukrainians responded with a massive volunteer effort and touching patriotism. In the process, they transformed their country, the region, and indeed the world.
This book provides a chronicle of Ukraine’s Maidan and Russia’s ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity from the perspective of a participant observer.

Eksportnye nefte- i gazoprovody na postsovetskom prostranstve


The collective volume that provides an academic analysis of oil and gas export pipelines from the post-Soviet region, covering new pipeline projects and the exploitation of existing pipelines, as well as offering fresh theoretical perspectives on the interpretation of conflicting interests between producers, consumers and transit countries. The volume offers insights into the pipeline policies of different actors from various theoretical angles, including constructivism, liberal intergovernmentalism, geopolitical approaches, interdependence theory and securitization studies.

Divided We Stand: Discourses on Identity in ‘First’ and ‘Other’ Serbia

Ana Omaljev

Serbia is still widely thought of as an unfinished state, whose people struggle to establish a compelling identity narrative in answer to the question 'who are we?'. While existing literature has over-analyzed Serbian nationalism, the Serbian public sphere remains largely ignored. This engaging and timely book fills this gap by giving context to the persistent and overwhelming dialogue between opposing factions on the identity spectrum in Serbia. Omaljev's focus on elite discourses provides a fresh perspective on this contentious subject. It offers an original understanding of the competing arguments surrounding 'First' and 'Other' Serbia and of the contested visions of Serbian national identity and broader European identity.
By closely examining the identity vocabulary of Serbian elites and the opposing ways in which these elites view the use of labels such as 'anti-Serbian', 'patriot', and 'traitor', this book provides a vital lesson in post-conflict nation-building and raises important questions about the symbolic representations of political and cultural identities. A much-needed and compelling intervention in the Serbian identity discourse, Omaljev's work is a must-read for any researcher on the Western Balkans

Point of View 2-Book Bundle

Douglas L. Bland

This special 2-book bundle contains two cutting edge pieces of political analysis. Irresponsible Government examines the current state of Canadian democracy in contrast to the founding principles of responsible government established by the Fathers of Confederation. The book examines the failure of modern elected representatives to perform their constitutionally mandated duty to hold the prime minister and his cabinet to account. It further examines the modern lack of separation between the executive and legislative branches of government and the disregard with which the executive views Parliament. The book seeks to shine light on the current power imbalances that have developed in Canadian government. There are few greater tragedies than a war waged by a society against itself. As Time Bomb shows, a catastrophic confrontation between Canada’s so-called «settler» and First Nations communities is not only feasible, it is, in theory, inevitable. Grievances, prejudice, and other factors all combine to make the likelihood of a First Nations uprising very real. This book describes how a nationwide insurgency could unfold, how the «usual» police and military reactions to First Nations protests would only worsen such a situation, and how, on the other hand, innovative policies might defuse the smouldering time bomb in our midst. The question all Canadians and First Nations must answer is this: Must we all suffer the disaster of a great national insurgency or will we act together to extinguish the growing danger in our midst? Includes Irresponsible Government Time Bomb

Аудиоальманах «Поле»


В альманах «Поле» вошли фрагменты из книг, выпущенных в рамках совместной издательской программы Ad Marginem и Музея современного искусства «Гараж». Слушать можно и каждую главу как отдельный и законченный выпуск, и все выпуски подряд, но второй вариант предпочтительнее, так как поможет почувствовать общую концепцию сборника. Каждая глава записана новым диктором со своей интонацией, каждый текст становится еще и тестом на восприятие, поиском ответа на вопрос, поставленный Брехтом век назад. Что должно звучать по радио, какие тексты переносят перевод в аудиоформат без потерь, какие возможности открывает звук для книг? Альманах назван по закрывающему трек-лист эссе Джона Берджера «Поле». Речь идет и о звуковом поле, и о поле пересекающихся смыслов, и об общей мизансцене этого эфира, который, как мы надеемся, подарит нашим читателям новый опыт, позволит расслышать нюансы, возможно, выпадавшие при чтении.


Джон Бёрджер

Часть альманаха «Поле», в который вошли фрагменты из книг, выпущенных в рамках совместной издательской программы Ad Marginem и Музея современного искусства «Гараж».

Место в шуме

Джон Сибрук

Часть альманаха «Поле», в который вошли фрагменты из книг, выпущенных в рамках совместной издательской программы Ad Marginem и Музея современного искусства «Гараж».


Леонид Липавский

Часть альманаха «Поле», в который вошли фрагменты из книг, выпущенных в рамках совместной издательской программы Ad Marginem и Музея современного искусства «Гараж».


Брюс Чатвин

Часть альманаха «Поле», в который вошли фрагменты из книг, выпущенных в рамках совместной издательской программы Ad Marginem и Музея современного искусства «Гараж».