Зарубежная публицистика

Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная публицистика

Insanely Wise

Jaidev Singh Anand

The current book is an opinion document describing the opinion of this writer what he thinks are the opinions of various groups of diverse citizens of America-mostly of East Coast and West coast.

Letter to House Select Committee on Intelligence

Darryl Robert Schoon

My ten year prison sentence began in the fall of 1986 at Lompoc Federal Prison Camp in Lompoc, California. New surroundings always lead to new acquaintances. As true for prison as it is for other locales, only the types you meet there are different.

The United States Government Shutdowns and Emergency Declarations

Kofi Aninakwa

A government shutdown occurs when Congress does not approve of or the President rejects the federal budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Since the 1990s, Congress has often failed to pass the twelve to thirteen appropriation bills that set government-wide spending.<br /><br />In their stead they pass «continuing resolutions (CR)» to extend the existing spending law at or near current levels, and «omnibus» bills that combine many appropriations bills into one. <br /><br />The National Emergencies Act (NEA) of 1976 allows the president to declare a national emergency, but he must outline the specific emergency powers he is using under existing statutes. According to the Brennan Center's running count, 32 of these are still in effect—including the ban on Iranian property, which was extended in November of 2018.


Kofi Aninakwa

Theresa May has officially stepped down as the leader of the Conservative Party on Friday, but will remain as prime minister until her successor is chosen in July, 2019. She announced her resignation saying it was a matter of deep regret that she had been unable to deliver Brexit. <br /><br />Her resignation may have made a no deal Brexit impossible to stop. German chancellor Angela Merkel said she had worked well with Theresa May but 'respected' the British PM's decision to quit <br /><br /> Theresa May was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in office since July 2016. The country’s second female Prime Minister after fellow Conservative Margaret Thatcher May is a highly experienced politician who took over as UK’s PM from David Cameron during a period of political uncertainty following Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. <br /><br />She was born Theresa Mary Brasier on October 1, 1956, Theresa May made her first foray into politics in 1986 when she became a councilor for the London Borough of Merton where she served as the Chairman of Education (1988–90) and Deputy Group Leader and Housing Spokesman (1992–94).

A Question of Order

Basharat Peer

What happens when a democratically elected leader evolves into an authoritarian ruler, limiting press freedom, civil liberties, and religious and ethnic tolerance? India and Turkey are two of the world's biggest democracies –multi-ethnic nations that rose from their imperial past to be founded on the values of modernity. They have fair elections, open markets, and freedom of religion. Yet this is an account of how the charismatic strongmen Narendra Modi, in India, and Recep Tyyip Erdogan, in Turkey, used the power they had won as elected heads of state to push their countries toward authoritarian ways. Journalist Basharat Peer knows only too well how the tyranny of the majority can exact a terrible human toll; it's a story he told in Curfewed Night , his memoir of growing up in war-torn Kashmir. For this book, Peer spent a year and a half traveling across India and Turkey to chronicle the rise of Modi and Erdogan, and to tell the stories of the men and women they have victimized, who have showed courage and endured great suffering because of their love of true democratic traditions. It is more important than ever to understand the failings of democracies like India and Turkey if liberal traditions are to be protected and nourished.

Как лгать при помощи статистики

Дарелл Хафф

В этой всемирно известной книге Дарелл Хафф рассказывает о различных способах злоупотребления статистикой в целях обмана аудитории и манипулирования ее мнением. Каждый день на вас пытаются повлиять, чтобы сподвигнуть на покупку какого-то «нужного» продукта или на выбор «правильного» кандидата: «Благодаря пасте “Чистые зубы” образование кариеса снижается на 23 %!»; «Политика N поддерживает 85 % граждан»… Как понять, насколько достоверны те или иные данные? Каким образом происходят подсчеты? Что учитывается, а что остается за кадром? Автор раскрывает секретные инструменты статистиков и вооружает читателя знаниями, которые помогут разобраться во всех хитросплетениях этой науки и не позволят ввести в заблуждение.

Win-win -ajattelu

Veikko Saksi

Win-win &ndash;toiminnassa molemmat osapuolet voittavat ja yhteinen voitto on suurempi kuin yksin voidaan mitenkään saavuttaa. Ei ole ylärajaa sille, kuinka hyvä tulos yhdessä on mahdollista saada verrattuna vain oman edun tavoitteluun.<br><br>Aito win-win &ndash;ajattelu ei ole peliä toista vastaan, mistä kaikki peliteoreettiset ratkaisut näyttävät lähtevän, vaan se on täysipainoista yhteistyötä kaikkien pelaajien kesken.<br><br>Toimiminen sellaisen kilpakumppanin kanssa, joka on vastapuoli, ei ole yhtä tuloksellista kuin toimiminen win-win &ndash;yhteistyössä sellaisen partnerin kanssa,

Thirty Years Later . . . Catching Up with the Marcos-Era Crimes

Myles Garcia

Until they were expelled from power thirty years ago, in early 1986, the late dictator Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos (she, the Shoe Queen) jointly ruled the Philippines with impunity for 20+ years. They were an efficient cash-and-carry team&mdash;while he raided the national till, she shopped &#39;til she dropped. In the words of the US congressman investigating them, &quot;Compared to her (Imelda), Marie Antoinette was a bag lady,&quot; . . . while Ferdinand made master embezzler Bernie Madoff look like a rank amateur. <br><br>With the passing of 30 years, this book becomes a full accounting of the rapacious and avaricious rule the pair enjoyed&mdash;how they hoodwinked an unsuspecting people, and the truth behind many of the dirty tricks they employed revealed at last. The present is an opportune time to take stock, especially as their only son and heir, Ferdinand, Jr., and others of his ilk, launches a comeback attempt for national office in this year&#39;s Philippine elections, and trying to re-fabricate history in the process. This book will set the record straight.

Political Conventions

Allan Bonner

Launched in honour of President Obama&#39;s inaugural, this book was written during the most remarkable political season in American history. The author visited all major presidential campaign offices in New York and New Hampshire, attended the presidential debates and was a commentator for PBS and National Public Radio. Allan also attended the historic Democratic convention and toured most presidential libraries.

Pot Shards: Fragments of a Life Lived in CIA, the White House, and the Two Koreas

Donald P. Gregg

Pot Shards is a memoir, based on the author&#39;s memorable experiences. He served as a CIA&#39;s agent on the island of Saipan, during ten years in Japan, a tour in Burma, four years tied up in the Vietnam War, two tours in Korea, the second time as ambassador, and ten years in the White House, where he worked for Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H. Bush.