Документальная литература

Различные книги в жанре Документальная литература

Task-based grammar teaching of English

Susanne Niemeier

The focus on communication in TBLT often comes at the expense of form. In this book, the task-based approach is enhanced and coupled with insights into (cognitive) grammar, an approach which sees grammar as meaningful. The book shows how grammar teaching can be integrated into a communicative lesson in a non-explicit way, i.e., «by the backdoor». The learners are involved in situations that they may also encounter outside their classrooms and they are given communicative tasks they are to work on and solve, usually with a partner or in small groups. What teachers need to invest for preparing such lessons is their own creativity, as they have to come up with communicative situations which guide the learners into using a specific grammatical structure. The book first discusses the didactic and the linguistic theories involved and then translates these theoretical perspectives into actual teaching practice, focusing on the following grammatical phenomena: tense, aspect, modality, conditionals, passive voice, prepositions, phrasal verbs, verb complementation, pronouns and articles.

Calvin's Interpretation of 'The Lord's Prayer'. A Rhetorical Approach

Professor J.H. Mazaheri

This book presents a detailed textual analysis of Calvin's Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer, from the last version of the Institution de la religion chrétienne (1560), Chapter XX. The author also compares the French Reformer with some of the most important theologians from Augustine to Luther.

Ugandan Children's Literature and Its Implications for Cultural and Global Learning in TEFL

Stephanie Schaidt

The present study adds to TEFL discourse in several ways. First of all, it contributes to the widening of the canon as it focuses on Ugandan childrens fiction. Secondly, the research connects to the few empirical studies that exist in the field. It provides further implications for cultural and global learning and literary didactics in TEFL derived from insights into the mental processes of a group of Year 9 students in Germany engaging with Ugandan childrens fiction within the scope of an extensive reading project.

Stress Variation in English

Alexander Tokar

This monograph is concerned with the question of why some English words have more than one stress pattern. E.g., <i>'overt</i> vs. <i>o'vert, 'pulsate</i> vs. <i>pul'sate</i>, etc. It is argued that cases such as these are due to the fact that the morphological structure of one and the same English word can sometimes be analyzed in more than one way. Thus, <i>'overt</i> is the stress pattern of the suffixation analysis <i>over</i> + <i>-t</i>, whereas <i>o'vert</i> is due to the prefixation analysis <i>o-</i> + <i>-vert</i> (cf. <i>covert</i>). Similarly, <i>pulsate</i> is simultaneously <i>pulse</i> + <i>-ate</i> (i.e., a suffixed derivative) and a back-derivative from <i>pul'satance</i>. <br /><br /> «Tokar's approach in the use of both dictionary (OED) and corpus data (YouTube) holds promise of a scholarly breakthrough on the vital linguistic prosodic topic of English stress assignment of doublets and of stress assignment in general.» (Irmengard Rauch, Professor of Germanic Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley)

La adquisición del sistema verbal español por aprendices alemanes y el papel del aspecto gramatical

Tim Diaubalick

Este trabajo investiga la adquisición del sistema temporal-aspectual en español como segunda lengua/lengua extranjera desde una perspectiva múltiple. A través de un estudio con 657 participantes, se enfocan las dificultades específicas de aprendices alemanes cuya primera lengua se distingue del español por la falta del aspecto gramatical. Al contrastarlos con hablantes de lenguas románicas, empleando métodos de la estadística inferencial, el hallazgo principal consiste en un efecto crucial de marcadores temporales que supera lo que se encontró en estudios anteriores (por ejemplo, entre aprendices anglófonos). Los resultados y sus implicaciones didácticas son discutidos ante varios planteamientos teóricos.

(Des)escribir la Modernidad - Die Moderne (z)erschreiben: Neue Blicke auf Juan Carlos Onetti

Группа авторов

Vor mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert erfand der uruguay-ische Autor Juan Carlos Onetti die fiktive Stadt Santa María und legte damit den Grundstein für einen faszinierenden lite-rarischen Kosmos. Mit Romanen wie La vida breve (dt. Das kurze Leben), El astillero (dt. Die Werft) oder Juntacadáveres (dt. Leichensammler) wurde er zu einem der einflussreichsten Schriftsteller der lateinamerikanischen Moderne. Er schrieb über das Scheitern, Entfremdung und die Unmöglichkeit der Liebe ohne dabei seine Figuren zu verraten. 1980 erhielt er den Premio Cervantes, die höchste literarische Auszeichnung der spanischsprachigen Welt. Dieser Sammelband stellt die erste umfassende Würdigung des einflussreichen Romanautors vonseiten der deutsch-sprachigen Hispanistik dar. Er betrachtet das Werk Onettis vor der Folie aktueller literatur- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Ansätze und nimmt vor allem sein bisher von der Forschung wenig beachtetes Spätwerk in den Blick.

Community, Seriality, and the State of the Nation: British and Irish Television Series in the 21st Century

Группа авторов

Since the turn of the 21st century, the television series has rivalled cinema as the paradigmatic filmic medium. Like few other genres, it lends itself to exploring society in its different layers. In the case of Great Britain and Ireland, it functions as a key medium in depicting the state of the nation. Focussing on questions of genre, narrative form, and serialisation, this volume examines the variety of ways in which popular recent British and Irish television series negotiate the concept of community as a key component of the state of the nation.

Politics and Scepticism in La Mothe Le Vayer

Ioana Manea

The book aims at bringing a significant contribution to the study of a prestigious figure of the French 17th century who, thanks to his intellectual achievements, became involved with the leading politicians of the time, including Cardinal Richelieu and the future Louis XIV. Unlike the previous critical studies about La Mothe Le Vayer, the book does not study exclusively the works in which he seemed to undermine the political order, but also takes into account the series of educational treatises that he wrote for the prince between 1640-1658. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, which involves philosophical and literary concepts, the book is likely to deal with a question that could not be more relevant nowadays: should an intellectual who perceives the failings of the political order withdraw into the solitude of his library or get involved in politics in order to try to improve it?


John Kinsella

Temporariness is a scandal in our culture of monumentalism and its persistent search for permanence. Temporariness, the time of the ephemeral and the performative, the time of speech, the time of nature and its constant changesthese times have little cultural purchase. In this volume two practitioners and theoreticians of time, space and the word embrace the notion of temporarinessseeing in it a site for a renewal of ways of thinking about ourselves, our language, our society and our environment. This collage of fragmentary genres approaches the notion of mitigated presence to build an atlas of intersections attentive to our own temporariness as the site of aesthetic and ethical responsibility. This book is a scintillating meditation on the temporality of human lives and the contemporary possibilities of humanistic writing. John Kinsella and Russell West-Pavlov explore the conjunctions of memoir, theory, poetry, anecdotes, journal entries and other fragmentary forms in their conversations about the political realities of the world and the imperatives of human survival. They write across hemispheres, they interanimate the specific experience of place and history in Germany, Ireland, Western Australia, the Adriatic coast, Africa, New England. 't?mp(?)r?r?n?s is the chance collaboration of two writers and intellectuals that could never have come into existence before it did and that can never be repeated. Philip Mead, University of Melbourne

New Perspectives on Older Language Learners

Miriam Neigert

Young-old learners are an underresearched group in foreign/second language research. The present mixed-methods study aims to provide a more differentiated view of this group in the context of lifelong learning and, more specifically, learning English as a foreign language. The author draws from concepts in gerontology, psychology, adult education, and foreign/second language research to investigate the L2-self-concepts of young-old language learners at Volkshochschulen in Germany.