Документальная литература

Различные книги в жанре Документальная литература

Esquisse d'un ouvrage en faveur des pauvres

Jeremy Bentham

Полный вариант заголовка: «Esquisse d'un ouvrage en faveur des pauvres : adressee a l'editeur des Annales d'agriculture / par Jeremie Bentham ; publiee en francais par Ad. Duquesnoy».

Travels into Turkey

Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels into Turkey : containing the most accurate account of the Turks, and neighbouring nations, their manners, customs, religion, superstition, policy, riches, coins, etc. : the whole being a series of remarkable observations and events, interspers'd with great variety of entertaining incidents, never before printed : with memoirs of the life of the illustrious author / translated from the original Latin of the learned A.G. Busbequius».

Weiche der Kultur und der Kraft

Ehregott Hoflich

Полный вариант заголовка: «Weiche der Kultur und der Kraft : Hymnus dem verehrten Vorsteher einer achtbaren Erziehungsanstalt Herrn Friedrich Ulrich Kemmeter bei der funfundzwanzigjahrigen Jubelfeier des Instituts / gesungen und gewidmet von Ehregott Hoflich».

Journey from Riga to the Crimea

Mary Holderness

Полный вариант заголовка: «Journey from Riga to the Crimea : by way of Kiev : with some account of the colonization, and the manners and customs of the colonists of New Russia : to which are added, Notes relating to the Crim Tatars / by Mary Holderness».

Travels in South Africa. Vol. 2

John Campbell

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels in South Africa : Vol. 2 : undertaken at the request of the London Missionary Society : being a narrative of a second journey in the interior of that country : with a map and coloured prints / by the Rev. John Campbell».

The Peerage of England. Vol. 1

Arthur Collins

Полный вариант заголовка: «The Peerage of England : Vol. 1 : containing a genealogical and historical account of all the peers of that Kingdom, now existing, either by tenure, summons, or creation : their descents and collateral lines : their births, marriages, and issue : famous actions both in war and peace : religious and charitable donations : deaths, places of burial, monuments, epitaphs : and many valuable memoirs never before printed : also their paternal coats of arms, crests, supporters and mottoes, curiously engraved on 200 copper-plates : collected from records, old wills, authentic manuscripts, our most approved historians, and other authorities, which are cited : in 7 volumes / by Arthur Collins».

Relation d'un sejour a Alger


Полный вариант заголовка: «Relation d'un sejour a Alger : contenant des observations sur l'etat actuel de cette regence, les rapports des etats barbaresques avec les puissances chretiennes, et l'importance pour celles-ci de les subjuguer : traduit de l'anglais».

A defence of natural and revealed religion. Vol. 1

Robert Boyle

Полный вариант заголовка: «A defence of natural and revealed religion : Vol. 1 : being an abridgment of the sermons : in 4 volumes / preached at the lecture founded by the Hon-ble Robert Boyle ; by Bentley, Kidder, Williams [и др.] ; with a general index by Gilbert Burnet».

Voyages. T. 2

Pietro della Valle

Полный вариант заголовка: «Voyages de Pietro Della Valle : Tome 2 : gentilhomme romain, dans la Turquie, l'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, les Indes Orientales, & autres lieux».

Voyages. T. 1

Pietro della Valle

Полный вариант заголовка: «Voyages de Pietro Della Valle : Tome 1 : gentilhomme romain, dans la Turquie, l'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, les Indes Orientales, & autres lieux».