Once for All Delivered to the Saints. Группа авторов

Словари. Monographs in Baptist History

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Once for All Delivered to the Saints

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781532652264

Автор произведения Группа авторов

Жанр Словари

Серия Monographs in Baptist History

Издательство Ingram

This Festschrift for historian Gerald L. Priest, who served the Lord Jesus and the church for over twenty years at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, contains six articles that touch on historical subjects dear to Dr. Priest's heart. The first three articles deal with aspects of the life and ministries of Jonathan Edwards and Andrew Fuller, both remarkable eighteenth-century theologians whose thought has had a profound impact down to the present day, along with eighteenth-century Baptist reflection on the subject of good works. The second set of three essays explore the nature of Fundamentalist historiography and the emergence of twentieth-century Fundamentalism through the lens of the thinking of two prominent liberals, William Newton Clarke and George Burman Foster. Together, all six essays are offered as a tribute to a fine Christian historian, teacher, and believer.