Nanoparticle (NP)-Based Delivery Vehicles. Navid Rabiee

Техническая литература. IOP Concise Physics

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Nanoparticle (NP)-Based Delivery Vehicles

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781643274515

Автор произведения Navid Rabiee

Жанр Техническая литература

Серия IOP Concise Physics

Издательство Ingram

Gene therapy as a potential method for treatment of genetic disorders and other malignancies as well as treatment of many cancers has attracted a great amount of attention in recent years. Current research focuses on stable and smart drug/gene delivery systems, including controlled release. Smart nanostructures have been considered as a promising approach when applied to drug and gene delivery systems, and could solve the problems related to the inefficient transfer of medication to the affected cells.