Quorne Returns. John Russell Fearn

Научная фантастика.

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Quorne Returns

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781479409891

Автор произведения John Russell Fearn

Жанр Научная фантастика


Издательство Ingram

The bacterial intelligences of Neptune plan to conquer Earth by replacing humans in key positions with alien duplicates. A disturbing new element is introduced when the Neptunians themselves fall under the dictates of the sinister Sefner Quorne, whom the Golden Amazon believes to be dead. Once alerted to the threat, the Golden Amazon hits back with all the ruthless scientific ingenuity at her command. She creates an ultimate doomsday weapon–only to precipitate a reprisal from the denizens of another universe, plunging the Amazon, her husband Abna, and their daughter Viona into another astonishing science fiction adventure in the ongoing saga of the Golden Amazon. The sixth thrilling chapter in this exciting space opera!