Lord of Atlantis. John Russell Fearn

Научная фантастика.

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Lord of Atlantis

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781434447524

Автор произведения John Russell Fearn

Жанр Научная фантастика


Издательство Ingram

Way out in the Atlantic, a gigantic ridge of land has arisen from the ocean floor, causing America and Europe to be hit with massive tidal waves. But this is only the prelude to an even more unprecedented event: an invasion of both continents by hordes of prehistoric monsters! Then reports come in of a gigantic domed city resting on the newly risen plateau, whilst out in space a spacecraft of unknown design is spotted orbiting the Earth. Are these occurrences connected? That's the mystery and challenge facing Violet Ray Brant, The Golden Amazon and self-appointed Governess of Earth. But even this superwoman will struggle to unravel the maze of mystery that's the deadly legacy of ancient Atlantis! The thrilling second volume in the Golden Amazon Saga.