Pattern of Murder. John Russell Fearn

Зарубежные детективы.

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Pattern of Murder

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781434448361

Автор произведения John Russell Fearn

Жанр Зарубежные детективы


Издательство Ingram

For cinema projectionist Sid Elbridge, it seems that things can't get much worse. First, circumstantial evidence has made him the prime suspect in the police investigation of a robbery at the cinema where he works. Secondly, his fiancée Vera has been horribly killed in the same theatre, victim of a falling light fixture. Then he discovers strange, intricate patterns traced in the dust on the wooden frame of a still-case. There's something very wrong about this «accident,» he now realizes, and begins investigating what actually happened. <p> Slowly he realizes that a ruthless murderer is lurking in the shadows, and only Sid can uncover the PATTERN OF MURDER! <p> Another great mystery story by a British master of intricate plot twists.