Fergus Farringdon the Second.. Rene Darker

Изобразительное искусство, фотография.

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Fergus Farringdon the Second.

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781922381729

Автор произведения Rene Darker

Жанр Изобразительное искусство, фотография


Издательство Ingram

Fergus was a small cottage lad who had lived his whole life in the Hidden Gully. Unfortunately for Fergus, his most close family member passed. With this, unknown phenomena began to take place. Winds, images, and the hearing of silent words. With such events, these prompted Fergus to explore deeper, where he will discover something legendary. As all was evolving, Fergus was fortunate enough to discover many new lands and a few good folks, but what was of importance, was how he harmonized the universe for the betterment of the people.