The Essential Celtic Folklore Collection. Lady Gregory


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The Essential Celtic Folklore Collection

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isbn 9781456613594

Автор произведения Lady Gregory

Жанр Сказки


Издательство Ingram

Compiled in one book, the essential collection of Celtic folklore:<br><br>Legends and Stories of Ireland- Samuel Lover<br>Glossary<br>King O&#39;Toole and St Kevin<br>Lough Corrib<br>A Legend of Lough Mask<br>The White Trout<br>The Battle of the Berrins; or, the Double Funeral<br>Father Roach<br>The Priest&#39;s Story<br>The King and the Bishop<br>Jimmy the Fool<br>The Catastrophe<br>The Devil&#39;s Mill<br>The Gridiron; or Paddy Mullowney&#39;s Travels in France<br>Paddy the Piper<br>The Priest&#39;s Ghost<br>New Potatoes<br>Paddy the Sport<br>The White Horse of the Peppers<br>The Legend of the Little Weaver of Duleek Gate<br>Conclusion of the White Horse of the Peppers<br>The Curse of Kishogue<br>The Fairy Finder<br>Cuchulain of Muirthemne- Lady Gregory<br>Preface by W. B. Yeats<br>I. Birth of Cuchulain<br>II. Boy Deeds of Cuchulain<br>III. Courting of Emer<br>IV. Bricrius Feast<br>V. The Championship of Ulster<br>VI. The High King of Ireland<br>VII. Fate of the Sons of Usnach<br>VIII. Dream of Angus Og<br>IX. Cruachan<br>X. The Wedding of Maine Morgor<br>XI. The War for the Bull of Cuilagne<br>XII. Awakening of Ulster<br>XIII. The Two Bulls<br>XIV. The Only Jealously of Emer<br>XV. Advice to a Prince<br>XVI. Sons of Doel Dermait<br>XVII. Battle of Rosnaree<br>XVIII. The Only Son of Aoife<br>XIX. The Great Gathering at Muirthemne<br>XX. Death of Cuchulain<br>Note by W.B. Yeats<br>Notes by Lady Gregory<br>The Destruction of Da Derga&#39;s Hostel<br>The Cattle-Raid of Cooley<br>Gods and Fighting Men- Lady Gregory<br>The Celtic Twilight- W. B. Yeats<br>Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts by Patrick Kennedy<br>Preface<br>Dedication<br>Household Stories<br>Jac and His Comrades<br>The Bad Stepmother<br>Adventures of Gilla na Chreck an Gour<br>Jack the Master and Jack the Servant<br>I&#39;ll be Wiser the next Time<br>The Three Crowns<br>The Corpse Watchers<br>The Brown Bear of Norway<br>The Goban Saor<br>The Three Advices which the King with the Red Soles gave to his Son<br>Legends of the &#39;Good People&#39;<br>The Fairy Child<br>The Changeling and his Bagpipes<br>The Tobinstown Sheeoge<br>The Belated Priest<br>The Palace in the Rath<br>The Breton Version of the Palace in the Rath<br>The Fairy Nurse<br>The Recovered Bride<br>Faction-fight among the Fairies<br>Jemmy Doyle in the Fairy Palace<br>The Fairy Cure<br>The Sea Fairies<br>The Black Cattle of Durzy Island<br>The Silkie Wife<br>The Pooka of Murroe<br>The Kildare Pooka<br>The Kildare Lurikeen<br>The Adventures of the &#39;Son of Bad Counsel&#39;<br>Witchcaft, Socery, Ghosts and Fetches<br>The Long Spoon<br>The Prophet before his Time<br>The Bewitched Churn<br>The Ghosts and the Game of Football<br>The Cat of the Carman&#39;s Stage<br>Cauth Morisy looking for Service<br>Black Stairs on Fire<br>The Witches Excursion<br>The Crock found in the Rath<br>The Enchantment of Gearhoidh Iarla<br>Illan Eachtach and the Lianan<br>The Misfortunes of Barrett the Piper<br>The Woman in White<br>The Queen&#39;s County Ghost<br>The Ghost in Graigue<br>Droochan&#39;s Ghost<br>The Kiranelagh Spirit<br>The Doctor&#39;s Fetch<br>The Apparition in Old Ross<br>Ossianic and Early Legends<br>Fann Mac Cuil and the Scotch Giant<br>How Fann Mac Cuil and his Men were Bewitched<br>Qualifications and Duties of the Fianna Eirionn<br>The Battle of Ventry Harbour<br>The Fight of Castle Knoc<br>The Youth of Fion<br>Fion&#39;s First Marriage<br>How Fion selected a Wife<br>Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne<br>The Flight of the Sluggard<br>Beanriogain na Sciana Breaca<br>Conan&#39;s Delusions in Ceash<br>The Youth of Oisin<br>The Old Age of Oisin<br>Legend of Loch na Piasta<br>The King with the Horse&#39;s Ears<br>The Story of the Sculloge&#39;s Son from Muskerry<br>Fios Fath an Aaon Sceil<br>An Broan Suan Or<br>The Children of Lir<br>Lough Neagh<br>Killarney<br>Legend of the Lake of Inchiquin<br>How the Shannon acquired its Name<br>The Origin of the Lake of Tiis<br>The Building of Ardfert Cathredral<br>How Donaghedee got its Name<br>The Borrowed Lake<br>Kilstoheen in the Shannon<br>The Isle of the Living<br>Fionnutuin Mac Bochna<br>The Firbolgs and Danaans<br>Inis na Muic<br>The Bath of the White Cows<br>The Quest for the Tain-Bo-Cuilagne<br>The Progress of the Wicked Bard<br>Legends of the Celtic Saints<br>St Patrick<br>How St Patrick received the Staff of Jesus<br>The Fortune of Dichu<br>St Patrick&#39;s Contest with the Druids<br>The Baptism of Aongus<br>The Decision of the Chariot<br>Conversion of the Robber Chief, Macaldus<br>Baptism after Death<br>The Vision of St Brigid<br>Death and Burial of St Patrick<br>The Corpse-freighted Barque<br>St Brigid&#39;s Cloak<br>St Brigid and the Harps<br>Arran of the Saints and its Patrons<br>St Feancheas&#39;s Visit to Arran<br>St Brendain&#39;s Voyage<br>The Island of the Birds<br>The Sinner Saved<br>A Legend of St Mogue of Ferns<br>O&#39; Carroll&#39;s Warning<br>How St Eloi was cured of Pride<br>St Lateerin of Cullin<br>Celtic Wonder Tales- Ella Young<br>The Earth Shapers<br>The Spear of Victory<br>A Good Action<br>How the Son of Gobhaun Saor Sold the Sheepskin<br>How the Son of Gobhaun Saor Shortened the Road<br>The Cow of Plenty<br>The Coming of Lugh<br>The Eric-Fine of Lugh<br>The Great Battle<br>Inisfail<br>The Golden Fly<br>The Children of Lir<br>The Luck-Child<br>Conary Mor<br>Beside the Fire- Douglas Hyde<br>Preface<br>Postscript (by Alfred Nutt)<br>Dedication<br>The Tailor and the Three Beasts <br>Bran<br>The King of Ireland&#39;s Son<br>The Alp-Luachra<br>Paudyeen O&#39;Kelly and the Weasel<br>Leeam O&#39;Rooney&#39;s Burial<br>Guleesh na Guss Dhu<br>The Well of D&#39;Yerree-In-Dowan<br>The Court of Crinnawn<br>Neil O&#39;Carree<br>Trunk-Without-Head<br>The Hags of the Long Teeth<br>William of the Tree<br>The Old Crow & The Young Crow<br>Riddles<br><br>The King of Ireland&#39;s Son- Padraic Colum <br>Irish Fairy Tales by James Stephens <br>The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill <br>The Boyhood of Fionn <br>The Birth of Bran <br>Oisin&#39;s Mother <br>The Wooing of Becfola <br>The Little Brawl at Allen <br>The Carl of the Drab Coat <br>The Enchanted Cave of Cesh Corran <br>Mongan&#39;s Frenzy <br>Myths and Folk-lore of Ireland- Jeremiah Curtin <br>The Son of the King of Erin and the Giant of Loch Lein <br>The Three Daughters of King O&#39;Hara <br>The Weaver&#39;s Don and the Giant of the White Hill <br>Fair, Brown and Trembling <br>The King of Erin and the Queen of the Lonesome Island <br>The Shee an Gannon and the Grugach Gaire <br>The Three Daughters of the King of the East and the Son of a King in Erin <br>The Fisherman&#39;s Son and the Grugach of Tricks <br>The Thirteenth Son of the King of Erin <br>Kil Arthur <br>Shaking-Head <br>Birth of Fin MacCumhail <br>Fin MacCumhail and the Fenians of Erin in the Castle of Fear Dubh <br>Fin MacCumhail and the Knight of the Full Axe <br>Gilla na Grakin and Fin MacCumhail <br>Fin MacCumhail The Seven Brothers and the King of France <br>Black, Brown and Gray <br>Fin MacCumhail and the Son of the King of Alba <br>Cuculin <br>Oisin in Tir Na N-Og <br>Notes <br>Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland- Lady Gregory <br>Preface <br>Sea Stories <br>Seers and Healers <br>The Evil Eye&ndash;The Touch&ndash;The Penalty <br>Away <br>Herbs, Charms and Wise Women <br>Astray and Treasure <br>Banshees and Warnings <br>In the Way <br>The Fighting of the Friends <br>The Unquiet Dead <br>Appearances <br>Butter <br>The Fool of the Forth <br>Forths and Sheoguey Places <br>Blacksmiths <br>Monsters and Sheoguey Beasts <br>Friars and Priest Cures <br>Notes (W.B. Yeats) <br>Witches and Wizards and Irish Folk-Lore (W.B. Yeats) <br>Swedenborg, Mediums and the Desolate Places (W.B. Yeats) <br>The Mabinogion- Lady Charlotte Guest <br>Prolegomena to the Study of Old Welsh Poetry- Edward Anwyl <br>The Gododdin Poems- William F. Skene <br>British Goblins- Wirt Sikes <br>The Welsh Fairy Book- W. Jenkyn Thomas <br>Preface <br>Notes on Welsh Pronunciation <br>The Lady of the Lake <br>Arthur in the Cave <br>The Curse of the Pantannas <br>The Drowning of the Bottom Hundred <br>Elidyr&#39;s Sojurn in Fairy Land <br>Rhys and Llywelyn <br>Lowri Dafydd Earns a Purse of Gold <br>The Llanfabon Changeling <br>Why the Red Dragon is the Emblem of Wales <br>Lyn Cwm Llwch <br>The Adventures of Three Farmers <br>Cadwaladr and his Goat <br>The Fairy Wife <br>Einion and the Lady of the Greenwood <br>The Green Isles of the Ocean <br>March&#39;s Ears <br>The Fairy Harp <br>Guto Bach and the Fairies <br>Ianto&#39;s Chase <br>The Stray Cow <br>Bala Lake <br>The Forbidden Fountain <br>Tudur ap Einion <br>The Fairy Walking Stick <br>Dick the Fiddler&#39;s Money <br>A Strange Otter <br>Fairy Ointment <br>Pergrin and the Mermaiden <br>The Cave of the Young Men of Snowdonia <br>Einion and the Fair Family <br>St Collen and the King of Fairy <br>Helig&#39;s Hollow <br>Owen Goes A-Wooing <br>The Fairy Reward <br>Why Deunant has the Front Door in the Back <br>Getting Rid of Fairies <br>The Mantle of Kings&#39; Beards <br>Pedws Ffowk and St. Elian&#39;s Well <br>Magic Music <br>Sili go Dwt <br>Another Changeling <br>A Fairy Borrowing <br>Treasure Seeking <br>The Richest Man <br>St. Beuno and the Curlew <br>The Cat Witches <br>The Swallowed Court <br>What Marged Rolant Saw <br>Ned Puw&#39;s Farewell <br>Pennard Castle <br>The Man with the Green Weeds <br>Goronwy Tudor and the Witches of Llanddons <br>Robin&#39;s Return <br>The Harper&#39;s Gratuity <br>Six and Four are Ten <br>Envy Burns Itself <br>The Bride from the Red Lake <br>A Fairy Dog <br>Grace&#39;s Well <br>The Fairy Password <br>St. Winifred&#39;s Well <br>The Ancients of the World <br>Nansi Llwyd and the Dog of Darkness <br>An Adventure in the Big Bog <br>The Pwca of the Trwyn <br>John Gethin and the Candle <br>Fetching a Halter <br>Dai Sion&#39;s Homecoming <br>Melangell&#39;s Lambs <br>Syfaddon Lake <br>The Power of St Tegla&#39;s Well <br>The Men of Ardudwy <br>The Parti-coloured Cow <br>Striking a Corpse Candle <br>Hu Gadarn <br>The Devil&#39;s Bridge <br>The Martyred Hound <br>Twm of the Fair Lies <br>Black Robin <br>Llyn Llech Owen <br>A Ghostly Rehersal <br>A Phantom&#39;s Funeral <br>Why the Robin&#39;s Breast is Red <br>The Science of Fairy Tales – Edwin Sidney Hartland <br>Fairies- Gertrude M. Faulding <br>Celtic Fairy Tales- Joseph Jacobs <br>Connla and the Fairy Maiden <br>Guleesh <br>The Field of Boliauns <br>The Horned Women <br>Conall Yellowclaw <br>Hudden and Dudden and Donald O&#39;Neary <br>The Shepherd of Myddvai <br>The Sprightly Tailor <br>The Story of Deirdre <br>Munachar and Manachar <br>Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree <br>King O&#39;Toole and his Goose <br>The Wooing of Olwen <br>Jack and his Comrades <br>The Shee An Gannon and the Gruagach Gaire <br>The Story-Teller at Fault <br>The Sea-Maiden <br>A Legend of Knockmany <br>Fair, Brown and Trembling <br>Jack and his Master <br>Beth Gellert <br>The Tale of Ivan <br>Andrew Coffey <br>The Battle of the Birds <br>Brewery of Eggshells <br>The Lad with the Goat-Skin <br>Notes and References <br>Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race- Thomas Rolleston <br>On the Study of Celtic Literature- Matthew Arnold