Larry's 2011 Tax Guide for U.S. Expats & Green Card User-Friendly English!. Laurence E. 'Larry'

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Larry's 2011 Tax Guide for U.S. Expats & Green Card User-Friendly English!

Год выпуска 0

isbn 9781456600983

Автор произведения Laurence E. 'Larry'

Жанр Юриспруденция, право


Издательство Ingram

There has not been anything written about U.S. taxation matters that apply to U.S. expats in over a decade.....until now! <br><br>Larry Lipsher&#39;s new book is written especially for the American taxpayer who lives and works outside of the U.S.<br><br>Tax year 2010 places a whole new set of tax rules, regulations and laws into operation with two major tax acts passed by Congress and signed into law by the President. FATCA, the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act will forever impact how Americans will do their banking and what they will have to report, in detail, for matters they were not required to report upon in the past.<br><br>Lipsher, a popular commentator of taxes in Asia for well over a decade, writes to get laughs from a subject that usually generates far more tears than laughter. He is brief and very much to the point, concentrating upon making a boring subject as interesting as possible!