‘The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad New Boss’: Editorial changes at ‘Vedomosti’ jeopardize one of Russia's best-respected business newspapers. Kevin Rothrock

Политика, политология. The Naked Pravda

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‘The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad New Boss’: Editorial changes at ‘Vedomosti’ jeopardize one of Russia's best-respected business newspapers

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Автор произведения Kevin Rothrock

Жанр Политика, политология

Серия The Naked Pravda

Издательство Бесплатный контент

To understand the significance of recent editorial troubles at Vedomosti, “The Naked Pravda” turns to Vedomosti editor-at-large Maxim Trudolyubov, who helped launched the publication more than 20 years ago.