The Naked Pravda

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    The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

    Kevin Rothrock

    “The Naked Pravda” speaks to Thomas de Waal, Jeffrey Mankoff, Arzu Geybulla, and Kevork Oskanian about the causes and potential future of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    From Russia With Junk: Why the U.S. Trashed the Ventilators Shipped From Moscow

    Kevin Rothrock

    “The Naked Pravda” speaks to BuzzFeed News correspondent Chris Miller about the U.S. government’s decision to discard 45 ventilators sent by Russia as part of a “humanitarian aid exchange” earlier this year.

    Stephen Cohen’s legacy

    Kevin Rothrock

    “The Naked Pravda” speaks to historian Sean Guillory about the significance of Stephen Cohen’s work on Nikolai Bukharin, about Cohen’s place in American policy debates about Russia, and what his passing means for the study of Russia in the U.S.

    Poisoned in Russia: Alexey Navalny fights for his life as a deadly trend catches up to the country’s top oppositionist

    Kevin Rothrock

    Meduza reviews Alexey Navalny’s mysterious illness and looks back at some recent poisonings in Russia to get a sense of what he’s up against.

    Russia’s coronavirus vaccine: Assessing the risks and research behind ‘Sputnik V’

    Kevin Rothrock

    Meduza asks two American experts on healthcare and demography in Russia and Eurasia about “Sputnik V” – the coronavirus vaccine Moscow has approved for general distribution this fall.

    Finding the poison: Dr. Marc-Michael Blum explains the analytical chemistry needed to identify nerve agents in patients

    Kevin Rothrock

    ‘Meduza’ interviews biochemist Marc-Michael Blum about how analytical chemistry is able to identify nerve agents in patients and what the outlook is for Alexey Navalny’s recovery.

    For Russian eyes only: U.S. voter data, hackers, and the story that wasn’t

    Kevin Rothrock

    ‘Meduza’ asks three analysts working on cyber-threats, digital diplomacy, and Russian politics about a controversial, misleading report published this week in ‘Kommersant’ about U.S. voter data shared on a hacker platform.

    Belarusian propaganda: From courting the West to taking Russia’s cues

    Kevin Rothrock

    “The Naked Pravda” speaks to Alexey Kovalev about his two most recent investigations into Belarusian propaganda: a decade-old PR campaign to ingratiate Alexander Lukashenko to the West and a collaboration now unfolding in Minsk with Russian journalists.

    Treason and Military Journalism in Russia: The arrest and prosecution of Ivan Safronov

    Kevin Rothrock

    “The Naked Pravda” speaks to Human Rights Watch’s Rachel Denber and Harvard University’s Dmitry Gorenburg about the treatment of journalists and reporting on the military in Russia, following treason charges against Ivan Safronov.

    The Sino-Russian Propaganda Pact: How Moscow and Beijing bungled a media partnership meant to promote each other

    Kevin Rothrock

    Meduza asks a handful of regional and media politics experts how the Russian and Chinese state media work together, why this cooperation has stumbled, and how geopolitics plays into this relationship.