Список книг автора HEATHER MACALLISTER

    Personal Relations


    The Plot: Courtney Weathers desperately needs a date–for her older sister! Jeff Ryan needs a break from his workaholic stepbrother. The Personal Touch! brings the teens together as partners in But will it also make them family?Brooke Weathers is counting the days before Courtney goes to college. At least then, she might get a life–a sex life. Chase Davenport has been so busy climbing the corporate ladder and looking after Jeff, he can't remember ever having a sex life.But when the two kids decide to get married, Brooke and Chase have to team up to stop them. Too bad they can't keep their hands off each other long enough to do

    Tempted In Texas


    Can a skirt really act as a man-magnet? Gwen Kempner doesn't think so–but she'd sure like to try it out anyway! Especially on her oh-so-sexy (and oh-so-out-of-her-league) neighbor, Alec Fleming.The only problem–the skirt doesn't fit! But when she sees, firsthand, that it actually works, Gwen's determined to get into it–and into Alec's bed. After all, if she plays her cards right, she won't have to wear the too-tight skirt for long….

    Falling for You


    Police spokeswoman Megan Esterbrook has a problem– she's a sucker for sexy reporter Barry Sutton. Whatever he wants, she gives him, regardless of the cost.But that's about to stop–now! And to keep strong, she's come up with a surefire «Barry aversion therapy»–index cards to remind her why she should stay away. Now all she has to do is remember to use them….

    Skirting The Issue


    Samantha Baldwin hates to lose. And she never does– unless her longtime rival, sexy Josh Crandall, is somehow involved.So when she learns that once again Josh has arrived on the scene just in time to ruin her professional life, she decides to play dirty. Her plan? To flirt her way to a promotion by wearing a skirt–a «man-magnet» skirt, one with the power to have any man eating out of her hands in seconds. But to her surprise, the only man Samantha attracts is Josh. And the chemistry between them lasts long after he takes off her skirt.…

    How To Be the Perfect Girlfriend


    How far would you go to land the perfect man?Payroll assistant Sara Lipton is tired of coasting through relationships. She has to figure out whether to live her life fabulously married or contentedly single. But before she decides, she has to learn how to attract the perfect man. And VP Simon Northrup is definitely perfect. Even though he might be out of her league, he's still the right guy to «practice» on….Simon has never met a woman like Sara. One minute she's an engaging innocent, the next a sassy sex goddess–he just never knows what to expect from her. What he does know is that he wants to get to know her better–much better. And after Sara seduces him senseless, Simon realizes she's the woman for him. Too bad he doesn't know that for Sara this is just a trial run….

    Can't Buy Me Love


    It will take some «spirited» discussion to bring these two together…Lawyer Alexis O'Hara is tired of the dating, mating, then hating game. She wants to settle down, and this time she's not letting her heart get involved. So when her mentor Vincent Cathardy offers her everything she's ever wanted, she agrees to marry him. And by having the wedding at the world-famous Inn at Maiden Falls, she can almost guarantee her own happy ending. Only, it might not be the ending she's expecting….Lawyer Dylan Greene thinks he's negotiating just another prenuptial agreement–until he learns that the bride-to-be is his first and only love, Alexis. And it's soon obvious that the chemistry between them is just as explosive as ever. Even after years apart, they can't keep their hands off each other. So why is Alexis so determined to go through with the wedding? And will Dylan be able to seduce her into saying no to Vincent– and yes to him?



    These weddings are starting with a bang! They never thought a fitting would lead to erotic confessions! But thanks to one very thin wall between the dressing rooms in a bridal shop and a tuxedo boutique, four lucky couples are about to be enlightened-and delightfully satisfied…The bridal shop's assistant manager hears a very suggestive song from the dressing room next door….An arranged marriage isn't always about love. But for one Indian couple, it might be about transcendent sex!A bride-to-be has a flirtatious exchange through the wall…unknowingly with her fiancé's twin brother….When a groom decides to surprise his busy fiancée with a romantic escape, he's in for a sexy shock. Because he accidentally kidnaps the wrong woman!

    Jilt Trip


    Taken by Storm


    What happens on the road…Zoey Archer has a long, glorious history of disaster. Financially, professionally…and, oh, yes, a junkyard full of romantic wreckage. All she wants is a chance to prove that she can be Absolutely Capable and Reliable Zoey. And if that means escorting her sister's high-maintenance purebred dog to the other side of the country, nothing can stop her.Except the weather.Fortunately, craft brewery owner Cameron MacNeil is just as desperate to get to Seattle as Zoey. But while her new travel companion seems like a gift from God, he's also one very hot distraction. And on a cross-country road trip with a blizzard raging outside, there are very few places to hide from the storm….

    The Boss and the Plain Jayne Bride


    Making over Ms. Right…Jayne Nelson's life lacks pizzazz. She wants adventure…she wants romance…She wants Garrett Charles! Since her new boss is a hunky ex-model turned entrepreneur, Jayne's convinced that the only way she'll have a chance with him is to become as model-like as possible. Considering she's short and curvy, this could be difficult!Garrett Charles is fed up with women just interested in his good looks; Jane is the first person to treat him as an equal. Too bad she's determined to change–Garrett liked the old Jayne…. If only he can convince her to forget about makeovers and think about marriage!