Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Hostile Odds

    Don Pendleton

    The illicit activities of an organized crime family draw Mack Bolan to California, where he uncovers a deadly power struggle. It seems a branch of this family tree extends to a small town in Oregon where the Mob's influence runs deep. Following the bloody trail, Bolan takes his war across the state line.Profits from prostitution, drugs and numbers rackets tied to several local businesses are being funneled to a radical ecoterrorist group more than willing to strike out against anything–and anyone–standing in its way. A war is brewing and the small town is under siege. Faced with mounting casualties, the Executioner will have to use his own methods to clean up the environment.

    Fatal Combat

    Don Pendleton

    CUTTHROATAfter a number of civilians turn up dead from knife wounds throughout Detroit, a red flag is raised in Washington. Concerned the city has become a testing ground for low-budget, low-tech domestic terrorism, the President wants those responsible for the deaths brought down. And there is only one man who can get under the radar to do it–Mack Bolan.But the pieces of the puzzle are as intricate as the knife wounds, and everywhere Bolan turns leads to another dead end. One thing is certain: whoever is behind the killings doesn't want him around. And it seems everyone from the police department to the Mafia is in on the fight.If it's a duel to the death they want, then the Executioner is ready to battle.

    Serpent's Lair

    Don Pendleton

    SUICIDE MISSIONMack Bolan is dispatched to shut down a high-tech arms deal brokered by the Yakuza. But a simple assignment takes an ugly twist when Bolan's cover is blown.Outgunned, outnumbered and on the run with a gutsy kid in tow, Bolan's grim situation becomes worse when a new and deadlier enemy appears in his sights. An ancient cult is taking new recruits and its leader is manufacturing death in a canister.A temporary truce with his Yakuza enemies may be the Executioner's only chance. He has to stay alive long enough to halt the threat of the hour: a madman with a bioweapon that could wipe out the population of Japan… and beyond.

    Hazard Zone

    Don Pendleton

    A luxury Jamaican tourist resort turns into a death trap when a vacationing American senator's daughter is murdered. When her body is then used to unleash chemical warfare on the U.S., it's clear this wasn't just a random crime. It was a message–and Mack Bolan intends to respond.Tracking the bioterrorist behind the gruesome attack back to the Jamaican ghettos quickly turns into a deadly chase. Bolan soon finds himself the target of the island's most lethal gang. But they aren't the only ones prepared to kill to protect their secrets. There is another high-powered operator in the game, and the Executioner is determined to take him out–even if it means bringing the battle back to Washington.

    Stolen Arrows

    Don Pendleton

    CRASH INTERCEPTA major CIA sting operation goes disastrously wrong, putting four miniature nukes from an American Cold War project on the free market. The bloody snatch-and-grab work done, all that remains for double agent Cirello Zalhares and his rogue cadre is to sell the weapons, collect their millions and get off U.S. soil before the mushroom clouds rewrite history.Turning over rocks in the nation's major crime organizations, Mack Bolan's hard probe targets the buyer's market for the weapons and the bidding war for disaster. When the laws of supply and demand clash with the law of the jungle, the only way to avert the unthinkable is head-on.No deals. No mercy.

    Thunder Down Under

    Don Pendleton

    OUTBACK SABOTAGEInvestigating a brutal attack on an Australian mineral plant is a mission outside of The Executioner's usual jurisdiction. But Mack Bolan is sure something's dead wrong when arrogant corporate mogul Angus Martin accuses a peaceful Aboriginal-rights group of lethal industrial sabotage. And from the moment he lands down under, Bolan is under attack by trained, ruthless mercenaries who are somehow two steps ahead of him. It will take all The Executioner's skill and determination to unravel the deadly conspiracy—and rain down his own brand of merciless justice!

    Hellfire Code

    Don Pendleton

    PATRIOT GAMESGarrett Downing loves his country, and he's brilliant and rich enough to pull together a private army of hard-core mercenaries ready to take out America's enemies. He's got a battle-hardened black-ops veteran in charge of his assault force, and a secret weapon in his arsenal: a state-of- the-art multiterrain vehicle unlike any other. With his troops and his fighting machines of the future, he's poised to engage the enemy anywhere in the world. Invincible, dedicated to his cause and virtually unstoppable, he's dismissing the deaths of innocents as casualties of his righteous fury.Garrett Downing may be out of the government's reach–but not Mack Bolan's. He wrote the book on private war, and is prepared to enforce the unbreakable rule that there are no acceptable losses.

    Terror Descending

    Don Pendleton

    When time has run out, when there are no choices left and the government's hands are tied, the Oval Office has one last bid for action: Stony Man. A last-resort, covert action team, this elite commando and cybernetics defense unit swings into action to protect America and the rest of the free world from the nightmare point of no return.Dedicated to a cause thirty years in the making, a powerful, militant group has amassed a private army of weaponry and mercenaries, and a mandate of world peace–by way of mass murder. Across the globe, unmarked planes are spilling a tidal wave of innocent blood as military and civilian targets all become fair game. When enough of the world is gone…they will step into power. Unless freedom's last, longest…and only shot does what it does best: the impossible.

    Savage Deadlock

    Don Pendleton

    NO MAN'S LANDA missing U.S. nuclear scientist resurfaces as a member of a guerrilla women's rights organization in Pakistan, raising all kinds of alarms in Washington. Armed with fissionable material–and the knowledge to use it–the scientist is soon targeted by rebel fighters determined to get their hands on the nukes at any cost.With the stability of the entire region on the line, Mack Bolan is tasked with extracting the woman and bringing her Stateside, even if she doesn't want to go. But as the rebels close in and the rights group realizes its combined weapons and skills can't compare to those of trained fighters, Bolan and his allies–a handful of Pakistani soldiers and an army officer–are forced to join the battle. Their team might be small, but the Executioner has might on his side.

    Jungle Hunt

    Don Pendleton

    Genocide is spreading through the jungles of South America. The swift and silent massacre in villages on the Ecuadorian border seems to be part of a larger plan fueled by blatant greed. Mack Bolan heads into the rain forest to expose the truth behind the slaughter and put an end to this new wave of atrocities.Bolan comes face-to-face with pure evil when he gets caught in the cross fire between a rogue army general hungry for power and a ruthless multinational corporation plotting to reap billions from the blood of the innocent. But the Executioner is ready to lay his trap as he heads deep into the bush to stalk the deadliest predator of all–man.