Don Pendleton

Список книг автора Don Pendleton

    Stolen Arrows

    Don Pendleton

    CRASH INTERCEPTA major CIA sting operation goes disastrously wrong, putting four miniature nukes from an American Cold War project on the free market. The bloody snatch-and-grab work done, all that remains for double agent Cirello Zalhares and his rogue cadre is to sell the weapons, collect their millions and get off U.S. soil before the mushroom clouds rewrite history.Turning over rocks in the nation's major crime organizations, Mack Bolan's hard probe targets the buyer's market for the weapons and the bidding war for disaster. When the laws of supply and demand clash with the law of the jungle, the only way to avert the unthinkable is head-on.No deals. No mercy.

    Silent Running

    Don Pendleton

    DAMAGE CONTROLCoordinated strikes have begun against the governments of major Latin American countries. Simultaneously, Mexico City as well as key cities along the U.S. border from Miami to Los Angeles are being overrun in a massive incursion. To ensure the success of his revolution to seize control of Latin America, mastermind Diego Garcia has captured thousands of civilians to use as human shields at his Mexican stronghold.Against the background of pending national turmoil, Mack Bolan's job appears simple: rescue key Western lawmakers being held hostage and remove innocents from the line of fire. But as blood and violence reshape the geopolitical landscape, the mission soon becomes a determined fight for America's freedom.

    Neutron Force

    Don Pendleton

    For the seasoned warriors of America's most elite and covert defence unit, each mission could be their last. Now a grim Presidential directive comes down hard, green-lighting a desperate search-and-destroy operation where minutes count.An unknown entity is in possession of one of the deadliest weapons known to man, sounding a death knell for nations across the globe.It kills instantly. No heat, no noise, no radiation. Just silent, invisible slaughter from ultra-fast subatomic particles. The death toll mounts in a random, controlled carnage that is sending a clear message of absolute power–while leaving false trails and conflicting clues. No nation can defend itself against the unilateral destructive power of a particle beam weapon. Stony Man's only option is to destroy it. But first they must find it….

    Armed Response

    Don Pendleton

    POWER PLAYFunded by an American oil company, a rogue general sets out to stage a coup in the drought-stricken Republic of Djibouti. Once the man's soldiers have forced the region into civil unrest and assassinated the political leaders, he intends to take control and oust America from its only sub-Saharan military base.That's the plan. A plan Mack Bolan must put a stop to. Joined by a burned-out CIA agent and an aid worker, Bolan targets the US financier and the mercenaries they're bringing into the country. Hunted by the police and the army and targeted by assassins, the Executioner won't stop until the general and his collaborators face their retribution.

    Double Blindside

    Don Pendleton

    STONY MANOperating undercover at the President's command, the expert soldiers and cyber techs of the Stony Man team fight for freedom and the rights of the innocent, opposing terrorism in all its deadly forms wherever the need arises.NUCLEAR JEOPARDYThe killing of U.S. operatives in Turkey threatens to jeopardize U.S.–Turkish relations. Committed to putting an end to the murder before another agent is assassinated, Phoenix Force heads overseas, only to discover the dead agents are just the beginning. Extremists have stolen nuclear devices and set targets in both Turkey and America. With the countdown to D-day already started, Phoenix Force must race to stop the bombs from detonating in Turkey while Able Team must do whatever it takes to neutralize the threat in the U.S. Failure is simply not an option.

    Point Blank

    Don Pendleton

    Mafia MassacreFour deputy U.S. marshals are slaughtered along with the witness they're guarding, a former Mafia member set to testify in New York. When it's revealed the kill order came from a powerful Calabria crime family, Mack Bolan decides it's time to stop the bloodshed at its source.After arriving in Italy, Bolan learns trouble has already begun. Killing the witness is not enough; the Mafia is intent on murdering his entire family, including women and children. With local law enforcement on the Mafia's payroll and spies everywhere, infiltrating the family is nearly impossible…especially as Bolan has been marked for death. Dodging bullets at every turn, he's got to maximize every strike. The Mafia may have home advantage, but the Executioner won't stop until he blows their house down.

    Promise To Defend

    Don Pendleton

    STONY MANThe elite counterterrorist group known as Stony Man has one mandate: to protect good from evil; to separate those willing to live in peace from those who kill in order to fulfill their own agenda. When all hell breaks loose, the warriors of Stony Man enter the conflict knowing each battle could be their last, but the war against freedom's oppressors will continue….SKYFIREWind of a grim conspiracy comes to light, and the levels of treachery go deep into America's secret corridors of power. When the Cadre Project was created decades ago, it served to protect the U.S. government during the Cold War. Now, it's a twisted, despotic vision commandeered by a man whose hunger for power is limitless, whose plan to manufacture terror and lay a false trail of blame across the globe may find America heading into all-out world war against the old superpowers.

    War Everlasting

    Don Pendleton

    KILLER COUNTDOWNA flight carrying military service personnel goes down in the Bering Sea, and the rescue team vanishes without a trace. Called in to investigate, Mack Bolan goes undercover in an Alaskan fishing city and hones in on a criminal empire fronted by a ruthless union boss. Bolan targets their prime operations one by one, and goes up against their army of criminals.On a desolate ring of islands, Bolan discovers that an active volcano isn’t the only force about to blow. A Russian mercenary and his group of fanatics are working to destroy America’s network of military bases and kill unsuspecting soldiers. But the Executioner is going to turn up the heat on this frozen hell and obliterate this lethal plot with pure molten payback.

    Exit Strategy

    Don Pendleton

    STONY MANThe best military fighters and cyber techs in the world, the Stony Man teams are on the front lines of America’s war against terror. Operating under the President’s orders, these elite warriors put their lives on the line in the name of freedomNO ESCAPEAn investigation into government corruption turns deadly when two reporters are attacked by a Mexican black ops group. With one journalist killed and the second held captive in Mexico’s most dangerous prison, Phoenix Force will need to act fast before its rescue mission becomes a recovery operation. But while Phoenix Force is battling the country’s deadliest inmates in a high-tech fortress, Able Team learns the corruption has already infiltrated US law enforcement, threatening both sides of the border


    Don Pendleton

    Bound by loyalty and patriotism, the men and women of Stony Man don't think of themselves as heroes, just dedicated Americans willing to do whatever it takes to protect the inalienable rights of freedom and justice.No matter how difficult the mission, how fierce or dangerous the enemy, the cyber team and battle-hardened warriors of America's most sophisticated, action-ready defence unit are willing to sacrifice everything in the name of duty, honour and country.An advanced weapon prototype is hijacked by an unidentified group of mercenaries and followed by a wave of massacres in the streets of America's cities. The torch of anarchy and hatred has been lit, and waves of destruction have begun to spread across the globe. A crisis has erupted as angry radicals are poised to become deadly freedom fighters so powerful that not even the superpowers can oppose them. Stony Man's only chance…America's only chance…is to strike first, strike hard, strike now…