u abikaasa sooritab enesetapu. Su tütar ei räägi. Kas tahad teada tõde?
„Mu abikaasa lasi end meie magamistoas maha. Kui ma koju jõudsin, seisis Emma karjudes trepimademel.”
Sellest kohutavast päevast saadik ei lausunud Laura Brandoni väike tütar ainsatki sõna. Kui psühhiaater avaldab arvamust, et Emma ei räägi, kuna ta kardab mehi, tunneb Laura endal suurt süükoormat. Et Emmat aidata, peab ta teada saama, milline kohutav saladus viis abikaasa enesetapuni.
Laura arvas, et ta perekond on täiuslik, kuid otsingud viivad ta šokeeriva tõeni. Kas lapse heaolu nimel tuleks isa patud maha vaikida?
Haarav romaan armastusest, kaotusest ja õdedevahelisest sidemest
Riley MacPherson on kogu elu uskunud, et tema vanem õde Lisa tegi teismelisena enesetapu. See uskumus vormis tema ja ta venna lapsepõlve. See andis kuju tema nägemusele oma perekonnast ja selle dünaamikast.
Nüüd, rohkem kui kakskümmend aastat hiljem, on Riley isa surnud ja neiu on uuesti Põhja-Carolinas New Bernis, kust ta leiab tõendeid selle kohta, et see, mida tema on alati uskunud, pole tõde. Lisa on elus. Elus ja elab uue nime all. Aga miks ta kõikide nende aastate eest põgenes? Milliseid saladusi varjatakse ja mis siis, kui need avalikuks tulevad?
Kui Riley püüab tõde leida, muudavad tema avastused küsitavaks kõik, mida ta arvas oma perest teadvat. Riley peab otsustama, mida tähendab minevik tema oleviku jaoks ja mida ta oma uue reaalsusega peale hakkab.
Early on the morning of her eleventh birthday, Daria Cato found an unexpected gift – an abandoned baby. Unable to leave the child unclaimed, the Cato family adopt Shelly, but the secrets of her birth continue to haunt Daria.Twenty years later, an old friend of Daria’s, Rory Taylor, returns to his hometown – and something precarious shifts in the community. For Rory will stop at nothing to uncover the mysteries of Shelly’s birth.As closely guarded secrets and sins begin to unravel, piece by piece the mystery of the summer’s child is about to be exposed. A mystery no one involved is prepared to face.A chance to uncover the secrets of her past.A truth that will change her future forever.Praise for Diane Chamberlain ‘Fans of Jodi Picoult will delight in this finely tuned family drama, with beautifully drawn characters and a string of twists that will keep you guessing right up to the end.' – Stylist‘A marvellously gifted author. Every book she writes is a gem’ – Literary Times’Essential reading for Jodi Picoult fans’ – Daily Mail’So full of unexpected twists you'll find yourself wanting to finish it in one sitting. Fans of Jodi Picoult's style will love how Diane Chamberlain writes.’ – Candis
Your future is within your grasp.How far are you willing to go? Your adopted child is in an orphanage. Only you can save her. But you need money, a lot of money, money you just don’t have. Gina Higgins is on a desperate journey across the country.To save her daughter she must find the Kiss River lighthouse that holds the answers she so urgently needs. But the lighthouse has been destroyed and now her only hope is to uncover the secrets hidden within an old diary, a Second World War love story that has the power to change her life forever…Praise for Diane Chamberlain ‘Fans of Jodi Picoult will delight in this finely tuned family drama, with beautifully drawn characters and a string of twists that will keep you guessing right up to the end.' – Stylist‘A marvellously gifted author. Every book she writes is a gem’ – Literary Times’Essential reading for Jodi Picoult fans’ Daily Mail’So full of unexpected twists you'll find yourself wanting to finish it in one sitting. Fans of Jodi Picoult's style will love how Diane Chamberlain writes.’ – Candis
What if your child was accused of mass murder?When the local church is razed to the ground, dozens of trapped children manage to escape – many helped by fifteen-year-old Andy Lockwood. Born with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Andy is more like a little boy that a teenager, but in the eyes of the people he saved, he’s a hero.Laurel lost her son once through neglect and has spent the rest of her life determined to make up for her mistakes. Yet when suspicion of arson is cast upon Andy, Laurel must ask herself how well she really knows her son – and how far she’ll go to protect him.Praise for Diane Chamberlain ‘Fans of Jodi Picoult will delight in this finely tuned family drama, with beautifully drawn characters and a string of twists that will keep you guessing right up to the end.' – Stylist‘A marvellously gifted author. Every book she writes is a gem’ – Literary Times’Essential reading for Jodi Picoult fans’ Daily Mail’So full of unexpected twists you'll find yourself wanting to finish it in one sitting. Fans of Jodi Picoult's style will love how Diane Chamberlain writes.’ – Candis
To her husband, Annie O'Neill is the perfect wife and mother. To her rival, she is an obsession.Dr. Olivia Simon is on duty in the emergency room of North Carolina's Outer Banks Hospital when a gunshot victim is brought in. Midway through the desperate effort to save the young woman's life, Olivia realizes who she is—Annie O'Neill.The woman Olivia's husband, Paul, is in love with. When Annie dies on the operating table, she leaves behind three other victims. Alec O'Neill, who thought he had the perfect marriage. Paul, whose fixation on Annie is unshakeable. And Olivia, who is desperate to understand the woman who destroyed her marriage.Now they must struggle with the unanswered questions about who Annie really was. And the secrets she kept hidden so well.Praise for Diane Chamberlain ‘Fans of Jodi Picoult will delight in this finely tuned family drama, with beautifully drawn characters and a string of twists that will keep you guessing right up to the end.' – Stylist‘A marvellously gifted author. Every book she writes is a gem’ – Literary Times’Essential reading for Jodi Picoult fans’ Daily Mail’So full of unexpected twists you'll find yourself wanting to finish it in one sitting. Fans of Jodi Picoult's style will love how Diane Chamberlain writes.’ – Candis
Lacey’s mother was shot twelve years ago.Her killer is about to be released on parole. Only Lacey’s statement can keep him in jail. Lacey is facing the biggest decision of her life. Then her best friend dies in a car crash, leaving behind a grieving eleven-year-old daughter in need of a mother – a role Lacey’s not sure she’s ready for.Two lives rest on Lacey’s choices. Two lives only she can save.Praise for Diane Chamberlain ‘Fans of Jodi Picoult will delight in this finely tuned family drama, with beautifully drawn characters and a string of twists that will keep you guessing right up to the end.' – Stylist‘A marvellously gifted author. Every book she writes is a gem’ – Literary Times’Essential reading for Jodi Picoult fans’ Daily Mail’So full of unexpected twists you'll find yourself wanting to finish it in one sitting. Fans of Jodi Picoult's style will love how Diane Chamberlain writes.’ – Candis