Vlad Vas

Список книг автора Vlad Vas

    Light Warriors

    Vlad Vas

    The confrontation of bio-energetic entities from other universes, whose Dark Forces have ruined more than one planet, brought them to Earth, where they will fight for the souls and hearts of people in every way possible for them.The plot unfolds in the Middle Ages, in the era of the Crusades. This is a story that could have been true, or perhaps it was…


    Vlad Vas

    Elu valmistab meile palju üllatusi, millest enamik on ebameeldivad ja mõnikord südantlõhestavad, võttes kogu meie energia ja pannes meid põlvili vajuma. Just siis, kui me leiame end meeleheitlikus olukorras ja arvame, et asi ei saa enam hullemaks minna, seisame silmitsi palju raskemate väljakutsetega. Alles siis, kui oleme kaotanud kõik, hakkame mõistma ja hindama elu tõelisi väärtusi, seda, mis on tegelikult oluline ja mis on vaid ajutine.

    Dead end

    Vlad Vas

    Life regularly brings us so much of unexpected, and the most of it is unpleasant, and sometimes really terrifying, taking away all our strength and breaking us. And then, when we appear in an extremely desperate situation and suppose that it just could not been worse, we have take much harder trials and tests. Only when having lost everything, we start understanding and being aware of the real values of life, of what is significant and what only lasts for a certain time period.