When a feudal law is invoked requiring all unmarried ladies to wed or surrender half their wealth, the quiet village of Fortune’s Folly becomes England’s greatest Marriage Market.Young, handsome and scandalously tempting, Dexter suspects duchess Laura has a hidden motive for resisting his charms…and he intends to discover it, by any means necessary.
Sündsusetu ettepanek Leedi Lucy MacMorlan võis ju meestest ja abielust lahti öelda, aga see ei tähendanud, et ta ei võinuks raha eest oma venna sõprade eest armastuskirju kirjutada – kirju, mis tema kuulsuse kasvades muutusid aina erootilisemaks. Seda seni, kuni ta rikkus tahtmatult kurikuulsa lordi kihluse… Methveni uljas markii Robert teab Lucy saladust. Kindlasti ei jäta ta viimast sõna kenale leedi Lucyle, eriti veel seetõttu, et naise kirjad vihjavad sellele, et ta on palju kogenum, kui mees arvas. Ent Lucy teadmised ei tugine praktikale. Kui ta tahab neid kirju edasi kirjutada, peab ta isiklikult asja uurima. Robertil on samuti saladusi, aga ta on valmis hädas daami aitama, sest vajab kiiresti mõrsjat…
After the excitement of war, Nicholas found life as a civilian stifling.His boredom soon lifted when the notorious courtesan Susanna Kellaway claimed a lease on one of his houses. No sooner did they meet than Nicholas became truly puzzled. Though Nicholas had every cause to dislike her, this «Susanna» was an odd mix of seductive manners, intelligence and…innocence!So much so that he was beginning to wonder if the woman wasn't an impostor! Which didn't stop him from asking her to be his mistress. But the lovely lady had a more permanent idea in mind for the dashing earl….