Isabella Trueblood made history reuniting people torn apart by war and an epidemic. Now, generations later, Lily and Dylan Garrett carry on her work with their agency, Finders Keepers. Circumstances may have changed, but the goal remains the same.Lost One groom. Emily Sutton is up to her ears in the final plans for her lavish society wedding when her fiancé informs her that he can't marry her.Found A stand-in at the altar: her fiancé's black sheep brother. Emily assumes Jordan Chambers has saved her from the embarrassment of being publicly jilted in order to salvage an important business merger between their families. But Jordan's not motivated by family at all. What he's always wanted is Emily, and he's not about to squander his only chance.Finders Keepers: bringing families together
Isabella Trueblood made history reuniting people torn apart by war and an epidemic. Now, generations later, Lily and Dylan Garrett carry on her work with their agency, Finders Keepers. Circumstances may have changed, but the goal remains the same.LostOne groom. Emily Sutton is up to her ears in the final plans for her lavish society wedding when her fiancé informs her that he can't marry her.FoundA stand-in at the altar: her fiancé's black sheep brother. Emily assumes Jordan Chambers has saved her from the embarrassment of being publicly jilted in order to salvage an important business merger between their families. But Jordan's not motivated by family at all. What he's always wanted is Emily, and he's not about to squander his only chance.Finders Keepers: bringing families together
For twenty-five years, multimillionaire businessman Ron Raven played the loving husband and father– to two very different households.But when Ron disappears, his deception is revealed. Now both families are left with questions, while the man who holds the answers is…MISSING. Megan Raven is desperate to save her mother's Wyoming ranch, used as collateral on a three-million-dollar loan– money that disappeared with Ron.Worse, the loan is being called in by Georgia bank manager Adam Fairfax– brother to Ron's other wife. Brought together by their families' turmoil, Megan and Adam head south of the border in search of the missing millions. But what they find is a whole new web of lies, secrecy and greed.
For twenty-five years, multimillionaire businessman Ron Raven played the loving husband and father–to two very different households. But when Ron disappears, his deception is revealed. Faced with the ultimate betrayal, both families are left questioning who can be trusted… and who remains SUSPECT. Cynical attorney Liam Raven hid his father's bigamy… until it was too late.Ironically, Liam specializes in divorce cases. But when Chloe Hamilton is charged with murdering her husband, a popular Denver mayor, he makes an exception. Liam's relationship to Chloe quickly surpasses client and attorney.Her former husband had many secrets–including a connection to Ron Raven's other family. And aquitting Chloe means uncovering a string of lies and treachery that leads back to Liam's father.
For twenty-five years multimillionaire businessman Ron Raven played the loving husband and father–to two very different households.But when Ron disappears, his deception is revealed. Now it's time for…PAYBACK. The police assume bigamist and wealthy businessman Ron Raven paid the price of his crimes with his life–a conclusion his «second» family, the Fairfaxes, accepts.So when restaurateur Luke Savarini outrageously claims to have seen his former investor–in the flesh!–Kate Fairfax is furious. When her anger cools, evidence leaves Kate facing the possibility that her father is still alive. With Luke's help, Kate is willing to risk everything to find Ron Raven, if it means bringing him to justice, once and for all.
Multimiljonärist ärimees Ron Raven etendas kakskümmend viis aastat armastavat abikaasat ja isa kahes väga erinevas leibkonnas. Kui aga Ron kadus, tuli tema pettus ilmsiks. Käes on tasumise tund. Politsei arvates maksis kahenaisepidajast rikas ärimees Ron Raven oma kuritegude eest eluga. Fairfaxid – Roni “teine” perekond, on selle järeldusega päri. Kui restoraniomanik Luke Savarini jääb endale kindlaks, et nägi oma kunagist investorit täies elusuuruses, on Kate Fairfax maruvihane. Kui Kate’i viha lahtub, tuleb tal tunnistada, et kõiki asitõendeid arvestades on võimalik, et ta isa on elus. Luke’i abiga riskeerib Kate kõigega, et Ron Raven leida ja õiglus jalule seada.
Multimiljonärist ärimees Ron Raven mängis 25 aastat armastavat abikaasat ja isa kahes väga erinevas majapidamises. Aga kui Ron kaob, tuleb tema pettus päevavalgele. Suurima reetmisega silmitsi seistes ei tea kumbki perekond, keda usaldada… ja kes on kahtlusalune. Küünikust advokaat Liam Raven varjas oma isa kahenaisepidamist, kuni oli liiga hilja. Iroonilisel kombel on Liami erialaks lahutused. Aga kui Chloe Hamiltonile esitatakse süüdistus oma abikaasa – Denveri armastatud linnapea – tapmises, teeb Liam erandi. Liami suhe Chloe’ga ületab peagi kliendi ja advokaadi suhte. Naise endisel abikaasal oli palju saladusi – kaasa arvatud sidemed Ron Raveni teise perekonnaga. Ja Chloe’ õigeksmõistmine tähendab tervet rida paljastatud valesid ja reetmisi, mis viivad Liami isani.
25 aastat etendas multimiljonärist ärimees Ron Raven kahele äärmiselt erinevale leibkonnale armastavat abikaasat ja isa. Kui mees aga kadus, tuli ta pettus ilmsiks. Mõlemad perekonnad murdsid pead mitmete küsimuste üle, aga ainus inimene, kes oleks osanud neile vastata, oli… KADUNUD. Megan Raven püüab meeleheitlikult päästa ema Wyomingi talu, mille isa oli pannud kolme miljoni dollari suuruse laenu tagatiseks. See raha oli aga kadunud koos Roniga. Asja teeb veelgi hullemaks, et Georgia panga direktor ja Roni teise naise vend Adam Fairfax nõuab laenu täisulatuses tagasimaksmist. Perekondlikud segadused viivad Megani ja Adami kokku ning koos suundutakse lõunapiiri taha kadunud miljoneid otsima. Sealt leiavad nad eest uute valede, saladuste ja ahnuse võrgu.