Matthew Strebe

Список книг автора Matthew Strebe

    Network Security JumpStart. Computer and Network Security Basics

    Matthew Strebe

    Build Your Network Security Career on a Solid Foundation Whether you're setting out to earn a security certification or just want to know more about the security issues faced by all network administrators, Network Security JumpStart is the place to begin. Inside, a networking expert demystifies every aspect of the growing security imperative, giving you a firm footing from which you can realize your goals and develop a better understanding of computer and network security. Coverage Includes: Understanding security principles Understanding hacking Using encryption and authentication Managing security Securing Internet connections Using Virtual Private Networks Securing remote and home users Implementing virus protection Creating fault tolerance Securing Windows servers Securing UNIX servers Securing public web servers Securing public e-mail servers Detecting intrusion

    Network Security Foundations. Technology Fundamentals for IT Success

    Matthew Strebe

    The world of IT is always evolving, but in every area there are stable, core concepts that anyone just setting out needed to know last year, needs to know this year, and will still need to know next year. The purpose of the Foundations series is to identify these concepts and present them in a way that gives you the strongest possible starting point, no matter what your endeavor. Network Security Foundations provides essential knowledge about the principles and techniques used to protect computers and networks from hackers, viruses, and other threats. What you learn here will benefit you in the short term, as you acquire and practice your skills, and in the long term, as you use them. Topics covered include: Why and how hackers do what they do How encryption and authentication work How firewalls work Understanding Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) Risks posed by remote access Setting up protection against viruses, worms, and spyware Securing Windows computers Securing UNIX and Linux computers Securing Web and email servers Detecting attempts by hackers

    Windows 2000 Server 24seven

    Matthew Strebe

    Here's the Windows 2000 Server book every administrator will need—one that contains only the most advanced information rather than rehashing the basics yet again. Written by a Windows 2000 expert and security consultant, this book provides high-level coverage of Windows 2000 system design and implementation, from planning and security to daily maintenance and troubleshooting. Includes a detailed discussion of assessing your network's security needs and implementing an effective solution. Use this book as a supplement to Mastering Windows 2000 Server.