Jon Gordon

Список книг автора Jon Gordon

    Stay Positive

    Jon Gordon

    Fuel yourself and others with positive energy—inspirational quotes and encouraging messages to live by from bestselling author, Jon Gordon. Ever since he wrote the mega bestseller The Energy Bus , Jon Gordon has been sharing inspirational messages and encouragement via his talks, books, and social media posts. After many requests to create a collection of his quotes, Jon teamed up with his long-time friend, Daniel Decker, to create Stay Positive. Stay Positive is more than a book of positive quotes. This book is a resource you can turn to each day for encouragement to help you take on your daily challenges, pursue your goals and dreams, and create positive momentum in your life. The power of positive thoughts is not about being Pollyanna Positive; it’s the real stuff that makes a proven difference in your perspective and life. After all, we don’t give up because it’s hard; we give up because we get discouraged. By fueling yourself with encouragement and positive energy, you’ll have greater power to overcome negativity, neutralize the naysayers, and conquer adversity. Stay Positive is more than a phrase. It’s an approach to life that says when you get knocked down, you'll get back up and find a way forward one faithful step and optimistic day at a time. Start your day with a message from the book, or pick it up anytime you need a mental boost. You can start from the beginning, or open the book to any page and find a message that speaks to you. However you decide to use Stay Positive , it’s a go-to resource for anyone wanting to inject a healthy dose of positivity into their life.

    The Energy Bus for Kids

    Jon Gordon

    An illustrated adaptation of the bestselling business fable, The Energy Bus, teaches children the benefits of staying positive In this illustrated adaptation of the bestselling fable, The Energy Bus, author Jon Gordon shows children how to overcome negativity, bullies and everyday challenges to be their best. The Energy Bus For Kids is a story that will teach kids how to find their inner motivation and pass on that positive energy to others. The Energy Bus For Kids presents five rules for the «Ride of Your Life» Teaches kids how to fuel your ride with positive energy Shares with kids how to love the people you share your journey with and how to enjoy the ride Positive kids become positive adults. So get kids on the Energy Bus and infuse their lives with a newfound vision, attitude, and positivity.

    The Energy Bus Field Guide

    Jon Gordon

    A Road Map for living and implementing the 10 Principles of The Energy Bus The Energy Bus Field Guide is your roadmap to fueling your life, work and team with positive energy. The international bestseller The Energy Bus has helped millions of people from around the world shift to a more positive outlook; the story of George and Joy bus driver has resonated with people from all walks of life, each with their own individual vision of «success.» This guide is designed as a practical companion to help you live and share the ten principles every day, with real, actionable steps you can immediately put into practice in your life, work, team and organization. Navigate the twists and turns that sabotage success. Cultivate positive energy and bring out the best in your team. Create a compelling vision for your life and team. Cultivate positivity and remove negativity from your life and organization. Learn how every day people and organizations utilized the Energy Bus to create amazing success and results. Filled with insightful questions, practical action steps, best practices and inspiring case studies you’ll be equipped to energize yourself and your team in new and powerful ways. Whether it’s a family team, work team, sports team, or school team, everyone benefits from getting on the bus.


    Jon Gordon

    Autor bestsellerów Jon Gordon powraca z jak dotąd najbardziej inspirującą książką, pełną ważnych życiowych lekcji oraz najwspanialszych strategii sukcesu. Michael budzi się w szpitalu z bandażem na głowie i z lękiem w sercu. Stres związany z tworzeniem wraz z żoną Sarah rozrastającej się firmy doprowadził go do chwilowej utraty przytomności podczas porannej przebieżki. Gdy Michael odkrywa, że człowiek, który ocalił mu życie jest stolarzem, składa mu wizytę, aby wkrótce przekonać się, że ma do czynienia z kimś więcej niż tylko ze zwykłym rzemieślnikiem – lecz z budowniczym ludzkiego życia, kariery i zespołów. W miarę jak stolarz dzieli się z nim swoją mądrością, Michael podejmuje próbę ocalenia swojej firmy w obliczu przeciwności, odrzucenia, lęku i porażki. Z biegiem czasu uczy się, że prawdziwego sukcesu nie da się osiągnąć z dnia na dzień, a także dowiaduje się o istnieniu ponadczasowych zasad, które pomagają wybijać się, wyróżniać oraz wpływać na życie ludzi i świat. Czerpiąc z doświadczenia pracy z niezliczonymi liderami, sprzedawcami, sportowcami profesjonalistami i amatorami, organizacjami typu non-profit i szkołami, Jon Gordon snuje zabawną i pouczająca historię, która zainspiruje cię do budowania lepszego życia, kariery i zespołu dzięki najlepszym na świcie strategiom sukcesu. Jeśli jesteś gotów stworzyć swoje arcydzieło, przeczytaj Stolarza i już dziś rozpocznij proces budowy.

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    Jon Gordon

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    Jon Gordon