Sun Tzu

Список книг автора Sun Tzu

    El arte de la Guerra ( Clásicos de la literatura )

    Sun Tzu

    Contiene tabla de contenido activa (HTML) El tratado de estrategia más influyente del mundo
    The Art of War 'es un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del siglo V aC y se atribuye al antiguo estratega militar chino Sun Tzu. El texto está compuesto por 13 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales está dedicado a un aspecto de la guerra y comúnmente se piensa que es un trabajo definitivo sobre estrategia y táctica militar. Fue colocado a la cabeza de los Siete Clásicos Militares de China tras la creación de la colección en 1080 por el Emperador Shenzong de Song, y ha sido durante mucho tiempo el texto de estrategia más influyente en el Este de Asia. Ha tenido una influencia en el pensamiento militar oriental y occidental, las tácticas comerciales, la estrategia legal y más allá.

    The Art of War

    Sun Tzu

    Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) The world's most influential treatise on strategy
    "The Art of War" is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the 5th century BC and is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare and it is commonly thought of as a definitive work on military strategy and tactics. It was placed at the head of China's Seven Military Classics upon the collection's creation in 1080 by Emperor Shenzong of Song, and has long been the most influential strategy text in East Asia. It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.

    El arte de la Guerra

    Sun Tzu

    Contiene tabla de contenido activa (HTML) El tratado de estrategia más influyente del mundo
    The Art of War 'es un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del siglo V aC y se atribuye al antiguo estratega militar chino Sun Tzu. El texto está compuesto por 13 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales está dedicado a un aspecto de la guerra y comúnmente se piensa que es un trabajo definitivo sobre estrategia y táctica militar. Fue colocado a la cabeza de los Siete Clásicos Militares de China tras la creación de la colección en 1080 por el Emperador Shenzong de Song, y ha sido durante mucho tiempo el texto de estrategia más influyente en el Este de Asia. Ha tenido una influencia en el pensamiento militar oriental y occidental, las tácticas comerciales, la estrategia legal y más allá.

    El arte de la Guerra

    Sun Tzu

    Contiene tabla de contenido activa (HTML) El tratado de estrategia más influyente del mundo
    The Art of War 'es un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del siglo V aC y se atribuye al antiguo estratega militar chino Sun Tzu. El texto está compuesto por 13 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales está dedicado a un aspecto de la guerra y comúnmente se piensa que es un trabajo definitivo sobre estrategia y táctica militar. Fue colocado a la cabeza de los Siete Clásicos Militares de China tras la creación de la colección en 1080 por el Emperador Shenzong de Song, y ha sido durante mucho tiempo el texto de estrategia más influyente en el Este de Asia. Ha tenido una influencia en el pensamiento militar oriental y occidental, las tácticas comerciales, la estrategia legal y más allá.

    THE ART OF WAR (Giles Translation)

    Sun Tzu

    "The Art of War" is an ancient Chinese military treatise that is attributed to Sun Tzu (also referred to as «Sunzi» and «Sun Wu»), a high ranking military general, strategist and tactist. The Art of War has also been applied to business and managerial strategies. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is said to be the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time, and is still read for its military insight which can be applied to business and managerial strategies as well. Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher who lived in the Spring and Autumn period of ancient China. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, a widely influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and Eastern philosophy. Aside from his legacy as the author of The Art of War, Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and the Culture of Asia as a legendary historical figure. His birth name was Sun Wu, and he was known outside of his family by his courtesy name Changqing. The name Sun Tzu by which he is best known in the West is an honorific which means «Master Sun».

    El arte de la Guerra ( Clásicos de la literatura )

    Sun Tzu

    Contiene tabla de contenido activa (HTML) El tratado de estrategia más influyente del mundo
    The Art of War 'es un antiguo tratado militar chino que data del siglo V aC y se atribuye al antiguo estratega militar chino Sun Tzu. El texto está compuesto por 13 capítulos, cada uno de los cuales está dedicado a un aspecto de la guerra y comúnmente se piensa que es un trabajo definitivo sobre estrategia y táctica militar. Fue colocado a la cabeza de los Siete Clásicos Militares de China tras la creación de la colección en 1080 por el Emperador Shenzong de Song, y ha sido durante mucho tiempo el texto de estrategia más influyente en el Este de Asia. Ha tenido una influencia en el pensamiento militar oriental y occidental, las tácticas comerciales, la estrategia legal y más allá.

    El arte de la guerra

    Sun Tzu

    The Art of War (Translated with commentary and an introduction by Lionel Giles)

    Sun Tzu

    Although there are many classic treatises on the subject, it may be said that no greater work on the subject of military theory exists than Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War.” It is certainly one of the oldest known books on the subject having been written some 2500 years ago. Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher lived in the second half of the 6th century BC and considered war as a necessary evil that if possible is better to be avoided. In his work, Sun Tzu focused heavily on the strategic planning leading up to warfare, the positioning of military assets, and the economic constraints that define the conflict. Because of this, the lessons of “The Art of War,” have routinely drawn comparisons to the challenges present in other disciplines, including business, politics, and litigation. Sun Tzu’s work has been studied for centuries and the wisdom contained within it continues to be applicable to this day. This edition is translated with commentary and an introduction by Lionel Giles and is printed on premium acid-free paper.

    The Art Of War

    Sun Tzu

    It can be said that no greater work on the subject of military theory exists than Sun Tzu's «The Art of War.» It is certainly the oldest known book on the subject having been written some 2500 years ago. It has been studied for centuries and the wisdom contained within it is applicable not only to the battlefield but also to much of everyday life. Presented here is the fully annotated translation of Lionel Giles.

    The Art of War (Illustrated Edition)

    Sun Tzu

    'The Art of War' is the most important book ever written about warfare and conflict. Lionel Giles' translation is the definitive edition, his commentary is indispensable. 'The Art of War' can be used and adapted in every facet of your life. It explains when and how to go to war, as well as when not to. Learn how to win any conflict whether it be on the battlefield or in the boardroom. Lavishly illustrated with eleven brilliant illustrations by renowned artist Luke Mcdonnell.