Curtis Sittenfeld

Список книг автора Curtis Sittenfeld

    Kraina sióstr

    Curtis Sittenfeld


    Curtis Sittenfeld

    THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER‘The book of the summer’ The Times'Sheer joy… Giddy and glam and a hearty update of Pride and Prejudice’ Jessie Burton, author of The MiniaturistThe Bennet sisters have been summoned from New York City.Liz and Jane are good daughters. They’ve come home to suburban Cincinnati to get their mother to stop feeding their father steak as he recovers from heart surgery, to tidy up the crumbling Tudor-style family home, and to wrench their three sisters from their various states of arrested development.Once they are under the same roof, old patterns return fast. Soon enough they are being berated for their single status, their only respite the early morning runs they escape on together. For two successful women in their late thirties, it really is too much to bear. That is, until the Lucas family’s BBQ throws them in the way of some eligible single men . . .Chip Bingley is not only a charming doctor, he’s a reality TV star too. But Chip's friend, haughty neurosurgeon Fitzwilliam Darcy, can barely stomach Cincinnati or its inhabitants. Jane is entranced by Chip; Liz, sceptical of Darcy. As Liz is consumed by her father’s mounting medical bills, her wayward sisters and Cousin Willie trying to stick his tongue down her throat, it isn’t only the local chilli that will leave a bad aftertaste.But where there are hearts that beat and mothers that push, the mysterious course of love will resolve itself in the most entertaining and unlikely of ways. And from the hand of Curtis Sittenfeld, Pride & Prejudice is catapulted into our modern world singing out with hilarity and truth.

    Väärt mees

    Curtis Sittenfeld

    New York Timesi menuautori Curtis Sittenfeldi sulest ilmunud “Uhkuse ja eelarvamuse ”tänapäevases stiilis ümberjutustus on ühtaegu nii austusavaldus Jane Austenile kui ka julge kirjanduslik eksperiment. Soe ja samas vaimukas “Väärt mees”, mis käsitleb soo-, klassi-, armastuse-ja pereprobleeme, on kahekümne esimese sajandi särav, vallatu ja hõrk perekonnalugu. Seesugused Bennetid ja härra Darcy on ühtviisi tuttavlikud ja tundmatud: Liz on ligi neljakümneaastane ajakirjanik, kes elab New Yorgis, nagu ka tema joogatreenerist vanem õde Jane. Isa äkilise haigestumise tõttu sõidavad õed lapsepõlvelinna Cincinnatisse vanematele appi – ja avastavad, et nende suur kodumaja Tudor on lagunemas ning ka perekonna enda käekäik pole kiita. Noorimad õed Kitty ja Lydia on liialt ametis CrossFiti treeningute ja paleodieediga, et tööle minna. Keskmine õde Mary valmistub kolmanda magistrikraadi saamiseks ega tõsta jalgagi oma toast, välja arvatud teisipäeva õhtuti, kuid oma salapärastest käikudest ta rääkida ei taha. Proua Bennet mõtleb ainult sellest, kuidas tütred mehele panna. Mängu tuleb kena uustulnukast arst Chip Bingley, kes on hiljuti osalenud tõsielusarjas “Väärt mees”. Neljanda juuli grillipeol heidab Chip Jane’ile silma. Chipi neurokirurgist sõber Fitzwilliam Darcy aga jätab endast Lizile halva mulje. Esmamulje võib aga siiski petlikuks osutuda …