Carol A. Wilson

Список книг автора Carol A. Wilson

    Self-Sufficiency: Preserving

    Carol A. Wilson

    Preserving fruits and vegetables is a great way to turn home-grown or local produce into delicious treats that can be enjoyed all year round. There are several different preserving methods and all give delicious results. Jams, jellies, fruit butters and curds, bottled fruits, chutneys, pickles and salted vegetables are all practical and economical ways to preserve seasonal produce. And you don’t need a load of kitchen gadgets and equipment to get started: a heavy-based pan, funnel, sugar thermometer and a selection of glass storage jars are all you need! Ingredients listings, popular fruits and vegetables, sugars and cooking techniques are all explained, along with storage information and helpful hints and tips. This, along with the 60 delicious recipes that follow, make this book your one-stop guide to successful preserving.

    Tervendav vägi väljaspool meditsiini

    Carol A. Wilson

    Edukat tervenemist on alati oodatud ja loodetud ‒ kuni tänapäevani. Uus biopsühhosotsiaalne ja vaimne perspektiiv tõbedele, haigestumisele ning tervenemisele. Raamat läheneb tervenemisele 8 tervenemist takistava tõkke kõrvaldamisega…