Mathias Enard

Список книг автора Mathias Enard


    Mathias Enard

    "The novel of the decade, if not of the century."—Christophe Claro Francis Servain Mirkovic, a French-born Croat who has been working for the French Intelligence Services for fifteen years, is traveling by train from Milan to Rome. He's carrying a briefcase whose contents he's selling to a representative from the Vatican; the briefcase contains a wealth of information about the violent history of the Zone—the lands of the Mediterranean basin, Spain, Algeria, Lebanon, Italy, that have become Mirkovic's specialty. Over the course of a single night, Mirkovic visits the sites of these tragedies in his memory and recalls the damage that his own participation in that violence—as a soldier fighting for Croatia during the Balkan Wars—has wreaked in his own life. Mirkovic hopes that this night will be his last in the Zone, that this journey will expiate his sins, and that he can disappear with Sashka, the only woman he hasn't abandoned, forever . . . One of the truly original books of the decade—and written as a single, hypnotic, propulsive, physically irresistible sentence—Mathias Énard's Zone provides an extraordinary and panoramic view of the turmoil that has long deviled the shores of the Mediterranean. Mathias Énard has won numerous prizes for his works, including the the Prix du Livre Inter and the Prix Décembre for his novel Zone. He is currently a professor of Arabic at the University of Barcelona. Charlotte Mandell has translated works from a number of important French authors, including Proust, Flaubert, Genet, Maupassant, and Blanchot, among others. She received a Literary Translation Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts for her translation of Enard's Zone. Brian Evenson is a translator from French and the author of ten books of fiction, including The Open Curtain, which was a finalist for an Edgar Award and an IHG Award.

    Street of Thieves

    Mathias Enard

    Enard's first novel in English, Zone, was widely praised, including a full-length review in the New York TimesThis novel has a very contemporary setting, taking place during the Arab Spring and Spain's financial collapseFinalist for the Prix Goncourt and winner of the Prix Goncourt Le choix de l'Orient


    Mathias Enard

    Varaste tänav

    Mathias Enard

    See moodne odüsseia, mille minajutustajaks on seitsmeteistkümneaastane marokolane Lakhdar, kulgeb poisi kodutänavast Tangeris vanglasse Barcelonas. Vahemere Aafrika-poolsed kaldad süttivad järjest, vastasrannikul vaagub hinge Euroopa. Selles apokalüpsisehõngulises kaoses otsib onutütrega liiga lähedalt tutvust teinud ja seetõttu vanematekodust välja visatud Lakhdar oma teed, järjestikusteks peatuspaikadeks kerjuste urkad Tangeri parkimisplatside taga, radikaalislamistide sekti raamatupood, odavat Maroko tööjõudu hindav Prantsuse ettevõte, pankrotis kaubalaev Aafrika ja Euroopa mandri vahel, Hispaania vetes uppunud illegaalsete immigrantide laipade kokkukorjamisest ja transpordist elatuv matusebüroo ning lõpuks Barcelona kloaak – Varaste tänav. Seal tapab Lakhdar kööginoaga oma alter ego ja parima sõbra Bassami, kes tunnistab talle seda, mida poiss on ammu aimanud – sõbrast on saanud terrorist ja tema hingel on mitmekümne inimese elu. Arabist Mathias Enard (snd 1972) on jõudnud elada mitmes paigas Lähis-Idas ja Euroopas. Tema kuus romaani on tõlgitud 22 keelde ja need on pälvinud mitmeid tunnustusi, sh 2015. aastal ka Prantsusmaa olulisima kirjandusauhinna Goncourt’i preemia. Peale ladusa jutustamisoskuse ja silmapaistva eruditsiooni on Enardil üks omadus, mis teeb temast 21. sajandi alguse maailmas väga vajaliku kirjaniku. Tundes põhjani araabia kultuuri, kuid olles ise eurooplane, suudab ta kõnelda nii, et Teine ei jää mõistetamatuks, ent samas ei jää autor kinni ka klišeedesse või eksootikasse.