La trama della storia è semplice. Un amico ha dato al protagonista un biglietto di compleanno per un compleanno. Immediatamente si è scoperto che il biglietto ha vinto 30 milioni di rubli. Gli eventi cominciano a svilupparsi rapidamente. Ma poi si scopre che non c’è guadagno, è uno scherzo, un raduno. La spirale si srotola nella direzione opposta. Ma non è tutto, e la fine stessa promette di essere interessante. Leggi il libro.
O enredo da história é simples. Um amigo deu ao protagonista um ingresso de aniversário para um aniversário. Imediatamente, concluiu que o bilhete ganhou 30 milhões de rublos. Os eventos começam a se desenvolver rapidamente. Mas, então, não há ganho, é uma piada, uma manifestação. A espiral desenrola-se na direção oposta. Mas isso não é tudo, e o fim em si promete ser interessante. Leia o livro.
La trama de la historia es simple. Un amigo le dio a la protagonista un boleto de cumpleaños para un cumpleaños. Inmediatamente resultó que el boleto ganó 30 millones de rublos. Los eventos comienzan a desarrollarse rápidamente. Pero luego resulta que no hay ganancia, es una broma, una manifestación. La espiral se desenrolla en la dirección opuesta. Pero eso no es todo, y el fin mismo promete ser interesante. Lee el libro.
L’intrigue de l’histoire est simple. Un ami a donné au protagoniste un billet d’anniversaire pour un anniversaire. Immédiatement il s’est avéré que le billet a gagné 30 millions de roubles. Les événements commencent à se développer rapidement. Mais alors il s’avère qu’il n’y a pas de gain, c’est une blague, un rassemblement. La spirale se déroule dans la direction opposée. Mais ce n’est pas tout, et la fin elle-même promet d’être intéressante. Lisez le livre.
Die Handlung der Geschichte ist einfach. Ein Freund gab dem Protagonisten ein Geburtstagsticket zum Geburtstag. Sofort stellte sich heraus, dass das Ticket 30 Millionen Rubel gewann. Die Ereignisse beginnen sich schnell zu entwickeln. Aber dann stellt sich heraus, dass es keinen Gewinn gibt, es ist ein Witz, eine Rallye. Die Spirale läuft in die entgegengesetzte Richtung ab. Aber das ist nicht alles, und das Ende selbst verspricht interessant zu sein. Lies das Buch.
The rich client of the Amur Agency has two “brides”. Should he connect his fate with any of them? The agency copes brilliantly with the task, rejecting both candidates and exhibiting a new, more worthy participant. As a result, all (or almost all) characters are satisfied. The action takes place against the background of the unique nature of Finland.
A wife secretly from her husband is going to file for divorce. And to profitably share the property, sends it (her husband) along with the staff of the Amur Agency to a resort in Egypt. Oleg and Vika readily take on difficult work, help the spouse commit treason. And they are helped, of course, by chance…
One man lost his mistress. And how to find her, if she has a husband? The case is taken by the Agency of Amur, its leader and the main character of the book Oleg, as well as his military assistant Victoria. They find the lady, but everything is not so simple…
Another case of specialists in amorous affairs of the Amur Agency. The daughter of a rich housewife fell in love with a gardener. Spetsam is instructed to extinguish the flame of flaming love. The question, it would seem, has been resolved, but… the gardener is poisoned. In the investigation of this crime, Oleg and Vika will also show themselves only on the best side. As in all the love episodes of the book. The contract is being fulfilled, the bank account is growing, the Agency is booming!
The protagonist decided to go into business and establish his own agency, like a detective. But to be engaged only in love relations, such here specialization. In the first case it is necessary to check the «object», a pretty girl, for moral stability. To do this, our head of the agency takes a hotel room and a table in the restaurant downstairs. After supper… And what happened after supper, read in the book.