Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.The boss’s bedroom bargain!All that stands in the way of Dante Carrazzo and revenge is Mackenzi Keogh, the surprisingly sexy manager of the hotel he plans to ruin. Mackenzi will do almost anything to save the business – something Dante ruthlessly uses to his advantage: he will reconsider destroying the hotel if she becomes his mistress! From manager to mistress in a day…Mackenzi knows she shouldn’t trust Dante, but the pleasure he gives is too heady to resist.However, their bedroom bargain comes to an unexpected end when Dante learns that his mistress of revenge is pregnant with his child…
When two bitter rivals… Why, why does her grandfather’s dying wish dictate that Simone Hamilton must marry a man she hates? The marriage might unite their warring families, but formidable Spaniard Alesander Esquivel is the last man on earth Simone would want to be in the same room with – let alone share a marital bed! …are forced to take one solemn vow…Alesander’s strongest desire used to be gaining the final piece of his business empire – but now it seems there are more pleasurable diversions for the taking… Having a wife could be useful – especially to entertain him during those sultry hot Spanish nights!‘Great story, great characters and hot passionate scenes…what more could one ask for? (Except for the book not to finish!!)’ – Catherine, IS Manager, Wakefield
‘I simply require you to share my bed.’Luca Barbarigo has lain in wait for three long years, and is now ready to exact his revenge against Valentina Henderson. After one unforgettable night together she left him with nothing but X-rated memories and the sting of her hand across his jaw. But those are the least of her crimes…Tina has sworn she’ll never see him again – but you don’t turn your back on Luca Barbarigo. Now she must confront the man who devastated her armed only with her innocence… What will it cost her to walk away this time?‘A wonderful read – beautiful settings, vividly described, strong characters and a great storyline.’ – Tracy, 41, Bristol
Trijų knygų serija „XXI amžiaus bosai“. Antra knyga. Senos aistros nemiršta… Virtualioji Leo Zamoso asistentė Eva Karmaikl itin profesionali ir nepriekaištingai atlieka darbus. Tikėdamasi to paties ir iš merginos išvaizdos, Leo pasiūlo Evai sandorį – per verslo vakarienę suvaidinti jo sužadėtinę. Eva nenoromis sutinka. Kaipgi ji, vieniša mama, gali atsisakyti už tai pažadėtos pinigų sumos? Eva įsitikinusi, kad jis jos nepažins, nesupras, kad ji ta mergina, kuri kadaise uždegė jame aistros liepsną? Tačiau netrukus abu suvoks klydę!
Jūs manęs nepažįstate, bet aš laukiuosi jūsų kūdikio… Kruopščiai suplanuotas Dominyko Pirelio gyvenimas griūva, kai moters balsas telefono ragelyje praneša pribloškiančią naujieną. Dėl apmaudžios klinikos darbuotojų klaidos kūdikio, apie kurį jis su buvusia žmona taip svajojo, laukiasi kita moteris. Nors Dominykas nepasitiki jos motyvais, visgi pasirengęs Andželiną Kameron laikyti arti savęs. Atsivežęs ją į savo prabangius namus kietaširdis magnatas nejučia ima žavėtis Andžės stiprybe ir grožiu. Tačiau kam atiteks kūdikio globa, kai Pirelių įpėdinis gims?