PRISCILLA JANE HAMILTON GREERWas she a society girl in over her head, or part of an espionage ring that could compromise U.S. interests for years to come? The only certainty was that she was a captive in Costa Rica, and her very wealthy, very well-connected father wanted her out–fast.GRANT SULLIVANHe was the best agent the government ever had, and he came out of retirement to rescue Jane. Finding her was easy; getting her out was something else altogether. In the time they spent together, questions of guilt and innocence began to fade against the unassailable reality that two people who never should have met were irrevocably in love.
Undercover agent Chance Mackenzie knew that the best way to capture an elusive terrorist was to use the man's daughter as bait, so he seduced Sunny Miller and set out to discover her father's whereabouts. Sunny's own innocence was questionable, and gaining her trust was nearly impossible. And even with all his experience and training, Chance found it difficult to overlook her beauty. However, Chance soon realized that Sunny wasn't running from him – she was running for her life, and she needed Chance's protection. But keeping Sunny safe would involve telling her the truth . . .
On the trail of a vicious criminal, agent Chance Mackenzie found the perfect bait for his trap: Sunny Miller. So Chance made himself the only man she could trust–and then arranged for her long-missing father to find out about them. What Chance hadn't foreseen was that Sunny had reasons of her own for hiding from her father–and now Chance's deception had brought them both one step closer to the end of everything they held dear….
The accident that temporarily robbed Blake Remington of his ability to walk also took away his will to live.It would take a woman whose soul was as paralyzed as his body to make him care again. Dione Kelly was Blake's last chance. She knew that, and she knew the challenge his case presented.But what she didn't realize was that, in healing the broken man he had become, by helping Blake to rediscover his strength, she would expose her own painful vulnerabilities and start to heal herself. Bestselling author Linda Howard beautifully examines the dark anguish of loneliness in this moving, heart-wrenching and ultimately resounding novel about faith, trust and the miracle of love.
Risui Dankanui reikėjo moters. Tokios, su kuria galėtų kurti šeimą, kuri padėtų jam dirbti rančoje, – paprastos, rūpestingos, visiškai nepanašios į pirmąją žmoną, sugriovusią jam gyvenimą, sutrypusią svajones. Tačiau tokios kaip Madelina Paterson jis tikrai nesitikėjo. Vos ją išvydęs prisiminė, ką reiškia ko nors trokšti visa širdimi. Ši išsilavinusi, savarankiška ir savimi pasitikinti moteris ryžosi tapti nuotaka paštu ir iškeisti didmiesčio patogumus į kaimą. Mainais Madelina prašė tik vieno – meilės. Meilės, įveikiančios skirtumus, auginančios sparnus ir pripildančios širdį pilnatvės.
Robertas Kenonas sužino, kad vienoje jo įmonėje vyksta keisti dalykai. Norėdamas išsiaiškinti, kas už viso to slypi, jis atvažiuoja į mažą Alabamos miestelį. Įtarimų šešėlis krinta ant Evės Šo. Pirmasis susitikimas su tariama nusikaltėle pasėja abejonę Roberto širdyje. Prieš save jis mato be galo mielą ir nuoširdžią moterį. Evė visai nepanaši į sąmokslininkę. Tikėdamasis išgauti iš jos naudingos informacijos Robertas įsitraukia į rafinuotą gundymą. Jis nė nenumano, kaip toli nuves šis žaidimas jausmais. Roberto Kenono sesers Madelinos meilės istorija – Lindos Howard romane „Nuotaka paštu“.