FROM HERE TO PATERNITY The heat is on… and so is their marriage! Ryan Kincaid doesn't like being told what to do. When his grandfather pressures him to marry and introduces him to a suitable bride, Ryan is furious. Devon Franklin is the most argumentative, grasping female he's ever met! So what if she's gorgeous and he can't stop thinking about her?Devon is perfectly capable of running her own life. She doesn't need a husband and certainly not one like Ryan-disgustingly rich, dangerously handsome, infuriatingly smug… ! Who cares if his kisses turn her knees to jelly? Perhaps the solution is a whirlwind wedding… and an equally quick divorce?From Here to Paternity: men who find their way to fatherhood – by fair means, by foul, or even by default!
Heaven In His Arms… ?Khalil claimed that he never took what wasn't offered! But despite that claim, wasn't Khalil a man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted? Kidnapped and held prisoner by Khalil, Joanna determined to escape. But she hadn't counted on this «Hawk of the North» fulfilling all her secret desires.Now Joanna had to discover if Khalil was simply using her as a political pawn. Or should she hope that the «hawk» wanted something more from her… ?
Married to a Stranger! Dorian Oliver had a job to do and Jake Prince was not going to stop her! But then Dorian found herself in a situation with only one solution: she had to become Jake's wife! Jake made it clear that he was more than willing to make love to her, but Dorian wanted more, much more, than a few nights of bliss in his arms.Even though they both knew their marriage was a sham, Dorian found herself wishing that pretense could become reality. Now all she had to do was convince Jake that marriage to a stranger could last for a lifetime… !
The Wilde BrothersAddison McDowell has heard all about Jake Wilde’s shameless past – and his scarred, solitary present. But her focus is her future – which won’t include the impossibly arrogant Jacob! Addison has no idea how to handle a searing attraction to a man she knows cannot love her back.Years of relentless work have hardened lawyer Caleb Wilde’s heart, until one New York night changes everything. Now he’s haunted by the memory of tangled sheets, unrivalled passion and one woman – Sage Dalton. Nothing can satiate his burning desire for her.Travis Wilde doesn’t do love or commitment – but he’d never turn down a willing woman and a king-sized bed! Normally innocence like Jennie Cooper’s would have the same effect as a cold shower, yet her determination and mouth-watering curves have him burning up all over!
International bestseller Sandra Marton’s THE ORSINI BRIDES novels – together at last!Two Sicilian sisters, two powerful men!Prince Draco Valenti wears an icy exterior like armour that no opponent can penetrate… Except Anna Orsini. She’s a high-flying lawyer in a suit and killer stilettos. While they are at odds in business, in the bedroom Draco’s desire for Annamelts his defences.Two passionate, tempestuous marriages!Years ago a poor Italian urchin escaped to Brazil, took a new name and pulled himself up from the streets. Now Rio D’Aquila is wealthy, uncompromising in business…and incomparable in bed! But with vulnerable Isabella Orsini he feels something deep within him stir…
Trijų knygų serija „Broliai Vaildai“. Antra knyga. Kalebas Vaildas, žymusis advokatas, garsėja negailestingumu ir aštriu it ašmenys protu… Nuo ištisų nenuilstamo darbo metų Kalebo širdis sudiržo, bet viena naktis Niujorke viską pakeičia. Dabar jį persekioja sujauktų paklodžių, nevaržomos aistros ir vienos moters, Seidžės Delton, prisiminimai. Nors jo sapnų sirena iš tikrųjų yra jį apkvailinusi moteris, jis nepaliauja jos trokšti. Sužinojęs, kad Seidžė turi kai ką labai brangaus, kas priklauso jam, Kalebas pasiryžta tai atgauti. Dabar jo nesustabdys niekas!
Trijų knygų serija „Šeichų magnatai“. Pirma knyga Karališkajam Dubako princui Tarikui reikia įpėdinio, todėl pareiga reikalauja išsirinkti žmoną, kuri jam paklustų ir dieną, ir naktį. Įnoringojo likimo valia Medisonė Vitni laukiasi Tariko kūdikio. Tačiau atkaklios, karjeros siekiančios merginos tikrai nepavadintum paklusnia!
Dviejų knygų serija „Nuotakos Orsini“. Antra knyga. [i]Iš padugnių… į aukštumas.[/i ]Italų kilmės gatvės vaikėzas gyveno visiškame skurde. Tačiau pabėgęs į Braziliją jis atsikratė praeities, pasivadino nauju vardu ir ėmė kilti į karjeros aukštumas. Dabar Rio Dakila nepaprastai turtingas, garsėja kaip nepralenkiamas verslininkas… ir neprilygstamas meilužis! Kai jautrioji Izabela Orsini susipažįsta su Rio, įsižiebia meilė, užplūsta aistra, tačiau ji nežino, kad mylimasis jai meluoja. Kas iš tikrųjų yra Rio Dakila?
Dviejų knygų serija „Nuotakos Orsini“. Pirma knyga. Princas Drakas Valentis ne veltui vadinamas Ledo princu. Savo atšiauriu elgesiu nuo aplinkinių jis ginasi lyg šarvais, ir jų niekas negali prakirsti… Išskyrus Aną Orsini. Ji – ne įprasta priešininkė, o sėkmingai dirbanti teisininkė su griežtu kostiumėliu ir žudančiais aukštakulniais. Tokie prieštaringi signalai Draką trikdo, erzina ir traukia… Jie skirtingose barikadų pusėse, bet miegamajame Drako aistra ištirpdo Anos priešiškumą. Abu supranta, kad žaidžia su ugnimi, bet atsispirti pagundai nebeįmanoma…