Alex Blaszczynski

Список книг автора Alex Blaszczynski

    The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Disordered Gambling

    Alex Blaszczynski

    The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Disordered Gambling is a complete guide to the current empirical literature relating to the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of disordered gambling. The international contributors are all experienced, practicing clinicians who discuss gambling within a global context. Best-practice guidelines for the clinical management of problem and disordered gambling Contains empirically derived findings that translate research into practical clinical applications that clinicians and counselors can use in understanding and treating problem gamblers Brings together a distinguished international group of scholars whose contributions discuss gambling as it occurs around the globe Clearly organized into sections that cover conceptualization, research, assessment, treatment, and special topics

    Võit hasartmängusõltuvuse üle

    Alex Blaszczynski

    “Võit hasartmängusõltuvuse üle” on asendamatu abivahend inimestele, kellele hasartmängimine pole pelgalt seltskondlik meelelahus, vaid vastupandamatu vajadus, mis mõjutab ebasoodsalt nende elu kõiki aspekte ning toob muret perele ja sõpradele. See raamat on heaks teejuhiks ka tervishoiuspetsialistidele. Raamatus on selgitused, kuidas kujunevad välja ja keda ohustavad mängurlusprobleemid, ning terviklik eneseabiprogramm ja seirelehed.