Oscar Wilde

Список книг автора Oscar Wilde

    A Critic in Pall Mall: Being Extracts from Reviews and Miscellanies

    Oscar Wilde

    "A Critic in Pall Mall: Being Extracts from Reviews and Miscellanies" by Oscar Wilde. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.

    El fantasma de Canterville

    Oscar Wilde

    Una familia norteamericana ha comprado una propiedad en tierras inglesas. Este recinto viene con una peculiaridad: un fantasma. A pesar de la advertencia, los nuevos inquilinos no tienen problema para afrontar este terrible espectro, ¡y de verdad que no tienen ningún problema! Sus cientos de años como fantasma en su currículum, no son suficientes para esta singular familia. Escrita en 1887, Oscar Wilde logra nuevamente deleitarnos con un breve cuento que, como todos los cuentos del autor, nos deja con una pequeña moraleja; el materialismo norteamericano y sus costumbres republicanas que se instalan en la vida y cotidianidad de las inglesas.

    Der selbstsüchtige Riese

    Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Wilde verfasste dieses wie andere Kunstmärchen, die heute zu den bekanntesten ihrer Gattung gehören, für seine beiden Söhne. Sprachlich gekennzeichnet ist das auktorial erzählte Märchen Der selbstsüchtige Riese von seiner betont kunstlosen Sprache mit leichtem Hang zum Pathos.

    El retrato de Dorian Gray

    Oscar Wilde

    Si algo en común tenemos los seres humanos es, que más allá del miedo a la muerte, viene antes la difícil aceptación de nuestra ancianidad: el observarnos al espejo y afrontar un cuerpo maduro, lleno de arrugas y de canas. Pecamos, sin darnos cuenta, de vanidad. Es así como el joven Dorian, en un ligero avistamiento al futuro, rompe en llanto y hace un juramento, o más bien, una petición. Sin saber que, de alguna forma, algo maligno estaba escuchando. Y si a alguien se le podía acusar de vanidoso, era a Oscar Wilde, y es que su filosofía estética y refinada, dio las bases para lo que hoy se le conoce como dandismo.

    The Importance of Being Earnest

    Oscar Wilde

    Read & Co. Classics presents this brand new edition of Oscar Wilde's famous play, «The Importance of Being Earnest», first performed in London in 1895. The play questions the nature and purpose of the institution of marriage, poking fun at the morals, assumptions and constraints found in Victorian values. During the play’s release, Wilde’s social life was aired to the Victorian public after an altercation with his lover’s father, resulting in him being sent to prison for his homosexual relationship. Oscar Wilde (1884-1900) was an Irish author, playwright and poet. He moved from Dublin to Oxford where he studied under renowned art critics Walter Pater and John Ruskin and became associated with the literary and philosophical movement of Aestheticism.

    A Woman of No Importance

    Oscar Wilde

    “A Woman of No Importance” is an 1893 play in four acts by Oscar Wilde. First performed at the Haymarket Theatre in London, it represents a razor-sharp satire of England's aristocratic society in the late nineteenth century. Exceedingly witty and highly enjoyable, “A Woman of No Importance” is highly recommended for theatre lovers and those who have enjoyed other works by Wilde. Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854–1900) was an Irish poet and playwright who became one of the most popular in London during the 1880s and 1890s. Well-known for his sharp wit and extravagant attire, Wilde was a proponent of aestheticism and wrote in a variety of forms including poetry, fiction, and drama. He was famously imprisoned for homosexual acts from 1895 to 1897 and died at the age of 46, just three years after his release. A fantastic play brimming with Wilde's trademark wit not to be missed by fans of his seminal work. Other notable works by this author include: “Picture of Dorian Gray” (1890), “Salome” (1891), and “The Importance of Being Earnest” (1895). Read & Co. Classics is proudly republishing this classic play now in a new edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of Oscar Wilde.

    The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Oscar Wilde

    Read & Co. Classics presents this brand new edition of Oscar Wilde's classic Gothic novel, «The Picture of Dorian Gray» (1890). Perhaps Wilde’s most famous and celebrated of works, the story follows a young man’s hedonistic journey through high society and the depths of depravity. Seduced by the spoils of greed, narcissism and lust, he pays a ghoulish price for his actions. Oscar Wilde (1884-1900) was an Irish author, playwright and poet. He moved from Dublin to Oxford where he studied under renowned art critics Walter Pater and John Ruskin and became associated with the literary and philosophical movement of Aestheticism.


    Oscar Wilde

    Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854–1900) was an Irish poet and playwright who became one of the most popular in London during the 1880s and 1890s. Well-known for his sharp wit and extravagant attire, Wilde was a proponent of aestheticism and wrote in a variety of forms including poetry, fiction, and drama. He was famously imprisoned for homosexual acts from 1895 to 1897 and died at the age of 46, just three years after his release. Although best remembered for his plays, poetry and novels, Wilde also wrote a number of interesting essays a variety of subjects ranging from art and literature to society and beyond, the best examples of which are contained within this volume. They include: “The Decay of Lying, an Observation”, “Pen, Pencil and Poison, A Study in Green”, “The Critic as Artist, with Some Remarks Upon the Importance of Doing Nothing”, “The Critic as Artist, with Some Remarks Upon the Importance of Discussing Everything”, and “The Truth of Masks, A Note on Illusion”. A fantastic collection of interesting and thought-provoking essays not to be missed by those with an interest in the work and mind of this seminal literary figure. Read & Co. Classics is proudly publishing this new collection of classic essays now in a new edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.

    De Profundis

    Oscar Wilde

    This book contains a letter written by Oscar Wilde to British poet and journalist Lord Alfred Douglas, first published in 1905. Composed whilst Wilde was imprisoned in Reading Goal, the letter talks about his romantic relationship with Douglas and their time spent together, as well as Wilde's spiritual development and identification with Jesus Christ. A fascinating and uniquely insightful letter that constitutes a must-read for those with an interest in the life and mind of this world-renowned writer. Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854–1900) was an Irish poet and playwright who became one of the most popular in London during the 1880s and 1890s. Well-known for his sharp wit and extravagant attire, Wilde was a proponent of aestheticism and wrote in a variety of forms including poetry, fiction, and drama. He was famously imprisoned for homosexual acts from 1895 to 1897 and died at the age of 46, just three years after his release. Other notable works by this author include: “Picture of Dorian Gray” (1890), “Salome” (1891), and “The Importance of Being Earnest” (1895). Read & Co. Classics is proudly republishing this classic letter now in a new edition complete with a specially-commissioned new biography of the author.