Барбара Картленд

Список книг автора Барбара Картленд

    Der Herzog und Das Madchen

    Барбара Картленд

    Stürmisch, gut aussehend und elegant selbst in der Schlacht, hat der Herzog von Kingswood schon viele Herzen der Schönen der Gesellschaft gestohlen. Aber er selbst ist ein Eiszapfen, den niemand schmelzen kann und entschlossen, niemals zu heiraten. Um das Familienerbe zu erhalten zählt er auf seinen Vetter Richard, der heiraten und Söhne haben soll. Zum Schrecken des Herzogs jedoch lässt sich Richard von der Sirene der Society und bekannten Schönheit Lady Delyth Maulden einfangen, was schnell zur Tragödie wird als er diese in den Armen eines anderen findet, diesen erschießt und schließlich die Waffe gegen sich selbst richtet. Mit Richard auf der Schwelle des Todes, muss der Herzog nun schnell andere Pläne machen....

    Das Indische Abenteuer

    Барбара Картленд

    Als Major Iain Huntley die schöne junge Brucena Nairn kennenlernt, rettet er sie vor einer tobenden Menge auf einem Bahnhof in Indien. Doch weit davon entfernt, ihm dankbar zu sein, ist Brucena empört, und zugleich unwissend darüber dass Iain Huntleys Order besagt, keine Europäer nach Saugor reisen zu lassen. Sie ist auf dem Weg zu ihrem Vetter, Captain Sleeman und dessen Frau Amelie, um für diese als Nanny zu arbeiten und so ihrem kritischen Vater zu entfliehen, der sich einen Sohn wünschte und nur Fehler in ihr sieht. Aber Brucena findet viel mehr unter der indischen Sonne als nur ein Obdach bei Freunden…

    Die Schöne und der Prinz

    Барбара Картленд

    Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters in Neapel ist die verwaiste, völlig verarmte Forella gezwungen, nach England zurückzukehren. Dort soll sie bei ihrem Onkel, dem Marquis von Claydon, und dessen blasierter Frau leben. Doch die Marquise sieht in ihrem jungen, hübschen Mündel eine ernsthafte Konkurrenz und beschließt, Forella schnellstmöglich zu verheiraten. Auf einer Abendgesellschaft des wohlhabenden ungarischen Prinzen Janos Kovac wird die Marquise von ihrem Geliebten, dem Earl von Sherburn, einer anderen Frau wegen abgewiesen. In grenzenloser Eifersucht beschließt sie, sich zu rächen. Mit Entsetzen muß Forella feststellen, daß man sie zu einer Heirat mit einem völlig Fremden zwingen wird . . .

    Raio De Sol

    Барбара Картленд

    O Visconde Frome está apaixonado e pretende casar-se com Claribell Stamford o mais rápido possível, com uma das mais destacadas beldades da sociedade londrina. Ela é jovem, bonita, charmosa e rica e na verdade ele a considera como a parceira perfeita. A única desvantagem, é que ele precisa da permissão de seu tio, o Duque de Alverstode, antes de a propor em casamento. O Duque, que é um homem mais cauteloso e experiente com as artimanhas de aspirantes a mulheres jovens, sugere ao sobrinho, uma visita à casa de Claribell para conhecer o seu pai, Sir Jarvis, o conhecido proprietário de cavalos de corrida. Assim, o Duque poderá conhecer melhor Claribell e seu pai e sossegar antes de recebê-la na sua ilustre família. Impressionado com a mansão de Stamford Towers, e ansioso para escapar da ofensiva do charme inebriante de Claribell e seu pai, o Duque não consegue se livrar do instinto de que algo está errado e permanece em guarda. Ele fica chocado ao descobrir que existe uma jovem triste, de nome Giona, que por ali anda sozinha observando o pôr do sol sobre os magníficos jardins. Ele fica surpreso ao descobrir que ela é sobrinha de Sir Jarvis, mas vive ali escondida como se de um «esqueleto no armário» se tratasse. Horrorizado com a sua descoberta, a história de maus tratos, fica intrigado com o mistério que a cerca. O Duque decide oferecer a Giona a sua proteção e jura descobrir o segredo da sua família e restaurar toda a sua fortuna. Mas Sir Jarvis, está igualmente comprometido em guardar os segredos de sua família fechados a sete chaves para sempre e não vai descansar em manter a sua reputação intacta. Dois homens determinados, ambos acostumados a fazer o que querem, mas só um deles pode vencer. Giona não imagina que o encontro casual com o Duque de Averstode resultará no seu resgate, salvando-a do seu odioso tio. Mas, para ela, o Duque é o seu Apolo, trazendo luz para o seu mundo, mas à medida que seu amor por ele cresce, Giona teme que ele se veja apenas, como o seu salvador, uma Espada da Justiça. Será que ela poderá ter esperança em encontrar o amor verdadeiro nos seus braços? Mais uma intrigante historia de Barbara Cartland que a deixará cativada até ao fim…

    A Magical Moment

    Барбара Картленд

    The beautiful Lencia is the image of her dear departed Mama and so is still the apple of the eye of her widowed father, the Earl of Armeron. Knowing how deeply Lencia and her younger sister, Alice, are missing their mother, their father promises to take them to see the fabulous historic Châteaux of the Loire Valley in France of which the most exciting and impressive of all is Château Chaumont. But to their chagrin, their hopes are totally dashed when the Earl returns from a trip to the South of France with a new wife on his arm, a stepmother who sees Lencia's beauty as distinct competition for her husband's attention and so she becomes increasingly hostile to the two sisters. Nevertheless the sisters have their hearts set on their French adventure and set off in secret, Lencia disguised in her late mother's clothes and her make-up to look like an older Society lady who is chaperoning the young Alice. By sheer chance they happen to meet on their journey the dashingly handsome Duc de Montrichard, the Guardian of Château Chaumont, who on an impulse invites them to stay with him in his own sublime Château! And soon, while Alice's heart is fit to burst with excitement as they start to explore his Fairytale world, Lencia's is becoming filled with love for the dashing Duc. But, tragically, it seems that her love is doomed since it is based on deceit!

    Look with the Heart

    Барбара Картленд

    After their family mansion burns to the ground, the lovely Erlina Sherwood and her little brother, the 6th Baronet of Sherwood go to the neighbouring estate to ask if they can stay at Meldon Hall. It is just about the only habitable residence in the village left after the Marquis of Meldon on inheriting the family seat disavowed the place and everyone in or near it. Because of his neglect, the Hall has fallen into disrepair – and since local workers and even the Vicar haven't been paid most of the local houses are falling down and most of the villagers have left the area in despair. Expecting only to find the Hall's caretaker in residence, Erlina is taken aback to find a strange man sitting alone in the darkness of the shuttered drawing room – Soon she is discover why the embittered and blind «Wicked Marquis» has so cruelly neglected his people and property. Meeting his greedy, unscrupulous cousin and his beautiful lover, she also realises there are people in the world who far more wicked than the Marquis, with whom she is falling in love.

    Helga in Hiding

    Барбара Картленд

    Things had been bad enough for the inspiring and beautiful young Helga Wensley when her much-loved father died some five years ago, leaving her and her mother in penury. Recently her ailing mother too has passed away, which means that her stepfather, Sir Hector Preston, is now her Guardian. To make matters worse he promises her hand in marriage to a cruel and uncouth man called Bernard Howell, a Fate that she considers worse than dying. As her mother suggested soon before her death, Helga goes for help to her estranged Aunt Millicent, a glamorous actress from the notorious Gaiety Theatre – and her life changes forever. Putting herself forward for a 'role' paying her one thousand pounds in which she pretends to be the fiancée of the dashing Hugo, Duke of Rocklington, Helga finds herself with the most sought-after bachelor in the whole of the Social world at his fabulous country seat, Rock Castle. And, despite Aunt Millicent's firm instructions not to fall in love with the Duke, Helga is smitten and finds that playing the part of the lovestruck fiancée requires no acting at all. But all that changes when by chance Helga again meets the dreaded Bernard Howell, who pursues her brandishing his horse whip and she races back to Rock Castle to the Duke to save her –

    Love has his way

    Барбара Картленд

    After an evening dinner with renowned French ballet dancer and beauty, Nicole de Prêt, handsome young buck about town, the Marquis of Sarne, is stirred from a deep sleep to realise that he has been drugged and then rendered unconscious. And he is in a strange bed in a strange house somewhere in London. Far worse though is the revelation that in his stupor someone has married him to some young servant girl he does not even know by his bitter enemy, Lord Kirkhampton. To avoid the likely scandal and humiliation that his predicament will bring him, he decides to take his 'bride' to his house in Grosvenor Square and there to arrange a divorce as best he can. But soon he realises that this girl was not a willing participant in Lord Kirkhampton's deceitful trick nor is she the plain servant girl he had assumed at first. In fact Romana Wardell is startlingly beautiful and attractive, remarkably intelligent and every bit as appalled by their situation as he is. Then the more that the reluctant newlyweds become acquainted, the less the urgency they feel to put this forced 'marriage' to an early end. Perhaps after all she has the makings of a Marchioness of Sarne!

    Liebe In Monte Carlo

    Барбара Картленд

    Der Tod ihres geliebten Vaters hat die kunstbegabte und idealistische Tempera und ihre schöne und etwas verwirrte Stiefmutter Lady Rothley ohne Liebe und Geld zurückgelassen. Als Lady Rothleys weibliche Reize eine Einladung von niemand anderem als dem Herzog von Chevingham ihn nach Südfrankreich zu begleiten an Land ziehen, scheint sich das Schicksal zu wenden. Eine Heirat mit dem attraktiven, aristokratischen Duke würde das Ende aller Sorgen bedeuten. Aber ohne Zofe anzukommen ist undenkbar, weshalb Tempera sie verkleidet begleitet. Kann diese Reise nach Monte Carlo all ihre Sorgen beenden? Ist es Liebe – oder ist es Betrug?