Olga Orlova

Список книг автора Olga Orlova

    Chronicle of Yanis / Хроники Яниса

    Olga Orlova

    Welcome to a world where the air smells of freedom. Where dreams become reality with just a thought, and suddenly, there’s a plate of fried potatoes in front of you. This world is full of secrets, enticing, drawing you in and engulfing you. And it seems like any moment now, I’ll melt away amidst comfort and dreams. But such bliss never lasts! There’s a knock on the door… And my body comes crashing down from the imaginary cloud onto the hard floor.

    Crónicas de Janis

    Olga Orlova

    Bienvenido a un mundo donde la libertad está en el aire. Donde los sueños se hacen realidad, sólo hay que imaginarlo, y luego las patatas fritas ya están frente a ti. Este mundo está lleno de secretos, atrae, atrae y absorbe. Hay gente feliz a nuestro alrededor, cuyos cuerpos no envejecen. Y parece que yo mismo estoy a punto de derretirme entre el confort y los sueños. ¡Pero no dura tanto! Taira llamó a la puerta… Y mi cuerpo cayó con estrépito desde una nube imaginaria al duro suelo.

    Chonicles of Yanis

    Olga Orlova

    Welcome to a world where the air smells of freedom. Where dreams become reality with just a thought, and suddenly, there’s a plate of fried potatoes in front of you. This world is full of secrets, enticing, drawing you in and engulfing you. And it seems like any moment now, I’ll melt away amidst comfort and dreams.But such bliss never lasts! There’s a knock on the door… And my body comes crashing down from the imaginary cloud onto the hard floor.