Dunja Romanova

Список книг автора Dunja Romanova

    Mi querido James 4

    Dunja Romanova

    Queridos lectores,
    Muchas gracias por comprar este libro.
    "Mi querido James" es una novela erótica corta. No es una historia de detectives, no es una historia de amor clásica. Son noticias frívolas, llenas de lujuria, pasión y sol.
    La historia es sobre una chica joven. Un estudiante conoce a un James en Las Vegas.
    Su Dunja Romanova

    Sexy neighbourhood

    Dunja Romanova

    My name is Lisa. I've been married to Paul for six years. We have a very happy marriage. He was already my big crush at school! Oh, God, that was almost 20 years ago. Because I'm 32. But he's 36. The four-year difference made it impossible for me to get his attention in school. It was just silent admiration!
    So for years I was content with other boys. Sometimes I threw myself into short affairs or one-night stands. Twice I also had longer relationships. But more than 8 months with the same guy I had never managed to have. HE was always haunting my mind somehow, so that all others seemed like second choice men.
    Paul graduated from high school four years before me and joined the Navy right after that. After one year of military service he started studying mechanical engineering. I only learned all this through my girlfriend Linda, whose brother was a friend of Paul. I haven't seen him for years and only had him in my memory. After my high school graduation I did an apprenticeship as an office clerk and later I continued my studies to become a business economist. I am still working in my training company today, now as an office manager.
    I had to work hard for this advancement. But I have to admit that a lot of things have certainly flown to me because of my appearance: I have curly brown hair and blue-green eyes. In addition, I have a rather dark skin type and a body that must impress many men, especially because of my height of 1.80m and long, slender legs.

    Mon cher James 4

    Dunja Romanova

    Chers lecteurs,
    Merci beaucoup d'avoir acheté ce livre.
    "Mon cher James 3" est un court roman érotique. Ce n'est pas un roman policier, ce n'est pas une histoire d'amour classique. C'est une nouvelle frivole, pleine de convoitise, de passion et de soleil.
    L'histoire parle d'une jeune fille. Un étudiant rencontre un James à Las Vegas.
    Votre Dunja Romanova

    The canadian bitch 1

    Dunja Romanova

    Il mio nome è Dunja Romanova. Da qualche tempo scrivo libri erotici. Come la mia serie di libri «Bumsgeschichten» o «Deutsch, biondo, schiavo». Ma ora vorrei dedicarmi a un nuovo progetto.
    Canadian Bitch "– è una raccolta di racconti erotici. Marie Hoover, una donna di 34 anni di Oakville, Ontario, è al centro dell' attenzione.
    Marie è sposata con il suo grande amore Tim. Insieme hanno una figlia, Anni. Anche se Marie è davvero felice, ha un desiderio.
    E quando se ne presenta l' opportunità, Marie si arrende. Sta indulgendo in una conoscenza casuale club. Ma quello che dovrebbe diventare uno stand notturno diventa un po' più grande.
    Marie non ha idea di quanto sia grande.

    The canadian bitch 1

    Dunja Romanova

    Mein Name ist Dunja Romanova. Seit einiger Zeit schreibe ich Erotikbücher. Wie meine Buchreihe «Bumsgeschichten» oder «Deutsch, blond, versklavt». Doch nun möchte ich mich einem neuen Projekt widmen.
    "Canadian Bitch" – ist eine Sammlung erotischer Kurzgeschichten. Im Mittelpunkt steht Marie Hoover, eine 35 jährige Frau aus Oakville, Ontario.
    Marie ist verheiratet mit ihrer großen Liebe Tim. Gemeinsam haben sie eine Tochter, Anni. Auch wenn Marie eigentlich glücklich ist, treibt sie die Sehnsucht umher.
    Und als sich die Gelegenheit ergibt, ergibt sich auch Marie. Sie gibt sich einer zufälligen Club-Bekanntschaft hin. Doch was ein One-Night-Stand werden sollte, entwickelt sich zu etwas größeren.
    Wie groß, kann Marie noch gar nicht ahnen.

    The canadian bitch 2

    Dunja Romanova

    My name is Dunja Romanova. I've been writing erotic books for some time now. Like my book series «Bumsgeschichten» or «Deutsch, blond, enslaved». But now I would like to dedicate myself to a new project.
    Canadian Bitch "– is a collection of erotic short stories. The focus is on Marie Hoover, a 35-year-old woman from Oakville, Ontario.
    Marie is married with her great love Tim. Together they have a daughter, Anni. Even though Marie is actually happy, she has a longing.
    Part 2 connects seamlessly to Part 1. Marie starts her affair with Marty. To make matters worse, the young student does an internship at Marie's workplace.
    But it's not only Marty who keeps an eye on the sexually reawakened Mrs. Hoover.

    The canadian bitch 2

    Dunja Romanova

    Me llamo Dunja Romanova. He estado escribiendo libros eróticos desde hace algún tiempo. Como mi serie de libros «Historias de Sexo» o «Deutsch, rubio, esclavo». Pero ahora me gustaría dedicarme a un nuevo proyecto.
    Canadian Bitch "– es una colección de historias cortas eróticas. La atención se centra en Marie Hoover, una mujer de 35 años de Oakville, Ontario.
    Marie está casada con su gran amor, Tim. Juntos tienen una hija, Anni. Aunque Marie es realmente feliz, tiene un anhelo.
    La parte 2 se conecta perfectamente con la parte 1. Marie empieza su aventura con Marty. Para empeorar las cosas, el joven estudiante hace una pasantía en el lugar de trabajo de Marie.
    Pero no sólo Marty vigila a la Sra. Hoover despierta sexualmente.

    The Holiday Whore 1

    Dunja Romanova

    "The Holiday Whore" is an erotic short novel. It's not a thriller or a classic love story. It is a frivolous short story full of lust, passion and sun.
    The story is about my fi(c)active self. Together with my hard working husband I spend my holidays in Mallorca. I hope to spend a few nice days – and above all nice nights with him.

    Fucking Berlin 6

    Dunja Romanova

    Dear readers, Thank you for purchasing my book.
    My name is Dunja Romanova. With this book I would like to share my lust and sexuality with you.
    This book is the sixth in a series. Each book contains an erotic story. These correspond in part to my life, my real experiences. The rest is a flip-flop movie. My stories are therefore a mixture of wishes, longings, real adventures and masturbation fantasies.
    And now to me: I was born in 1982 in the Soviet Union. Specifically, in Rybinsk, in the sign of Sagittarius. We emigrated to Germany in 1996. Our way led us to Berlin at that time.
    I am 162 cm tall and of cosy but aesthetic figure. I've got a full 95 E-cup. My hair is naturally blonde and my eyes are green to bluish. I have been wearing my hair for many years in short and in different colours.
    Meanwhile I'm heavily tattooed. To my father's annoyance, I also had the back of my hand tattooed. Well, now you have an optical image of me in the stories. But feel free to introduce yourself to something else.
    I hope I can give you a little joy with my fantasies and experiences and/or inspire you to erotic acts;) Of course, I would be very pleased about a positive evaluation and recommendations. To make reading more pleasant, I write from my own point of view.

    Your Dunja

    Fucking Berlin 5

    Dunja Romanova

    Thank you for purchasing my book. My name is Dunja Romanova. With this book I would like to share my lust and sexuality with you.
    This book is the tenth in a row. Each book contains an erotic story. These correspond in part to my life, my real experiences. The rest is a flip-flop movie. My stories are therefore a mixture of wishes, longings, real adventures and masturbation fantasies.
    And now to me: I was born in 1982 in the Soviet Union. Specifically, in Rybinsk, in the sign of Sagittarius. We emigrated to Germany in 1996. Our way led us to Berlin at that time.
    I am 162 cm tall and of cosy but aesthetic figure. I've got a full 95 E-cup. My hair is naturally blonde and my eyes are green to bluish. I have been wearing my hair for many years in short and in different colours.
    Meanwhile I'm heavily tattooed. To my father's annoyance, I also had the back of my hand tattooed. Well, now you have an optical image of me in the stories. But feel free to introduce yourself to something else.
    I hope I can give you a little joy with my fantasies and experiences and/or inspire you to erotic acts;) Of course, I would be very pleased about a positive evaluation and recommendations. To make reading more pleasant, I write from my own point of view.

    Your Dunja