Christian Hermenau

Список книг автора Christian Hermenau

    The Space so wide So large the World

    Christian Hermenau

    Are there really black holes, why do galaxies rotate so fast, is it because of dark matter or have we misunderstood something? Is the theory of the big bang really the only conceivable way to build a universe? What is the space and what the time? Can they be bent and curved, or does this idea lead us into a dead end? Physics today is more unchallenged than ever before. It seems to have sovereign answers to every fundamental question of nature. But in fact the decisive questions remain unsolved. Perhaps only a few, but decisive changes are needed to bring movement back into the whole. Here the author takes a critical look at the fundamental theories of physics and seeks ideas and ways to understand the world at large and small.

    Physics and the complex life

    Christian Hermenau

    Perhaps particles are only small indefinite objects, half wave half particle of quantum mechanics – free and individual. A nice idea, but could life have ever existed then? Perhaps elementary particles are also the smallest components of huge networks and the resulting emergences are much more than just connections. Small bodies that are communicative and store information in a rudimentary form. Did higher life up to us humans perhaps emerge on the basis of elementary networks that have more influence than we previously assumed?

    World without Big Bang

    Christian Hermenau

    Does physics really allow complex life or are we already off track with our formulas and equations? Is it possible that higher life up to humans could develop out of themselves, just as the laws of physics are laid out, or is something very decisive missing? In this book, we follow the basics of our understanding of the world and take completely different paths, which describe reality much more clearly and comprehensively than the standard models are able to do.